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Interview participants needed for a project on the relationship between asexual identity and queer activism

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The Project Team has approved the following research request from a senior undergraduate at Soka University of America:



Interview participants needed. 

I am conducting interviews for my undergraduate senior thesis which explores the asexual identity and experience and its relationship to queer/LGBTQIA+ activism. I am looking for 10 participants who identify as part of the asexual spectrum who would be willing to be interviewed for approximately an hour.


These interviews are voluntary and confidential. I would like to audio record in order to have an accurate reflection of your words, however if you are uncomfortable with this, I can take notes instead.



Must identify as part of the asexual spectrum

Must be 18+ and based in the United States. 


If you are interested in participating, please email me at htak@soka.edu with the subject heading ‘Ace Interview’

If you have any questions, please ask us or email the above address!

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I'm curious to know more about the goal of this study - are they trying to get a sense of how much a-spec people participate in activism for LGBTQIA+ rights? Is 10 participants going to be enough for that?


I'm mildly interested in pitching in for this, if the interview can be done remotely.

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I believe it can! I've just passed your Q to the researcher about the purpose - sorry for the late on my end. What I know is that they are exploring the relationship between queer activism and the asexual identity and experience, but they can probably answer your question better than I can.


The researcher is also looking to interview participants who consider themselves activists for queer rights (they can identify as queer or as an ally). If anyone is interested, please let us know!

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