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"Ace"ing Diversity - Asexuality And Queer Diversity Discussion Instagram Live - Watch the Replay

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TODAY is the day - I'm thrilled to be speaking and co-hosting "Ace"ing Diversity, asexuality and queer diversity discussion, live on Instagram today, Sat 10th Feb, 3pm GMT / 8.30 PM IST. 
With @rang.org2020 / @ritashachanta @nestamvizag @brown.queer.pride  

Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/asexualiseofficial and join in the discussion in the comments today at the handle @rang.org2020 💜

If you follow me you should get notified of when I go live, so you can join in the conversation via my profile. Would be ACE  to have you join us xx


If you're unsure how to join an Instagram Live as a follower - Read this post https://www.asexualise.com/asexual-author-speaker-coach-sandra-bellamy-ace-ing-diversity-discussion-live-instagram-10th-feb/


Hope to see you there, so we can ACE it together 💜

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Thanks to all of you who joined the very lively and intimate diverse discussion during our "Ace"ing Diversity event on Instagram today https://www.instagram.com/asexualiseofficial/ and https://www.instagram.com/rang.org2020/


I felt very honoured to be introduced as a "celebrity" - see this clip here https://youtube.com/shorts/2iUE4Dm-Ghk?si=eBaMdLNwrHIblODz


It was one of the most raw, real, authentic, interview discussions I've ever had.


I was asked about my bestselling Asexual Perspectives book and why I wrote it.


We talked about Self-love - Including what that looks like and what actions you can take to self-love / self-love more...


Self-worth, body confidence, self-trust, self-respect, being your own cheerleader and best friend and so much more was discussed under "self-love".


We talked about self-dating and the fact on Feb 14th 2015 I founded International Celebrate Being Single Day.


We talked about being touch sensitive / averse.


We dived into sensual attraction vs sexual attraction.


We discussed arousal and sexual behaviour without sexual attraction.


And so much more in-between, if you missed this insightful discussion check out the replay here, now, https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3LKNujPr9K/?igsh=MWthaDRzMG5td2M1aQ



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