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To Canadians


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Hey all, I was wondering if those Canadians among us could give me some info, partiularly anyone that lives in Toronto. I've been looking for PhD programs in zoology around NY. There is only one in the state, and then there is the one in Toronto, that is supposed to have one of the test programs for this, so I'm thinking about it. However, I'd like some info on the college or city, etc. Such as, I hear that living expenses there are very high. And that it's hard to find a job that pays all the expenses for students. And that its really really cold... I'm having some trouble figuring out the tuition every year but I think I guestimated it to be about $20,000. Would anyone know if this is right? How hard is it to become a citizen? Anything else anyone wants to add?

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The only way I qualify to answer this at all is that I'm Canadian. So, unfortunately I have no info to give you, just didn't want you to think you were being ignored :)

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The only way I qualify to answer this at all is that I'm Canadian. So, unfortunately I have no info to give you, just didn't want you to think you were being ignored :)

Thanks, my post was getting lonely :wink:

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I'm from the US, so I know pratically nothing about this. Sorry about that. :( I've been thinking of moving there, though.

Link to Canadian weather averages:.http://www.climate.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/...ls/index_e.html

It's in metric though.

If the colleges you're thinking about have an orientation program for new students, maybe you can talk with a current student about the costs, weather and such

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The Evil Cashew

Lol ok. i can help a bit.

Toronto isn't that bad of a city. I don't live there but i have friends who do and have been there often. it would also help if you could name this college u were thinking of going to. i have friends at school in toronto but i can't ask them what they pay in school fees if i dunno what school u need to know about. My one friend went to Glendon College and she told me that she she didn't spend more tha 20 000$ ( but couldn't give me a number) in one year. that included residence, tuition and all that stuff so you should be ok.

As for citizenship.. hmmm not sure what u need to do exactly for that. you could probably find it online.. if i have time later i will look for you. But you could always try to get a student Visa. i am almost positive u can work with one of those.

Toronto is a BIG and busy city so if your not used to that it will be intimidating. I know a friend who found it Very disturbing when in the winter he would hear the car picking up dead homeless poeple in the winter.. so just keep that in mind too if your not used to the city. It does depend on where u are now though.

As for Weather, well. its gets hot in the summer 80's or higher. But you WILL get a good winter in Toronto there is a minimum of like 2 feet. Its nothing HORRIBLE though. WHat is it with you silly americans that think canada is so cold! :wink:

I know housing is expensive in toronto. couldn't give you #'s though. As for jobs. not sure about that either i could do some digging like i said if you really need me to (maybe see if anyone FROM toronto replies to this post first?)

uhm... i dunno i think i covered everything u wanted to know. I live only 3 horus fom toronto so really i can help with stuff not pertaining directly to the city but i do have friends who live there. Let me know if i can help you with anything else!


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Oopsy, I did forget to mention the school, didn't I? I'm looking at the University of Toronto, and it on that site, the part for international students, that it said it was very hard to find jobs and support yourself. I'm not used to a really big city, I grew up in hick country. But I am used to smaller cities. As for the cold, I asked because I'm in NY and it's cold! My poor old aching joints...

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I live in Scarborough, just down the road from the UofT at Scarborough. The weather is not much colder than New York.

Here are some links to the Canada government website, concerning immigration: http://canadainternational.gc.ca/GTC/Going_To_Canada-EN.htm and about studying in Canada specifically: http://canadainternational.gc.ca/GTC/Study_in_Canada-en.htm.

Of course, the U of T website, http://www.utoronto.ca/. Have you registered and done some exploring of the site yet?

I worked at the Toronto Zoo a couple years ago (in project management as a researcher - was the best damn job I have ever had!) so you could always try to apply there for part time work. You could also try to apply for jobs on campus too, but it is hard to get a job. There are a lot of employment agencies that you can apply to and one of the best employment advertising sites is www.workopolis.com. There's also the government job bank: http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/Intro_en.asp that has a search specifically for students.

Tuition is about 6000 per year for Canadian students, but it's a lot higher for international students, probably about 10,000-12,000. Apply to as many grants and scholarships as you can! There's a long list of them on the website. You can also apply to live in residence. I don't really know about housing prices, though. I go to school in Lindsay and our residence is about 500$ per month, so it's probably between 500-750 in Toronto (all these prices are in Canadian dollars).

The main campus is spread all over the downtown, so I don't know which buildings you'd be in. They are on the transit lines so they're fairly easy to get to. You'd probably need to get a monthly pass. The transit system is pretty reliable, at least downtown. I like taking the subway (not during rush hour though). The big city does take some getting used to. I used to live in Oshawa, which was about 130,000, so it was a small city compared to Toronto, and it took me a couple months to get to know it. I would recommend, if you can, just to come up a couple of times, take a tour of the school and the city just to see if you like it here or not.

I'm not sure what else to say. I hope that's some help.

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The Evil Cashew

See i knew there HAD to be someone from toronto on this site!

glad u coudl be of more assistance than i could 158eyes :wink:


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Thanks for the info :) At thie moment Toronto is my second choice, though the whole other country thing sounds complicated. My first choice is Cornell, but its an Ivy League, which means I have very little chance of actually getting in.

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