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So Labels?


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What is it called if you are emotionally/romantically attracted to guys, but repulsed by sex with them, and sexually attracted to girls, but not emotionally/romantically? I'm basically wondering if that would be considered asexual or like half-asexual? Or just bisexual?


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Heteroromantic Homosexual or Homoromantic Heterosexual depending on the gender of the person, perhaps?

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As I've been learning, everything doesn't fit under a specific label, but maybe heteroromantic homosexual? Maybe demisexual? :)

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Batman's Ace

Wouldn't that depend on whether the individual is male or female? 'Cause whether any part of it would have the prefix homo- or hetero- would depend on that. If you're a girl, 7Seven, I might call it homoerotic heteroromantic sexual, and if you're a guy, switch the prefixes.

But labels can be kind of fluid things (mine have changed a bit since getting on here), and really what you decide to apply to yourself is up to you, so maybe as you poke around you'll find words that you think make more sense.

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Janus the Fox

It's for the best that labeling here is not the best thing to do with mixed feelings. Just go with feelings, not with labels. Gee, that last sentence is becomming a new catchphrase for me... ^_^

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