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New Member: A Little Bit About Me


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Hello everyone!


I recently joined a few days ago and I'm super happy that I've found a community of people like me!


A little bit about me: I first discovered the term "asexual" when I was reading a discussion on the internet about Will Byers from Stranger Things. Many people proposed that he was gay or just simply not ready to grow up yet, but this one particular person mentioned he might be asexual. At the time, I heavily identified with Will, but I didn't put much thought into it, and I continued on with my day. A little over a year ago, however, I came across the term again and decided to do my own research. I immediately thought, "yes, this is me!" It felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. However, that was only half the journey. 


Originally, I identified as a demi-heteromantic asexual. I had only one big "crush," and a few smaller ones along the way that had only developed after I had gotten to know a boy better. Later down the line, I thought I was biromantic, as I thought I was developing a "crush" on one of my female teachers. Upon further evaluation and research, however, I realized that I'd never actually had a crush. Instead, I just really wanted to be friends with those boys and I just wanted to have a deep discussion about life with my teacher. In fact, the more I attempted to learn about sexual and romantic attraction, I realized all that those things entailed and that I'm actually indifferent or repulsed in these situations. Now, I'm proud to call myself an aromantic asexual!


I'm still learning more about oreintations and the different types of attraction everyday, as well as learning to accept my libido, so it is a process! I'm also only out to a few of my close queer friends, so that in itself is also a struggle. But, I have faith that we all will get there.


Thanks for listening to my rant, I hope it might've helped someone else out there. Remember, you're not alone and you're valid!

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Welcome senACEay  :cake:  Don't focus too much on comparing yourself to others, just discover your true self and live to your full potential! 

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Hello senACEay! We're all on a journey to self discovery here 😊 Welcome to AVEN!


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Hello and welcome to AVEN!! 🍰 I'm not quite sure which labels fit me perfectly either, except for the broad asexual one. I discovered my sexuality because of how much I heavily related to ace people as well!! 

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Hello and welcome from a fellow newbie! :cake:

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Welcome! I really like Stranger Things, there was definitely some evidence that could support Will being ace :D 


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  • 2 months later...
8 hours ago, MichaelTannock said:

A very belated welcome to AVEN!


It's a tradition here to welcome new members by offering cake, and even though I'm so late welcoming you, here's a "Stranger Things" cake,


Thank you for the welcome and cake! It looks amazing

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You're welcome! I'm glad you like the cake!

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