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Androgyny test


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Biologically male, *checks to be sure* yep most certainly male, and I'm comfortable as such. Though I did score a 3, which is pretty androgynous. Doesn't mean much to me, since I'll carry on acting how I do regardless, just surprised myself I scored so close to the female side of things.


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Significant Form

Cis male, and I got a 22. I'm a bit surprised that I scored so strongly feminine, but I guess this is what comes of defining masculinity as "whatever the hell I want it to be." I frequently curtsy and click my heels, after all.

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+26: oh heck yeah, I'm feminine. XD

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Everyone has something androgynous in themselves so this really shouldn't be considered as important as people do consider it.

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I'm a cis-girl and I got 0. :lol: I guess I'm pretty balanced as a person?

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I'm a cisfemale.

I scored -9, Androgynous. Personality-wise, I think this is very true. Appearance-wise, I know it's pretty obvious I'm a woman, what with my makeup, skirts, and body shape.

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Agendered biomale -27

I still feel agendered

Also, "loves children" is a feminine trait? Really?

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Biological female, perfect 0. (25-25.) Androgynous.

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-9 for me, I'm not surprised. That's how people perceive me, they often tell me how "inappropriate" my attitudes are for a woman <_< And several years ago, I would have had surely a more "masculine" result.

Sad to see some qualities are still viewed as "masculine" or "feminine" nowadays :(

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-11, Nearly Masculine (very close to Androgynous.)

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-7, Androgyny. I'm not a huge fan of this test. As others have said, it's just a bunch of stereotypes, and it's very subjective. While I do identify as a male, I'm more feminine than this test would suggest. Though, for the type of test it is, I guess it could have been less accurate. :rolleyes:

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I scored +4. Notably, I put 6's or 7's in most of those categories except "loves children", and "dominant and independent", which explains the positive skew.

I think it is a poor test. Then again, concepts like masculinity and femininity are meaningless to me. So, this is more "are you stereotypically masculine or feminine" rather than "are you masculine or feminine" (which can't be determined by these kind of tests, I think).

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Cisgender female,

My result: -20, Masculine

I am not impressed by this test.

(Though I can't say I'm surprised with the result.)

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Cis-male and I got a -3. Frankly, not only is this a really poorly designed test, but, yeah, I have a LOT of issues with the stereotypes presented by it. I must admit that I find that, in being a nice guy who can be very assertive when required (part of my job), I would be considered 'androgynous'. *chuckle*

Edit: This test was developed in the mid-70s; that explains a lot. :lol:

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I got 43-43 O_O

so 0

so Androgynous

not surprise here

since I knew already

and another gender text I had taken in the past with 125 question

gave the result of being neither man nor woman

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+13 for me. I guess that's about right. I've always been a little andrgynous. I am more on the feminine side and will usually identify as female for the ease of things, but I don't always feel particularly feminine or masculine and sometimes I feel more masculine. *shrug*

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Capslock Cadet

Damn, I got -25. It was kind of expected, but maybe I thought the score would be a little less than that, maybe in the "nearly masculine" category. It seems like a kind of poor test, but it was fun nonetheless.

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I think it functions much more readily for determining how stereotypically masculine or feminine someone is, and I'm not sure that that wasn't all that was expected, the way the traits used were chosen.

Scored +14. I consider my gender ambiguous and unimportant enough to let other people gender me as they wish, and my sex is quite frankly no-one else's business, so "nearly feminine" is fine by me. Might have been skewed a bit by having lots of assertiveness stuff in the male column, so I scored lower there than I might have if there had been more variety.

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i'm biologically female, but don't know what i identify as with gender yet. got a +8, so "Androgynous" by the test. but would have been "Nearly Feminine" if i was up by one point (some of my answers were slightly undefinitive, so they could have went down also...). appearance wise, i prefer to look more androgynous if that means anything much.


just retook the test, and got +2. i identify as neutrios so androgynous fits. again, i have no freaking idea how to rate myself on these questions.... so it's interesting. :P

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Got +6, meaning in the androgynous range.

Was born a woman.

Pretty much the kind of answer I expected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got -23. I am biolocally female, but I don't really care about gender. I am assertive and independent, but I never thought these were masculine qualities :wacko:

Now I really want to show the test to my housemates and see their scores :rolleyes:

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I'm agender/slightly genderfluid and bio male and got +3.

On the BSRI I got 35 M, 40 F, and 60.833 A/N all out of 100.

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Professor T. Pollution

I think it functions much more readily for determining how stereotypically masculine or feminine someone is, and I'm not sure that that wasn't all that was expected, the way the traits used were chosen.

Defnitely true. I'd argue that's what the test was designed to measure — they specifically relied on what their sample subjects viewed as desirable feminine vs masculine traits.

I'm male and got -40. I'm really, really not nurturing/compassionate/etc, strongly dislike children, and otherwise don't fit any of their 'feminine' traits, so that's about what I expected.

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I'm physically female. Got 0 ...androgynous.

I agree with the result.


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Typical Power

+6 I have to say the result does adequately express how I identify.

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I am male bodied and i got a plus 39 which is feminine. not surprising really

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