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God and Asexuals


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Any religious people here?

And im asking in reference to organised religion such as Judaism, Christianity, Budhism, Islam, etc.

none of the atheist/agnostic crap!

so... tell as ur name, and who u believe in! :)

also, if u practice at all...

i dont btw... used to be religious... not anymore.

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Cate Perfect

I wouldn't call agnosticism/atheism 'crap'. Everyone has their own thing.

I'm Jewish. Not very practising, though I spend a decent bit of time hanging out with my rabbi.


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...If you're not religious, why are you barring the nontheists here from commenting on atheism and agnosticism?

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sorry... guess i was misunderstood.

i have nothing whatsoever against atheism or agnosticism...

i was just curious about theist religions...

i asked ppl not to comment on atheism and agnosticism because i wanted to hear from the ones who do believe in god... and do have some specific religious faith...

sorry if i offended... not intented!

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So...what's the question? Or you just want to know people's religions? In that case, the title doesn't make a lot of sense.

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What other posts?

Hijacking happens a lot. Get used to it. You can't dictate your threads Gestapo-fashion.

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The threads are public domain. If the author wants to keep posters mostly on topic, that's fine, and posters should attempt to respect that. However, let's not resort to playground tactics of whining and possessiveness, hmm? Let's all play nice.

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Ohhhh. Here. :cake:

*Steals cake... :cake: *

I'm an atheist. All hail the Atheist god Xendara! :!: Anywho, I'm interested in Zen Buddhism and have been doing research on it, but that parts I believe in... I consider my interest in Zen Buddhism a philosophy because I think it has philosophical points, but I disagree on that parts that seem more "religious" to me. (Side note, Buddhism doesn't discuss whether there is or is not god/s). My disagreement on the "religious" aspects are the parts about souls and reincarnation and the like.

Sooo, to answer your question, I don't believe in any gods, so I guess I wasn't supposed to answer your question. But I did get some cake! :)

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I use the term "God", but I don't see God as a being, nor a he or a she. To me, there is only one God, and it's everything. (Think the Force in Star Wars.)

I don't know if that's what you were looking for :?

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First I wasn't.

Then I was.

Now I'm not.


'Guess I can't contribute ...


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I'm Pagan. I follow a Nordic path, with bits of Hermeticism thrown in as that is the path I'm instructed in, and it provides structure.

I celebrate the eight feastdays of the Wiccan calendar, as they correspond to Nordic festivals at the same time well enough, and I celebrate the new and full moons. I'm usually solitary, although I greatly enjoy celebrating feastdays (Yule, Samhain, Beltane, and Imbolc) with a local pagan group on the UConn campus (PODS).

So there. Not terribly organised, certainly not mainstream, but a religion nonetheless.


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Practicing christian [lutheran specificly] here. Though I like to think my self more openminded than alot of your typical christian types.

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I'm spiritual, not religious.

I believe in one God and give Him the masculine pronoun because (a) I always have (B) I think the term "it" is really disrespectful.

I also believe in capital letters in proper nouns, punctuation and complete sentences and I'm still trying to figure out where the title of the thread

Post subject: God and Asexuals
comes in, other than the obvious "God". Do you mean where do we figure He stands with asexuals?
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I'm a nondenominational Chirstian, but I don't really like going to church. I wish there was a Christian temple where one could stop by and pray informally, like people do in China w/Buddishim. Of course, I don't know if that's against the Bible or not.

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Silly Green Monkey

It's not that worshipping alone is against the Bible, it's more that the church encourages worshipping as a group. "Two or more" and that sort of thing. I think it's that each service is supposed to be some helping others in the group, which doesn't happen in individual worship. Christianity is big on interactions.

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I'm a nondenominational Chirstian, but I don't really like going to church. I wish there was a Christian temple where one could stop by and pray informally, like people do in China w/Buddishim. Of course, I don't know if that's against the Bible or not.

Actually, the Gospels of St. Thomas, which is supposed to be (who knows if it is or not) the closest actual words of Jesus has a quote in it that is generally understood to be against the entire concept of church and organized religion. Which is why the Pope refuses to recognize it, would take his power away.

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Actually, the Gospels of St. Thomas, which is supposed to be (who knows if it is or not) the closest actual words of Jesus has a quote in it that is generally understood to be against the entire concept of church and organized religion. Which is why the Pope refuses to recognize it, would take his power away.

I have been hearing more and more about these so-called Apocrypha, of late. Anyone know where I can get a copy of these non-books of the Bible? Surely they are available somewhere. . . I read a book about the Dead Sea Scroll a few years ago that had excerpts from much of the Apocrypha found there, but beyond that, I have never found a book specifically about this subject.

Of course, I could click "search" up on the ol' toolbar there and find out for myself. I guess what I am asking is does anybody have a recommendation?

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I'm still trying to figure out where the title of the thread
Post subject: God and Asexuals
comes in, other than the obvious "God". Do you mean where do we figure He stands with asexuals?

Don't take me too seriously.

It was just a name for a thread. The question was about what religious beliefs people in this forum have...

People in this forum are mostly asexuals... and the question was about their beleif in god... so i just put the 2 together n the title of the thingy... and called it god and asexuals...

there is REALLY no need to over analyze this... :P

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Actually, the Gospels of St. Thomas, which is supposed to be (who knows if it is or not) the closest actual words of Jesus has a quote in it that is generally understood to be against the entire concept of church and organized religion. Which is why the Pope refuses to recognize it, would take his power away.

Never mind the entire theme of fellowship in the NT. :roll:

KAW - You can find the Apocrypha in any Catholic bible, as the Catholics are the only ones who consider it to be scripture. You can also find it in things like The Oxford Study Bible.

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