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Do you tan?  

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  1. 1. Do you tan?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Occasionally
    • I'm a vampire

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I've never understood the point of tanning, but I have tanned before. What do y'all think about tanning?

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I know I managed to get sliiiiightly more brown on my legs when I was a kid, playing outside, but ever since I was aware of tanning I've avoided it. I have several reasons for it.


1. It's literally a way for the skin to protect itself, it's damaging.

2. I usually get red before I get anything else, and it hurts.

3. I don't think it looks that good, at all.

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everywhere and nowhere

I don't.

A few details:

1. I'm nudity-averse, at it goes further than in most people: I'm not just too embarassed to expose boobs or the pubic area, I would even feel very uncomfortable with having my legs or abdomen visible.

2. I have a strange skin. It's ill (allergy), it's rather pale, but it's also resistant to both suntan and sunburn. At least in normal conditions, when I just walk through the city with my face, forearms and feet visible, I don't need to use any sunscreen*. My skin gets a little bit darker in the summer - never "brown", just a pale "apricot" shade - and then just stops.

Plus I always have almost completely white spots on my forearms. Not very visible, because they are small and covered with hair, but probably these are allergy-related scars/marks and I have no pigmentation at all in these spots.

Apart from my skin shade, I'm rather dark - I have dark brown hair and eyes (actually, my hair is slowly becoming white :)).


*Broadly understood cosmetics I have at home: allergy oinment (tacrolimus), face and body cream (for very dry skin and atopic dermatitis or eczema sufferers), vaseline (I use it to protect my lips from drying), very fatty linen ointment, baby oil, baby powder, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, a few perfumes and eaux de cologne (both female and male). Which means that I don't even have any sunscreen, shaving stuff or make-up stuff.

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I'm a redhead, which means if I step into the sun's cursed light for more than five minutes without ample sunscreen, large hats, and perhaps an entire bodysuit, I will turn a shade of red akin to the top of Campbell's soup tins. And the burn doesn't even have the decency to match my hair.


When I spent a week in Ireland I thought I might get away with not wearing sunscreen for a week due to the copious amounts of cloud cover, but instead I just turned a much more subtle shade of speckled red and sprouted an entire new crop of freckles.


One time I thought I detected a tan line on my foot from my sandal, but when I proudly pointed it out to a friend they just laughed for a solid twenty seconds.


I like to tell myself that being so pale and untouched by the sun means I'll have excellent skin when I'm older, but I'm predisposed to wrinkles so I don't even get the satisfaction of gloating later in life. Alas.

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I selected no because I don't tan on purpose. I just spend time outside in summer but I couldn't care less about getting a tan. Luckily my skin isn't very sensitive to sunlight and I don't get sunburns easily.

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13 minutes ago, Jona Rhys said:

I selected no because I don't tan on purpose. I just spend time outside in summer but I couldn't care less about getting a tan. Luckily my skin isn't very sensitive to sunlight and I don't get sunburns easily.

I'm the same. It gets VERY hot in the summer for me, so it's unavoidable. At least I only get a slight tan and darker freckles. 

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A shard of glass

When there's sunlight, I just go a slightly different shade of white... I don't intentionally avoid sunlight nor do I sunbathe... I just change colour because of the sun

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I don't go out of my way to get tan, but my skin gets slightly darker in the summer.  I still have to use plenty of sunscreen, though.

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I'm mostly wondering WHY tanning is even a "desirable" thing to do. I'd rather bake a pie than bake my skin...

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No, I don't tan

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My skin is just a couple shades darker than paper. I actually used to be sort of tan when I was still in school and was walking/taking public transportation to and from school, and also from playing outside when I was a kid. Now I have a car and don’t go outside much. When I was 13 I did go through a phase where I would lay out and tan while we were at the beach. I definitely don’t want to tan now though. It’s so bad for your skin, and can lead to things like premature aging and skin cancer. I’d rather get my vitamin D from dairy products and supplements.

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local burnout.

I don't tan, mostly because I'm not interested in burning my flesh and risking skin cancer, but also because my skin refuses to look like anything besides Robert Pattinson on Twilight regardless of how long I stand out in the sun.

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I mostly just freckle and burn. Lots of skin cancer in my family so I try to avoid too much sun exposure - doesn't take long for me to burn.

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 I burn to a crisp at the slightest exposure to sunlight, but I like the vampire aesthetic anyway. My sister got the Italian genes and tans as often as possible. I don't really get it but as long as she's happy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It looks like there are quite a few vampires here! 😃


I should note, tho, that I actually DO go outside during the day, you know, 'cause of work and whatnot, but I always make sure to cover up.


I wear sunscreen all of the time, even in the middle of winter, well, at least on my face. I'm of mixed European/Canadian descent, so means that I turned out quite pale. And I don't tan. Hell, I don't even freckle. I just burn, and BADLY. Painfully, too... 😢 


I've never understood the appeal of tanning. Maybe 'cause it clashes with all that black I wear? 🤣 


Seriously, tho. I recall an aunt telling me that it's important to build up a base tan before going anywhere hot and sunny, so her and her husband would go fry themselves at a tanning salon just before flying off to Mexico or wherever. 


Turns out that all of that tanning wasn't so good after all... 🙄

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I have not tanned deliberately in decades. Most of my life I have lived in California, for several years I either walked or rode my bike everywhere. I had a pretty dark tan in most exposed places (I wear skirts so legs also). For the year I lived in the tropics I stayed mostly shaded but still remained tan.

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It's also funny how a few centuries earlier being pale and fat was the "in" thing to be. Society is such a fickle thing...🙄

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1 hour ago, CajunAce said:

Society is such a fickle thing...🙄

In some ways, yes.

But if you dig deeper you see patterns, such as the way a lot of "beauty" standards over the centuries can be traced to things like wealth and health. There was a time when only rich people could afford to stay out of the sun enough to not get a tan, for example (or to eat enough to get fat without having to work off the calories). :) 

In more modern times it was more the province of the wealthy to be able to sit around and get tans (not "farmer's tans" from working out in the field), while a lot of poorer people were stuck inside factories most daylight hours.

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I live in Florida. Accidental tanning happens, although it's more like accidental burning...

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51 minutes ago, RoseFrozeToHail said:

I live in Florida. Accidental tanning happens, although it's more like accidental burning...

Yeah. The South becomes like a sauna during the summer. It makes my hair either frizz like crazy or curl into tiny ringlets 

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I get a tan, but it's only noticeable if I lift up my T-shirt sleeve or move my wrist bands, then it's very obvious though...  

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I would not use a tanning salon, nor would I sunbathe. However, working outdoors I tan naturally, to the extent that I have never worn sunscreen in my life, yet don't burn unless I do something silly 

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43 minutes ago, Ficto. said:

Sorry, what's a tan?



The unusual custom of baking your skin either outside or in a large oven to look more "attractive"

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I don't tan but that doesn't mean my skin isn't goldenish pale and has sun damage on my shoulders and neck.

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5 hours ago, CajunAce said:

The unusual custom of baking your skin either outside or in a large oven to look more "attractive"

Hah yes I know, I was just being silly because I've never had one :P I probably should have gone to the effort to make my sarcasm more apparent! Thanks for your response anyway ^_^

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11 minutes ago, Ficto. said:

Hah yes I know, I was just being silly because I've never had one :P I probably should have gone to the effort to make my sarcasm more apparent! Thanks for your response anyway ^_^

I knew you were being sarcastic. I was trying to answer back in sarcasm 😎

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49 minutes ago, CajunAce said:

I knew you were being sarcastic. I was trying to answer back in sarcasm 😎

hah I failed so bad then :P I had just woken up after only a few hours sleep so that's my excuse!

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23 minutes ago, Ficto. said:

hah I failed so bad then :P I had just woken up after only a few hours sleep so that's my excuse!

totally understandable. I'm usually not completely awake until I have to go to sleep. Then I have to think about EVERYTHING

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