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Study on attachment styles within the asexual community

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The Project Team has approved the following study.



Research Participants needed for a study on attachment styles within the asexual community.


Hello, my name Antinett Singleton, and I am a graduate student at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I am conducting a research study to fulfill the requirements for the Clinical Psychology, PsyD program. I am conducting research on attachment styles within the asexual community. Specifically, the research will be looking at the interpersonal (interactions with others) and intrapersonal (interactions with personal thoughts) attachment across multiple relationships. The goal of this study is to increase research, gathering more information about relationships, and to assist general and mental health workers in understanding the community.


The study will take place online via the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) website. Participation in this research includes taking multiple questionnaires regarding your attitudes about relationships and individual interactions within relationships. It will take approximately 30 minutes to an hour of your time to complete the surveys. Eligibility criteria for participants consists of being 18 years-old or older, identifying as asexual, not having any active thoughts disorders, substances use disorders, and danger-to-self thoughts and ideations. The screening process will consist of screening questions to determine eligibility prior to the consent process. After consent has been obtained participants will be required to score 40 or more on the Asexuality Identification Scale (AIS). If participant score less than 40 on the AIS, they will not be disqualified from the completing the study, but their data will not be used to reflect the population. Participants of the study may choose to provide their email address for eligibility to participate in a raffle. There will be four winners, randomly selected, and each of the four winners will receive one $25 dollar Amazon digital gift card.


If interested in taking part in this study, please visit the AVEN websites where the link can be located.


The link to participate in the study can be found on the AVEN website.



If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, my dissertation chair or I can be reached at

Principal investigator


Dissertation Chair



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Currently a fault with survey monkey, can't get past the first question, but i'll try again later :)


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