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What Products Do You Recommend Not Buying?


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Please give an example ... and, preferably, a much better replacement option! 😄


I bought a (nicotine-free) Hayati Pro Max e-cigarette/vape on Amazon and, despite being £14, it didn't last any longer than a normal one.  Also, it was supposed to be 'creamy tobacco'-flavoured but it tasted more like an ashtray smells. :(  Not nice.


I recommend 'Lost Mary', 'Found Mary' and 'Feo Mary' disposable e-cigs, if you can get them and fancy them: they have nicotine in them, but they have great, strong, unusual flavours and often work intermittently after they have, ostensibly, run out! :D 

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Theres two very specific books I would reccomend people not buying/reading (just my own personal tastes): alice in zombieland by Gene Showalter and Internment by samira ahmed, ontop of that two books I haven't read but I've heard are so attrocious they should never be read are the twilight series and 50 shades of gray. I dunno why my first thoughts were books

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2 minutes ago, Frendo said:

Theres two very specific books I would reccomend people not buying/reading (just my own personal tastes): alice in zombieland by Gene Showalter and Internment by samira ahmed, ontop of that two books I haven't read but I've heard are so attrocious they should never be read are the twilight series and 50 shades of gray. I dunno why my first thoughts were books

Nice one! :)  I recommend avoiding anything by Kate Mosse (not 'Moss') and Tanith Lee.


Edit: a great parody of the 'Twilight' series is 'The Most Popular Book in the Whole World' by Jessica Wagstrom (it's available on LiveJournal).  Very funny! :) 

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The parts are expensive and they take ages to order, so it is generally faster and cheaper to just buy a new one. There are some Kohler toilets where the toilet seat bolts are buried in the porcelain, so if the seat breaks, you need to buy a new toilet


Oh and for a replacement, American Standard toilets are generally very good because they use standard replacement parts. There was a while where they kept coming with the wrong sized nuts and/or washers for the tank though which was very annoying. I think they sorted that out now though 


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Siimo van der fietspad
19 hours ago, Synchronicity said:

Nice one! :)  I recommend avoiding anything by Kate Mosse (not 'Moss') and Tanith Lee.


Edit: a great parody of the 'Twilight' series is 'The Most Popular Book in the Whole World' by Jessica Wagstrom (it's available on LiveJournal).  Very funny! :) 

Awkwardly Kate Mosse is coming to compare a concert I am directing later this year. I didn't find any of her writing insufferable though, it's a little cliched but above average and at least makes sense. I seem to pick up too many sci-fi and thriller novels that I can't reccomend for having bonkers ideas, huge plot holes and unanswered plot threads. Today I finished New Pompeii by Dan Godfrey which is a typical example: a good premise let down by passive characters and a rushed, messy ending that makes no sense, all the more so because a sub-plot that keeps interrupting things manages to have practically no impact on it. There is a Chekhov's gun that never gets fired, and the main character gets a revelation on how to defeat the bad guys which I could not understand even after multiple passes.


More generally, 'buy cheap buy twice' is a good rule of thumb.

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Any food product that has more than 5 listed chemical ingredients.    

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Microwave popcorn bags, very bad health wise. 


I bought a silicone bowl with a lid that I can cook popcorn kernels in in the microwave. And then just put butter and salt on after. 

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Ooh also disposable razors or those plastic multiblade razor cartridge things. So much plastic waste and they do a bad job. 


If you do shave, I highly recommend the Henson razor. Made here in Canada so don't know how far they ship, but it is a safety razor style but very little to no learning curve due to the way it is built. Can just replace the blades super cheap and it will last for life. 

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Squirrel Combat

Mobile homes. Never a good investment.

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Mrs Telecaster-to-be

Cheap store-brand cling film, plastic wrap, whatever you call it where you live. It's shit, utter shit. Often doesn't actually cling to things very well, yet somehow gets stuck to itself even more easily than the more costly name brands. Saving a little money isn't worth the annoyance. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Telecaster-to-be said:

Cheap store-brand cling film, plastic wrap, whatever you call it where you live. It's shit, utter shit. Often doesn't actually cling to things very well, yet somehow gets stuck to itself even more easily than the more costly name brands. Saving a little money isn't worth the annoyance. 

I am currently stubbornly working through a box of that cheap crap and continually disgusted with myself for trying to save money by buying that cheap crap.

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Mrs Telecaster-to-be
3 minutes ago, Sally said:

I am currently stubbornly working through a box of that cheap crap and continually disgusted with myself for trying to save money by buying that cheap crap.

Yeah I'm using up a roll right now. Almost at the end. Already have a new roll of The Good Stuff, but I can't bring myself not to use up the crappy one because it seems too wasteful. 😅

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Mrs Telecaster-to-be

Ok so I just had a follow-up thought while I was in the shower...


One of the major name brands is Saran Wrap. (I assume it's American in origin but we have it here too.) The cheap generic stuff should be nicknamed 'Satan Wrap'.

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Yes, Saran Wrap will be what I will buy next.  Considering the added emotional distress we are causing ourselves using the cheap crap, we should just throw it the fuck away but I just can't.  

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binary suns

don't buy diamonds

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Mrs Telecaster-to-be
6 hours ago, binary suns said:

don't buy diamonds

No danger I'll do that, I couldn't afford diamonds even if I wanted to.

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Skin care you don't need just because people online are using it. Scientifically proven to work is a three step rountine: Cleaning, hydrating, sunscreen. Start with that, get a routine going, then see if you skin may need extra attention or if you just like how stuff feels. You know these ridiculous looking under-eye patches? It turns out I like the physical sensation of putting slime there. Especially on some pain days it can be very nice.

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I can’t think of any specific products right now, but on a general level I believe that unless you are mega rich and can afford to spend big bucks on something which is only going to last for a short time, it very rarely pays to be an early adopter of new technological innovations.


You know the situation when some new hyped-up gadget comes out - there will be people who will wait in line for hours outside stores, desperate to be one of the first to get their hands on the new product.


But what typically happens is that somewhere between eight and eighteen months later, version 2 of the product will come onto the market, and it will usually be both better AND cheaper than the original version due to technological advancements.


So I might spend one thousand bucks on some gadget which other people cannot afford and get to show it off for a while, but a few months later everyone will be buying version 2 of the product for maybe only five hundred bucks, whilst I am still stuck with the inferior version 1 product which I paid a hell of a lot more money for.

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I don't think there's any good reason to buy "new" clothes, as in non-second-hand clothes.  I've found such great clothes all my life that were discarded by those who do buy new clothes.  However, there's an obvious problem: if people stop buying new clothes...

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Mrs Telecaster-to-be

Update: I have finished the roll of Satan Wrap today! Onto the good stuff. 🎉

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Telecaster-to-be said:

Update: I have finished the roll of Satan Wrap today! Onto the good stuff. 🎉

Jealous.  I have to find more stuff to use up my crap roll.  

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USB sticks, SD cards, or any other flash-memory-based product being sold at an unbelievably good price for their capacity by some Chinese company you've never heard of before.  They're always fake.

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