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2024 Ace Community Survey

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Hi, everyone. The (usually yearly) Ace Community Survey is here, for 2024.


Last year, the organizers announced there wasn't one available to post in 2023; so, it was held off until this year.

Delays in the 2023 Ace Community Survey | The Ace Community Survey


It's, currently, the largest, yearly, international ace community survey in the world, with around 12,000 - 14,000 participants. 


This year, one new change is that it's only available for participants who are 15+. The organizers are collaborating with Northwestern University.


Here's a link to their announcement, the survey, and emails if participants have questions or comments for them about the survey, which can be chosen from a variety of languages.


From The 2024 Ace Community Survey is now open | The Ace Community Survey:



It’s that time of year again – we are now recruiting participants for the Ace Community Survey!


The Ace Community Survey is run by the Ace Community Survey Team–a community-based volunteer organization–in collaboration with Northwestern University.  It collects valuable information on the demographics and experiences of members in the ace community, including asexual, demisexual, gray-asexual, and related identities. Participants also have the option to make data available to external researchers, or only to our team.


The survey is open to anyone: ace, non-ace, or still questioning. As long as you are 15 years of age or older, we want to hear from you! We want to get a wide variety of responses from as many parts of the community as possible, so we encourage you to share this link with any other potentially interested individuals you know or any ace communities you participate in.


Click here to take the 2024 Ace Community Survey: 

https://redcap.nubic.northwestern.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=8HDXK4337TPJ8JHP or https://tinyurl.com/AceSurvey2024


Here are a couple of examples of previous Ace Community survey announcements that were posted on AVEN:


Ace Survey 2021 - Announcements - Asexual Visibility and Education Network (asexuality.org)


2022: Ace Community Survey - Announcements - Asexual Visibility and Education Network (asexuality.org)


Thank you!


This survey was approved by a PT member.

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Please do everyone take the 2024 Ace Survey! It's a really important source of information for researchers, and activists when speaking for policy members, and of course it's crucial that AVEN members are represented.


Here is the link again:

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Anomaly Q3Xr

Done :) 

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