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December Carnival of Aros: Aromanticism and Holidays

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Rising Moon Droplet

You can find November's announcement over on the blog of Sara Jakša for Aromanticism and Holidays!



This is a cal for submissions for the Carnival of Aros, a monthly aromantic/aro-spec themed blog carnival. I will post the link to the last month roundup on the topic of The Aplatonic Spectrum, once I will see the link.


Around the parts that I live, December the the holiday season. It is the time, when some of the other socialisation have to give space to a lots and lots of holiday teamed parties. Or in my case, have a relaxing month, since everybody is really busy with these parties.


I don't celebrate in the way people around me do - which is why this is a relaxing month for me. And I think the reason for this is, that since I had to question many points, where I did not fit in the society, that made me question all the things like that as well.


And now that makes me wonder. Aromanticism (with the whole aro-spec included) is something, that does include questioning at least some of the social norms. So that means, that it could be interesting to hear everybody's opinion of the celebrating the holidays. Don't even have to be the December's ones.


Below I have written some of the prompts, but feel free to submit anything connected to the topic of holidays:

  • What do the holidays mean to you?
  • How has the your aromanticism (or lovelessness or aplatonic or anything in the era) influenced the way you see the holidays or celebrate them?
  • Do you celebrate the same holidays? In the same way? Or are there any changes in how you see the holidays and how you celebrate them, that you want to share?
  • Do you celebrate some different holidays or traditions, that you want to share with us?
  • Or share the reason of why are you not celebrating a specific holidaz? Or any holidays?
  • How does the holiday season affects you?
  • Is there something you want to point out in relation to the subject of the holidays? Some parts, that you think other people are missing - positive or negative?


Anybody can participate in the carnival. For this month, I am accepting the submissions in any modalities. So feel free to write a post, draw a picture, make a sculpture, edit a video or anything else you feel inspired to create in. You can also participate in any language you want.

In order to participate, just send the link to my email at sarajaksa@sarajaksa.eu. I will also be checking the comments on the Carnival of Aros post for this month, so feel free to post there.


I can also host it on my own site, if you do not have a place on the internet to post it.


Submissions are due by the 31th of December. I will probably only write the roundup post on the 3th of January, so if it is a day or two late, I will just include it and nobody needs to know.


I am excited to be able to see everybody's submissions.


We also need hosts for January and March, if you are willing to host! Hosting is easy and low time commitment and a great way to connect with the community. Find out how to host here.

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