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Amy's Masterpost of Vis Ed Material Images


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The following content are pictures I have made to support asexuality vis/ed. You can also find my blog here: http://asexualityresource.tumblr.com

Am I Asexual? Answer:


Identity Flow Chart (V2):


Identity Flow Chart (ORIGINAL):


Sexual and Romantic Orientations:


Image Reads:

"Sexual Orientation: A sexual orientation is whether you feel a sexual attraction to another person or not, and who you are sexually attracted to. Sexual attraction is a desire to have sexual relations with another person and/or vivid sexual fantasies of said person. Sexual attraction should not be confused with aesthetic attraction.
Heterosexual: Being sexually attracted to a different sex and/or gender.
Homosexual: Being sexually attracted to the same sex and/or gender.
Bisexual: Being sexually attracted to more than one sex and/or gender.
Pansexual: Being sexually attracted to people regardless of sex and/or gender.
Asexual: Does not experience sexual attraction.
Demisexual: Only experiences sexual attraction after a strong emotional bond is established.
Greysexual: Only occasionally experiences sexual attraction.
Romantic Orientation: A romantic orientation is whether you experience romantic attraction to another person or not, and to who you experience romantic attraction to. Romantic attraction is a desire to be close/intimate with another person, but is not necessarily sexual. Romantic orientation is used strongly by asexuals as they do not experience sexual attraction.
Heteroromantic: Romantically attracted to a different sex and/or gender.
Homoromantic: Romantically attracted to the same sex and/or gender.
Biromantic: Romantically attracted to more than one sex and/or gender.
Panromantic: Romantically attracted to people regardless of sex and/or gender.
Aromantic: Does not experience romantic attraction.
Demiromantic: Only experiences romantic attraction after a strong emotional bond has been established.
Greyromantic: Only occasionally experiences romantic attraction.

One’s sexual and romantic attractions may not align. An asexual is not necessarily aromantic, and a sexual is not necessarily romantic. As well, a person may be heterosexual, but may be homoromantic, because again, sexual and romantic attractions may not be the same."

Asexual Awareness Banners:

Link to 1000x500 image downloads

AVEN thread with images and suggestions

Glossary Master Image:


Terms taken from AVEN.

Image reads:


Someone who does not experience sexual attraction.
Someone who can only experience sexual attraction after an emotional bond has been formed.
This bond does not have to be romantic in nature.
Gray-asexual (gray-a) or gray-sexual:
Someone who identifies with the area between asexuality and sexuality, for example because they
experience sexual attraction very rarely, only under specific circumstances, or of an intensity so low
that it's ignorable.
In this context, it refers to a mental or emotional force that draws people together. Asexuals do not
experience sexual attraction, but some feel other types of attraction.
Aesthetic attraction:
Attraction to someones appearance, without it being romantic or sexual.
Romantic attraction:
Desire of being romantically involved with another person.
Sensual attraction:
Desire to have physical non-sexual contact with someone else, like affectionate touching.
Sexual attraction:

Desire to have sexual contact with someone else, to share our sexuality with them.

A person who experiences no romantic attraction to others.
A person who is romantically attracted to members of two different sexes or genders.
A person who is romantically attracted to members of the opposite sex or gender.
a person who is romantically attracted to members of the same sex or gender.
Panromantic or Omniromantic:
a person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited by the other's sex or gender.
Similar to biromantic except that it includes genders beyond male and female including transgender,
genderqueer and third gender.
Grey-romantic or Gray-romantic:
a person with a romantic orientation that is somewhere between aromantic and romantic.
One type of gray-romantic is called demiromantic.
a type of grey-romantic who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an
emotional connection beforehand. According to the model derived from Ragber's "secondary
and primary sexual attraction model", demiromantics do not experience primary romantic attraction,
but they are capable of secondary romantic attraction.
a person (regardless of their gender) who is romantically attracted towards
male-identified people; it helps defining romantic attraction for people who don't identify in the gender
binary system, and can't say which gender is “same” or “opposite” to theirs.
Gyneromantic or Gynoromantic:
a person (regardless of their gender) who is romantically attracted towards female-identified people;
it helps defining romantic attraction for people who don't identify in the gender binary system, and
can't say which gender is “same” or “opposite” to theirs.
a person who is romantically attracted towards transgender person(s). Generally used in the
trans* community to describe trans* people who are exclusively attracted to other trans* people.
Sex: one’s biological condition, male, female, intersex, or transitioned
a person born with indeterminate (neither male nor female) genitalia, though they
might still have regular chromosomes (XX or XY)
a person who has undergone surgery and/or taken hormones to make their
body resemble a sex other than its birth sex (I only add this because some neutrois
people transition to a middle ground rather than male or female)

Part of the human genome (DNA code) which designates your biological sex.

Gender: one’s nonphysical identity (it does not have to be similar to your biological sex), often the sex one feels one should be
Agender: neither male nor female
Bigender: both male and female, either simultaneously or alternating
Pangender: all the genders, (either simultaneously or) alternating between them
Genderless: a person with no conscious gender identity; a person who would be comfortable in any body
Neutrois (sometimes FtN or MtN): a person who wishes to have a blank, sexless body
Gender Expression:
the sex/gender one actively portrays oneself as via clothing, mannerisms, etc.
Gender Binary:
an outdated model of gender based on sex, which assumes people can all be grouped into male or female
Binary's Bitch:
A state of being in which the individual is ambivalent about their relationship with the binary. On the one hand,
they feel restricted and confined by its limits, but on the other find it inescapable. In some respects it is the opposite
of agender; rather than having no gender, the Binary’s Bitch has far too much gender going on for their own comfort.
A specific subset of androgyne.
an umbrella term for non-binary identified people
a term used to describe those whose gender cannot be described by any existing label, or cannot be pinned down as such.
a person with no set gender identity, e.g. a genderless or bigender person (?)
1. someone assigned female at birth who feels but the barest association with that identification, though not a significant enough
dissociation to create real physical discomfort or dysphoria;
2. someone assigned male at birth who is transfeminine but not wholly binary-identified, so that they feel more strongly associated
with "female" than "male," socially or physically, but not strongly enough to justify an absolute self-identification as "woman."
Demiguy: Reverse of demigirl
1. a person who is/will/would transition/ing from one sex to another;
2. Someone who is medically transitioning, usually
within the biological sex binary, although some intersexed people will transition to a binary biological sex, and some people will transition
to non binary genders, such as neutrois.
1. umbrella term for a person whose gender and sex do not match up;
2. specifically an MtF (male to female) or FtM (female to male) transgender person;
3. MtF or FtM who lives openly but without any surgical transition (as opposed to transsexual)
Trans: originally a shortened form of "transgender," sometimes used as an umbrella term for all non-cisgender people
Transyada: 1. (loosely) a person who identifies outside the gender binary (i.e., not strictly as male or female);
2. Those which don't fit into the gender binary, and who hang out in the 'transwhatever' thread or their own Yada Forum.
Transman/FtM: a person born female who identifies as male
Transwoman/MtF: a person born male who identifies as female
1. for a trans person of any gender to come out and live openly according to that gender;
2. when one undergoes surgery/ies and/or hormone injections to make one's body better conform to one's
gender, including but not limited to sex reassignment surgery (SRS)
a person born female who, on the binary spectrum with male at one end and female at the other, is on the male side of the midpoint, even slightly
Transfeminine: reverse of transmasculine
(Note that a transmasculine person can identify as neutral as well as male. Reverse for transfeminine.)
a person whose sex and gender match
anyone who is nominally agender but displays many mental characteristics opposite to their biological sex, yet isn't completely one way or the other
1. middle ground between male and female, not determinably one or the other;
2. a gender expression and/or descriptor characterized by a mix/blend of masculine and feminine.
Androgyne: a gender which is a mix/blend of male and female (sometimes this term includes agender). from the greek(?) andro (male) and gyne (female).
There are many sets of gender-neutral pronouns flying around.
-He/She, Him/Her, His/Her, His/Hers, Himself/Herself
-They, Them, Their, Theirs, Themself
-Ey, Em, Eir, Eirs, Emself
-Ze, Zim, Zer, Zers, Zimself (also spelled zhe, zhim, etc.)
-Sie, Hir, Hir, Hirs, Hirself
-Co, Co, Co’s, Co’s, Coself
-Xe, Xem, Xyr, Xyrs, Xemself

-En, En, Ens, Ens, Enself

Asexuality Info Business Cards:

Coming soon. Need to update them.

Asexual Bullying Banners:


"Asexuals have feelings like everyone else. Stop the phobia."


"Calling an asexual a "prude" is hurtful"


"Asexuals are not heartless robots"


"Being asexual does not mean I'm "emo""


"Calling an asexual a "special snowflake" hurts"


"Asexuality is REAL and I EXIST"

Asexuality Pride ID form:


Attraction Definitions Visual:


Aesthetic: An attraction to other people that is not connected to a desire to do anything with them, either sexually or romantically. They simply appreciate their appearance.

Romantic: A feeling that causes people to desire a romantic relationship with a specific other person. (ex partnership (”boyfriend”, “girlfriend”, ect) Romantic attraction is difficult to define and may vary.

Sensual: A desire to do sensual (but not sexual) things with certain people, especially relating to tactile sensuality such as cuddling.

Sexual: A feeling that sexual people get that causes them to desire sexual contact with a specific other person. It is often, but not always, felt along with other forms of attraction.

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Oh, wow. These are cool.

:cake: to your work and :vis: for advancing education and awareness.

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  • 1 month later...

Asexual Bullying Banners have been added.


"Asexuals have feelings like everyone else. Stop the phobia."


"Calling an asexual a "prude" is hurtful"


"Asexuals are not heartless robots"


"Being asexual does not mean I'm "emo""


"Calling an asexual a "special snowflake" hurts"


"Asexuality is REAL and I EXIST"

As well as the Asexuality Pride ID form.


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