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Politesse: first Italian Research Center to have asexuality among its priorities


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The few of you who have been following my threads discussing my silly travelling and awkward presentations around the forums may know that here one thing is leading to another. :)

Lorenzo Bernini, the same professor who organized the conference I went to in Verona and wrote a book where he also mentioned asexuality, is the coordinator of a research center on politics and theories of sexuality. always in Verona, named Politesse. As far as I know, it's the first one in Italy to add, today, asexuality in the priorities listed in their Rules/Presentation :aven: :vis:

The part that concerns asexuality (translating it) says:

Among its priorities:


3- to introduce in the Italian academic debate of philosophy, law and human sciences, themes so far absent or with low presence, such as:


- the (social, juridical, political, bioethical, psychological) implications of the pathologization of transgenderism, transexuality and asexuality, and of the medicalisation of intersexuality.

I'd like to thank Lorenzo and all the other members of the Board :cake: :aven:

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