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New Declass Team Member Needed: Nominations

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We are looking for one more member of the AVEN Declassification Team. This is an important office, and the good thing about it is that you don't need to mete out warnings or such. :) 


See more about that here:




We are now taking nominations. If you are interested, throw cookies, cakes, your hat, turnip, or whatever you have into the ring. Just be sure to make it clear that you wish to run.


Eligibility requirements include being a member for at least 6 months, and having at least 100 posts that are not in the Just for Fun or Welcome Lounge forums. You also cannot run with an active, current, warning.


Also, see the following for election rules:




Voting will be by a vote of confidence. A bio must be sent to me before voting starts.


This is the timeline for this election:

Sunday, 4 February to Friday, 9 February: Nominations

Friday, 9 February to Monday, 12 February: Dedicated Q&A

Monday, 12 February to Saturday, 17 February: Voting

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Hi Kelly, what is the training process/timeframe after  becoming a member of the team?

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21 minutes ago, pickles. said:

Hi Kelly, what is the training process/timeframe after  becoming a member of the team?

tagging @Autumn ace, @ben8884, @CincinnatiAsexual, @Topi; maybe one of them can answer this question. :) 

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Autumn ace

For me, the main way I learned was by following clear instructions (thankfully everything important is written down) and by asking other members of the team when I had questions 

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@pickles.As Autumn ace indicates, there are many training documents and the team members are open to helping whenever questions come up. New dt members are ready to start working very shortly after being elected. 

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I received a PM with links to things that also outlined declass duties. It happened fairly quickly

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We will do this again soon.

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