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The AVEN Terms of Service (ToS)

Cate Perfect

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Cate Perfect

AVEN Terms of Services (ToS)


1. Accounts/profiles

1.1 Display Names

1.2 Signature Limitations

1.3 Deletion of accounts

1.4 Sock Accounts, Virtual Private Networks and Virtual Machines

1.5 Bots


2. Posting


2.1 Generic rules about content

2.2a Personal insults

2.2b Personal Judgements

2.3 Offensive and bigoted content

2.4 Trolling and flaming behaviour

2.5 Members' security

2.6 Personal Information

2.7 Private and Privileged Communications Remain Private

2.8 Suicide content

2.9 Medical Advice

2.10 Sexually explicit material

2.11 Minor attraction and pedophilia topics

2.12 Photosensitive Content


3. Requests

3.1 Donation requests, advertisements, and other money solicitations

3.2 Researchers and Students requests


4. Moderating

4.1 Liability

4.2 Complaints and reports from members

4.3 Vigilante Modding

4.4 Regarding Using Ignore Feature with Staff

4.5 New Forums

4.6 Warn and Ban System and other official notices

4.6a Appeals

4.6b Probation Terms (for members with successful appeals to a ban from the site)

4.7 Staff Communications Formatting


1. Accounts/profile


1.1 Display Names

All display names must be at least 3 (three) non-white-space characters. Furthermore, to facilitate search functionality, we would ask that all display names contain at least 2 (two) consecutive non-white-space characters. Also, the first two non-white-space characters must be easily found on a standard English language keyboard. Letters, numbers, common symbols, a pair of full stops (..) are acceptable. Users may change their display names eight (8) times per calendar year (365 days). Names found to be too short or otherwise inappropriate (this includes vulgar or profane words, and words which are against the Terms of Service) may be changed without notice though the Admod Team will attempt to contact the user in question before any changes are made where it is not considered urgent. To learn how to change your display name check the Thread How to change your Display Name, and Limitations


This amendment is not retroactive, so people will not be forced to change existing names. However any name changes will have to comply with the new rules


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1.2 Signature Limitations

To ensure smooth browsing for everyone, un-spoilered signatures must not be larger than 1000px by 450px (width x height) and not have any embedded content (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, Reddit).


As a guide this is about 11 lines of text with about 11 words per line. Any amount of Images that fit the guide and 12 Links, using Default size text.  Anything larger than this or using Embeds must be in a Spoiler.


The admins have the right to remove, without notification, any signature that exceeds this limit. Though we'll most likely ask you to edit it yourself. Please bear in mind all of the Terms of Service in mind when making or editing your signature. Below is a graphic to show the maximum dimensions for a signature. The Admod team may re-adjust these parameters with the changing of screen size technologies as necessary.



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1.3 Deletion of accounts
AVEN's policy on the deletion of accounts is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Please see the Thread AVEN GDPR Upgrade & Policy Update for a detailed announcement from the Board of Directors.


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1.4 Sock Accounts, Virtual Private Networks and Virtual Machines

As a member, you agree to register and maintain one account only. Multiple accounts are not allowed unless under circumstances requesting approval by the Admod Team & PT for Vis-Ed. Sock accounts created outside of this process will be subject to merging or deactivation. Members discovered to have multiple accounts may be issued with official warnings or banned from the forum. Furthermore, the following shall also apply to sock accounts: should any member account be used to flame, bully, antagonize, insult, threaten, stalk or harass the members/staff of the site, the account holder will be subject to discipline potentially leading up to banning and informing the user's ISP and/or the proper authorities as the law permits.

Blatant abuse of Virtual Private Networks, Virtual Machine or otherwise use of technologies, not considered as typical computer security use, that hide a members Device, or IP will not be tolerated. Virtual Private Networks and Virtual Machines are used to hide the identity and activity of the poster. This is done by many spambots, trolls, and sock puppet accounts.


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1.5 Bots
Running a Bot and/or automated operating script, that is deemed harmful to the security and operations of the AVEN website, without the expressed permission of the Webmasters and/or the Admod Team will result in an immediate and permanent ban. The decision of whether or not a Bot, and/or automated operating script, poses a threat to the security and operations of AVEN lies exclusively to the judgement of the Admod Team. The threat of Bots and/or automated operating scripts will be determined independently of any precedent cases with the exception of past situations pertaining to a specific program and/or script.

All Bots and/or automated operating scripts, both currently in operation and in future operation, that do not impact the operations of the AVEN website and exist for the sole purpose of assisting and/or benefiting the user have been approved by the Admod Team in advance. In addition visible and registered 'Spider Bots' (Such as Google, Bing, Alexia, etc) have also been approved and are immune to this clause.


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2. Posting


These rules apply in all of AVEN.

Controversy is fine, getting frustrated and even angry is fine. At their discretion moderators will communicate with users not because those users are in trouble but because they want to keep a situation from getting out of hand.


Please realize that it is very difficult to nail down exactly what types of words, actions, and behaviors are warnable. This is done on a case by case basis. The Admods are very careful when reviewing these issues and do not issue warnings haphazardly. However, by agreeing to the ToS, members acknowledge the right of the Moderators and Administrators to make these decisions.

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2.1 Generic rules about content
You agree not to post anything abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful or threatening; additionally, you agree not to post any material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). Posts which might be considered to encourage or indicate an intention to commit activities which might violate applicable laws will be removed immediately.


You agree not to use any vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit words or phrases in your display name. This includes swear words. For more information, please see the Thread Slurs and Other Words to Refrain from Using on AVEN.


AVEN is not a dating website and should not be used by members for that purpose. The focus of the site is visibility and education, and bringing people together for community and support. While relationships may occur naturally, any advertisements and other threads, personal messages, posts, status updates or signatures using AVEN to try to find a partner aren't allowed and will be removed.


Linking to websites which actively host pirated content (eg Putlocker) is prohibited on the forums; the link will be removed once brought to our attention, and repeated infringements can result in a nudge or warn. However, sites with protections against pirated content such as YouTube are fine.


AVEN reserves the right to de-list, delete or ban any links or advertisements to websites known to harass, bully or otherwise antagonize our members. The safety and well-being of the general membership is important and this rule is a pro-active step in creating guidelines for a respectful relationship between AVEN and external websites and communities. This is not meant to close discussion or even disagreement/criticisms of AVEN, but rather focus on the membership and community within.


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2.2a Personal Insults

Personally insulting other users in any way is unacceptable. Calling people insulting or offensive names, troll-calling, bigoted, etc is not acceptable. Nor is Insulting people by using their race, sex, gender identity or expression, creed, disability, nationality, or sexual orientation as a way of insulting a member. 


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2.2b Personal Judgements

Making judgments about other users, especially about the validity of their asexuality, is disallowed. We are here to figure ourselves out, not to put each other in boxes.


This rule also extends to other orientations. On AVEN, the determination of other people's sexual, romantic and gender identities - by any means other than their self-identification - is not permitted. For more information about AVEN's policy on invalidation, please see AVEN's policy on invalidationAVEN's values (2017), and AVEN's values (2022)


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2.3 Offensive and bigoted content

AVEN does not tolerate elitist, racist, queerphobic, or sexist bigotry, as these create an environment that is hostile to the reasonable exchange of views. You may not post hateful, abusive or disparaging content about people's race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, age, or mental or physical disability. This includes anything bigoted against 'asexuals', 'sexuals', 'aromantics' or 'romantics' as identifiable categories.

Posting offensive content, bigoted propaganda, blatant and/or harmful misinformation and disinformation or ideological support for recognized hate groups, including links to such material, may result in an immediate and permanent ban from the forum. This includes Offences judged less serious by the Admod Team will be dealt with under the Warning system outlined below.


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2.4 Trolling and flaming behaviour
As a general rule, trolling, flaming, spamming or insulting of any kind is off-limits. Acting as a troll is grounds for an immediate ban. A troll is defined, not exclusively, as someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the intent of provoking other users into an emotional response. Spamming includes, but is not limited to, posting multiple identical or similar messages on the forums, the chatroom, or members' profiles, particularly if the messages are irrelevant, inappropriate, or advertisements.

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2.5 Members' security
Stalking, bullying, doxxing, threatening to, or joking about, doxxing, or harassing of any kind will not be tolerated. Should any account be used or created for this purpose, the account holder will be subject to official warning or outright banning from the site.
Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hateful comments, implying that someone is "less than" because of their beliefs or orientations, and "spill over" arguments that take place in multiple forums. Bullying is generally considered to be repeated behavior towards someone in an attempt to intimidate them.


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2.6 Personal Information
Posting personal information about another user without their express permission is a serious offence, including doxxing. Such posts are subject to deletion at the request of the exposed party, or at the discretion of admods. This extends to posting PMs and IM conversations.


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2.7 Private and Privileged Communications Remain Private
Sharing PMs, privileged information, and/or their content on a public forum or other social media without permission from the originator(s) and the recipient(s) is not permitted.  In certain pertinent cases, PM's might be discussed by Admods, especially when the PM itself is a question raised to the Admods outside of the public forum/s. If you believe you have been given information from a Mod or another party that looks like it is for Admods, PT, or DT only, or you were given another member's Warning information without consent, please report this content back to an Administrator with all information you have been given, and the names as to who give you that information. Holding onto information and posting it elsewhere is considered Breaching under this rule.


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2.8 Suicide content
The admods value your right to privacy but content with references to contemplating suicide will be taken seriously, and we reserve the right to contact your ISP or any other authorities in your area if we find it necessary. Topics which contain any references to contemplating suicide may be removed immediately.


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2.9 Medical Advice

Whilst we do not wish to dissuade members asking for medical advice, please remember that it is not possible to tell whether the advice given in online forums is accurate, or suitable for you. We would recommend that all members seeking medical advice and needing medical attention to visit a suitable medical professional (such as their doctor or a pharmacist) before attempting any treatment or medications recommended online.


We’re an asexuality visibility and education forum, and we do not want to limit free speech, but we are not experts in medical science and therefore do not, as a team, feel qualified to filter out medical misinformation, nor are we qualified to check sources for accuracy or for what is considered harmful at the time of writing. There are other fora outside of AVEN which are more suitable to have discussions on the effectiveness and safety of medicine and medical practices.


Furthermore, willful spreading of harmful misinformation or conspiracy theories about medical treatments (e.g. abortions, anti-vax propaganda, trans healthcare) is disallowed.


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2.10 Sexually explicit material
Because many users find sexually explicit material offensive we request that posts which contain sexually explicit material contain a warning in the subject line. Please refrain from using sexually explicit subject lines. 

AVEN is an educational site and does have many underage members. In addition to the above recommendation regarding sexually explicit material, sexting of any kind should not be on the public forums. If a member wishes to engage in behavior that would be classified as sexting, they must do so in private PMs. They must establish clear consent and they must establish that everyone involved is of legal age (AVEN is based in America and therefore legal age is considered to be 18). Failure to follow these steps could result in a warning, and sexting with underage users could result in a ban and may be reported to the relevant authorities.

To establish consent, the user must clearly ask, "Is it okay if I do this?" before proceeding. To establish age, all users involved must clearly state that they are 18 or over before proceeding with the sexting.

The legal definition of sexting is as follows: "Sexting refers to an act of sending sexually explicit materials through mobile phones, computers, tablets, or other digital devices." Sexual conduct involves fondling or touching the breasts, bottom, and pubic areas (based on US laws). Note, by this definition intent does not matter, it's sexting and will be viewed as such by the admod team.


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2.11 Minor attraction and pedophilia topics

AVEN's core mission involves creating a safe space for people to explore asexual spectrum identities, including many people below the age of consent. We are not able to fulfill this mission while also serving as a space for those who experience attraction to minors. While many may agree that minor attracted people who have committed no harm towards minors, and are dedicated to avoiding doing so, should have places to openly discuss their experiences and seek support in dealing with their attraction, AVEN is not equipped to serve as such a place. As such:


1) Minor attracted people will be subject to banning from the site.


2) No links relating expressly to minor attraction, pedophilia or child sex abusers will be allowed on the AVEN boards.


3) No topics may be created that focus on minor attraction, pedophilia or child sex abusers. Topics that are created about other subjects but drift to focus on minor attraction, pedophilia or child sex abusers will be asked by mods to find a different focus. Small mentions of minor attraction, pedophilia or child sex abusers that don't redirect conversations to focus on that subject are still acceptable (for example, providing links to research that might include individuals with a range of sexual experiences, one of those experiences happening to be minor attraction or pedophilia)


4) This policy doesn't prevent members from discussing their experiences with child abuse. In such cases, we ask replies focus on support for the member, rather than become a general discussion about pedophilia.


5) This policy prohibits members from disclosing that they have intrusive MAP thoughts or posting about the details of such thoughts


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2.12 Photosensitive Content

Some members may experience discomfort with flashing lights, moving imagery or certain patterns. To mitigate this, be careful with posting any GIFs or videos that are fast moving, have flickering lights, fast flashes or interchanging colours, and consider putting these in Spoilers with Warnings. This is to avoid triggering a number of conditions that members may have.


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3. Requests

3.1 Donation requests, advertisements, and other money solicitations
Members must not send unsolicited donation requests or item advertisements (books, shirts, etc.) using the personal messaging system, or on the boards. Solicitation for direct donations, other fundraising, or the selling of items/services is not allowed on AVEN, with an exception for asexuality Vis/Ed projects that have been reviewed and granted permission for posting by the Admods/PT. This permission should not be taken as endorsement; members should still exercise necessary precautions, and avoid contributing to requests if they feel it is not safe or legitimate. Any requests that have not been granted permission for posting may be taken down in order to protect AVEN members.


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3.2 Researchers and Students requests
If you want or need to make a survey, a research or a study recruiting AVEN members, please make sure to follow the rules for researchers and students established by the Project Team.


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4. Moderating


4.1 Liability
While the administrators and moderators of the forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore, you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and are not necessarily representative of AVEN staff (except for posts by these people) and hence AVEN staff will not be held liable.

You agree that the webmasters, administrators and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time, should they see fit, including content such as photos of minors or other subjects not suitable in the context of the thread.

The IP address of every post is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. As a user, you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, the webmasters, administrators, and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.


To comply with COPPA regulations the minimum age for using this forum without parental permission is 13. People under 13 years of age must ask the admods for a permission form that their parents must sign before they may have an account on AVEN.


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4.2 Complaints and reports from members
If members have concerns regarding matters on AVEN, they are encouraged to inform either a Moderator or Administrator of their concern. If they encounter a post or a member they think breaks the rule of the forum, they should contact an Admod or use the Report function and not engage in direct confrontation. For more on how to report an issue and how such reports are handled, please check the Thread How reports are handled. To know who is the right moderator to contact in each forum, check the Thread Who Mods What.

Unless it is necessary or we are given permission from the AVENite, any requests and complaints to Admods via PM are kept private in the Admods forum. If possible, identities are not revealed to other Admods, just the complaint itself.


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4.3 Vigilante Modding

Vigilante Modding is not allowed. Vigilante Modding is harassing, attacking, or otherwise antagonizing members you believe are acting inappropriately and/or you believe have violated the ToS. The proper procedure in such cases is to report what you know to the Admod team, so proper action can be taken with all the information at hand. Please refrain from engaging in direct confrontation or attempting to take forum justice into your own hands. If you must disagree, do so calmly and with dignity, no matter how outrageous the provocation. To know how to report a post, a member or a PM, see the Thread How to report a post, a PM or a member.

If you suspect that a post or a user is bending the rules of the forum, then PM a moderator or an admin. Do not feed trolls, and do not flame other users no matter how badly you may think they deserve it.


A note regarding Admods and other staff teams:

Admods, as individuals, are protected by this rule. Constructive criticism regarding how AVEN is run is fine, but antagonism towards individual Admods (and/or staff on other teams: Declass, Project Team, Training Team, Board of Directors, etc.) is not. 


As an example, harassment and targeting an individual Admod isn't acceptable. Instead, constructive criticism should be directed to the Admod team as a whole and should not make reference to individuals.


If you feel the need to address the actions of a specific member of the team, this is not a matter for the open board. Options include politely and respectfully sending a PM to that team member or an administrator, or if the situation is severe enough to warrant it, the report system.


Admods are bound by a privacy/breaching policy and may not be able to answer any question(s) about specific incidents (and/or members) until declassed.


Disrespectful, antagonizing posts, memes, and/or PMs to a staff member(s), false public forum and PM accusations, and/or false reporting against an Admod aren't acceptable and may be dealt with by the Admod team.


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4.4 Regarding Using Ignore Feature with Staff

The admod team discourages the use of software that might allow a user to put an admod on "ignore". If you choose to use this software and you miss an admod message (like a green or red warning post) then you risk possible disciplinary action.


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4.5 New Forums
Ideas for new forums or changes to the board are discussed in the Admod forum to nail down ideas and a plan, and then introduced to the board for members to discuss and put to a vote. Suggestions or comments on the matter, as on any other topic, should be posted in Site Comments forum


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4.6 Warn and Ban System and other official notices
The Admod Team has every right to issue the following disciplinary measures as they see fit:


a. "Play nice warning" -- Official communications from Moderators or Administrators are posts in bold green or red text. These are similar to nudges but are not directed at anyone in particular. They are posted in a thread that might escalate into flaming.

Green or red posts in a thread may be considered a nudge depending upon the severity of the situation. Even though they do not name anyone specifically, continuing the action that prompted the green/red post may result in editing or removal of content and further disciplinary action per the discretion of the moderator.  Green and red posts that do not fall under this criteria include thread/post moves, post locks, or other in-thread instructions or announcements.

b. "Nudges" -- These are less severe than a warning and are usually given for minor offences, or a persons first offence, rather than warning right off the bat. This is done to give a member a chance to understand how they have violated rules.

c. Official Warnings and Bans -- The first active Official Warning lasts 90 days, the second active Warning lasts 180 days and includes a two week suspension from the site. A third active Warning can lead to, at the discretion of the Admod Team, either a 180 day suspension, or a permanent ban from all activities on the site .Trolls and spammers receive an automatic ban.


d. Whenever a member receives an Official Warning for transphobic content or for gender identity related offences (such as identity policing with genders), then their warning will come with a temporary suspension of their ability to see or post in the Gender Discussion forum. If a member gets a warning for any content in the Tea and Sympathy forum, their warning will come with a temporary suspension of their ability to see or post in the Tea and Sympathy forum. If a member is repeatedly warned in either forum (gender or T&S), they may permanently be banned from that forum. Note that ban lengths may vary depending on the severity of the infraction. 

e. If either a Moderator or Administrator is warned, they are automatically relieved of their position. In the event a staff member is found to be irresponsible and is removed from their position, they will be barred from running in any election for the same time period as if they had received their first active warning, starting from the day they are removed from their position.

In the event that a Project Team member resigns from their respective position, regardless of their reason for leaving, they cannot run in a Project Team election until their vacated position is filled. This also applies to the Declassification Team. In the event that a Moderator resigns from their respective position, regardless of their reason for leaving, they cannot run in a Moderator election until their vacated position is filled. In the event that an Administrator resigns from their respective position, regardless of their reason for leaving, they cannot run in a Moderator election until a new Moderator is elected to the vacated position left from the election to replace the outgoing Administrator. A vacated position is defined as an unoccupied AVEN role, created by the resignation of Administrator, Moderator, Declassification Team Member or Project Team Member. Furthermore, the position will not be considered filled if roles are shuffled around before an election.

Members cannot run or be elected to the position of an Admod with a current, active warning. Once the warning has elapsed that person is free to run for modship again when elections are next held. Moderators are elected by the forum members; to run, a person must have been a member for at least 6 months, and have at least 100 posts that are not in the Just For Fun or Welcome Area forums. You also cannot run with an active, current warning (see above). Administrators are elected by the current staff. To know more about elections, campaigning rules and moderators' and admins' duties, read these threads:

Rules and Procedure for Elections
What a Mod Does - updated
Mod and Admin Roles

When a member is warned, a private message will be sent to the member with a detailed explanation of why the warning was given. The private message will include a quote and explanation of what was warnable in the member's post, a thread name or link, as well as any other information that the Administrator or Moderator wishes to include.

When a member is banned, if the member is not a spammer a post will be made in the Admod Archives with a short description of why the member was banned. Note: some member bans will not be mentioned in the event that the member was banned for harassment or other reasons based on the Admod's discretion"

Moderators are required to bring up warnings with the admod team at least 24 hours prior to sending a warning for the team to review the situation.


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4.6a Appeals
If you feel that you have been warned or banned unfairly, you may bring your concern to the Moderator or Administrator for discussion. This will begin a review process, where the Admod Team will address the concern in question, ultimately resulting in a decision to keep the warning or ban in effect or to repeal it. This decision is final and cannot be appealed further. If you decide to appeal, you cannot publicly discuss anything about the appeal until the admods have sent you the final decision. ("Publicly" includes posts and status updates.) Doing so will immediately end the appeal with the original decision made by admods being considered final. However, once the final decision has been made, you may then post about your appeal.


To learn how to appeal, read this post in: AVEN's Disciplinary System and How to Appeal


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4.6b Probation Terms (for members with successful appeals to a ban from the site)
If a previously banned member of AVEN makes an appeal and is allowed to return to membership there is a six month probationary period. During this time, the following are the terms of this probation:

A reinstated member comes back with 2 active warns, both of which last 6 months. The terms of reinstatement also include a possible permanent ban if it is earned (that cannot be appealed).

While on probation, the returning member will be permanently banned under the following circumstances:
- If a nudge is received
- If a warn is received
- If the returning member socks, trolls, flames, or similar, at any time

In addition to this, a formerly banned member is ineligible to run in any AVEN elections.

Furthermore, (h)AVEN access is not automatically reinstated. If the returning member wishes to be part of that forum again, they must request access at the end of the (6 month) probationary period.


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4.7 Staff Communications Formatting
All Staff colours are reserved and not to be used by Members in posts in conjunction with bold text. The following are examples of specific Staff colours and the codes used.  Be aware that bold lettering with shades similar to these must be avoided.


Moderators: Green (#009933)

Administrators: Red (#cc0033)

Declassification Team: Orange (#ff8000)

Project Team: Pink (#ff66ff)

Webmasters:  Blue (#3498db)


Please note that Official Staff postings also contain the staff member's name and title in the post.  This formatting helps ensure the Team Member's message is as visible for as many members as possible.  Any post formatted in these colours and excessive bold is subject to change by Admods.


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  • 1 year later...

The ToS used to be here. Now it is in the post above.

Happiest guidelines were in the post above. Now to be found below.

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Note: There has been a change in the original

We changed the declassifcation from 3 months to 1 month

[edit by Kelly Kelly]: Amended on 26 May 2007 to add the Private Messages Remain Private clause.

Amended 31 July 2007 to add the sock puppet clause.

Amended 14 December 2007 to add the Proxy IP Address clause.

Amended 28 March 2008 to add Chat Room clause.

Amended 6 August 2008 to remove PT Admod restriction

Amended 27 August 2010 to define "troll"

Amended 13 March 2011 to clarify sock puppets. See: http://www.asexuality.org/en/index.php?/topic/59613-tos-updated/

Amended 18 March 2011 to clarify warning announcements. See: http://www.asexuality.org/en/index.php?/topic/59746-tos-update/

Amended 26 March 2011 to clarify warn appeals. See: http://www.asexuality.org/en/index.php?/topic/59955-the-tos-has-been-updated/

Amended 1 January 2012 to add Display Name Clause

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  • 8 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...
. . .but there are sounds

Terms of Service updated to include a section on display names.

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  • 4 months later...

*update* This thread has been moved to Site Info Center.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

*Updates ToS*

The clause: "You may not create a thread or post to “call out”, or otherwise openly antagonize, another member. This behaviour includes posting memes, references, and/or related images." has been amended into the "vigilante modding" paragraph.

The link to campaigning restrictions for elections has been added to the section about Moderators.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Updated the ToS to include missing info on second warns.

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  • 2 months later...

Updated replacing the links to the election rules and campaigning restrictions with the new one.

Updated an old link to Chat ToS in the chatbans section, with the new one.

Edited by ithaca
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Updated with bot clause

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  • 1 month later...

Updated wording in Suicide content clause. Replaced "threaten suicide" with "references to contemplating suicide."

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Updating. Removed outdated helpful guidelines (found in spoiler below) and moved the ToS into the first post. Nothing about the ToS was actually changed.

Helpful Guidelines to Keep AVEN the Happiest Place on Earth*

Please keep in mind that anyone can see what you write and refrain from excessive foul language (swearing or graphic descriptions of sexual activity) and if you will be employing many ‘sentence enhancers’ or TMI please give warning at the start of your post or in the thread title.

Whilst on the topic of thread titles—as a courtesy to everyone, please have your title reflect what your thread concerns. This will ensure that more people who might be interested in your topic will see it and reply.

It is the nature of threads to go off topic on occasion (or most of the time), but please try to stay somewhere within the vicinity of the topic. If you’d like to continue an off topic conversation please make a new thread.

If a thread is more than a month old and you have nothing significant to contribute, please do not revive it. This is called thread necromancy and is quite needless and rude. This is not to say "Don't post in old threads", but please be sure that what you are posting hasn't been covered in the thread already, and is something worth discussing further.

Please do not post duplicate threads. One forum is plenty. If you post a thread which you later feel would be better suited to another forum please inform either the moderator of the forum your thread is in or any administrator and they will move your thread to another forum. If there is already a thread on a topic you'd like to discuss, please do not create a new thread for it. If you think something may have been discussed before, use the search feature.

As a courtesy to those on dial up, please either size any pictures to a smaller format or just link to the photo.

Please respect that other people’s opinions have value and keep discussions civil e.g. no personal attacks or name-calling. Remarks disparaging people who do not share your views (asexual elitism, misogyny/misandry, homophobia/heterophobia, etc) only reflect badly on you.

If you decide to change your username, please post your old and new one in the ‘Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?’ thread in Just for Fun. Also, regarding usernames, please do not create more than one account for the purposes of ‘sock-puppetry’. If you have something to say—say it under your own name.

Maintaining a modicum of correct grammar & spelling will ensure more people read your posts—if a post is difficult to read because it’s all in caps or completely in 1337 speak then some people won’t take the time to read it.

And lastly, we do get trolls on occasion. If you believe that a post on the board is trollish in nature, please alert your friendly neighbourhood admod, and please do not respond to, provoke, or in any other way feed the trolls.

Your personal Jean Brodie,

Cate Perfect, Former Admin
(with edits by a BunnyMod)

* Disney can sue me if they want--I only have $300 to my name

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Updated with this addition to section 6:

In the event an Administrator, Moderator or Project Team member is found to be irresponsible and is removed from their position, they will be barred from running in any election for 180 days, starting from the day they are removed from their position.

In the event that a Project Team member resigns from their respective position, regardless of their reason for leaving, they cannot run in a Project Team election until their vacated position is filled. In the event that a Moderator resigns from their respective position, regardless of their reason for leaving, they cannot run in a Moderator election until their vacated position is filled. In the event that an Administrator resigns from their respective position, regardless of their reason for leaving, they cannot run in a Moderator election until a new Moderator is elected to the vacated position left from the election to replace the outgoing Administrator. A vacated position is defined as an unoccupied AVEN role, created by the resignation of Administrator, Moderator or Project Team Member. Furthermore, the position will not be considered filled if roles are shuffled around before an election.

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  • 2 months later...

Updated with this addition to section 6:

Probation Terms (for members with successful appeals to a ban from the site)

If a previously banned member of AVEN makes an appeal and is allowed to return to membership there is a six month probationary period. During this time, the following are the terms of this probation:

A reinstated member comes back with 2 active warns, one lasting 3 months and one 6 months. The terms of reinstatement also include a possible permanent ban if it is earned (that cannot be appealed).

The returning member will be permanently banned under the following circumstances:

- If a nudge is received at anytime in the first six months

- If a warn is received in the first 3 months

- If two warns are accrued in the following 3 months, as, after the first 3 months, one warn expires and one is still active

- If 3 active warns are accrued after the probation period has ended

- If the returning member socks, trolls, flames, or similar, at any time

In addition to this, a formerly banned member is ineligible to run in any AVEN elections.

Furthermore, (h)AVEN access is not automatically reinstated. If the returning member wishes to be part of that forum again, they must request access at the end of the (6 month) probationary period.

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  • 2 months later...

Updated to replace outdated links in the following sections:

k. vigilante modding

4 - Complaints and reports from members

Display Names

Signature Limitations

6 - Warn and Ban system and other offical notices - section/point e

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  • 6 months later...

Updated to clarify nudges, added "How to Appeal" thread link under appeal in section 6 and noted that all nudges cannot be appealed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Updated section 1 to include all AVEN staff, and also to change some grammatical issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Updated section 2c (offensive and bigoted content) to include elitist comments and hateful comments on sexual orientation.

Updated section 2h (donation requests) to include chat and the boards.

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