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Anyone know of any digisexual pride flags?


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Thank you, I'm happy you like it 😊


Oooh, that actually sounds like a beautiful idea, now I'm tempted to do something like that, too 🤭

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On 21 May 2019 at 6:47 PM, CelesteAdAstra said:

Thank you, I'm happy you like it 😊


Oooh, that actually sounds like a beautiful idea, now I'm tempted to do something like that, too 🤭


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Yeah I know, people can get quite peculiar about certain things... I'll be sure to only trust the trustworthy 😁

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They're really nice @CelesteAdAstra!

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@CelesteAdAstra Wow, these are some amazing designs! Congrats!


Although I'm not objectum or digi- or oneiro- or robo- or psyche- sexual/romantic myself, I don't find these orientations strange as I've found myself forming connections with inanimate objects and I can certainly see how such a connection could be romantic or sexual (as far as objectum goes, same logic can be applied to psyche- or oneiro- orientations). Also, I'm a bit of a transhumanist, so yeah.


My rule of thumb is "If someone's preferences/sexual orientation is not hurting anyone in any way (as in engaging in non-consensual sexual behaviour or sexual behaviour with human or non-human individuals who are incapable of conscent in any way), let them be. At the end of the day, we're all passing the time here until we're worm food and there's absolutely no reason why I should get in the way of someone's happiness or shame someone for daring to speak out about their rare orientation/identity."


Sorry for the macabre. Anyway, my point being that I'm an ally and I'm happy for anyone out there who could find representation and acceptance here!

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