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genderfluid? non-binary? genderqueer? help??


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i’ve always preferred to dress androgynously. i don’t like dresses or skirts, i prefer dark jeans, baggy shirts and baggy jackets. i shop for my shirts in both the female and male sections, it doesn’t matter which one. i’ve always preferred to have short hair, like pixie level short. i’ve tried to grow it out but i always cut it to about shoulder length or just above my shoulders. i’m shaving my head for st baldricks and i’m gonna grow it out to a short pixie cut because that’s how i like it. i like video games, i never wear makeup. i like some traditionally feminine things and some traditionally masculine things. i’ve been having doubts about my gender for a while and i can never pinpoint what pronouns i want. i’ve always used she/her because i’m AFAB, but it feels kinda weird. i don’t like he/him, and they/them sounds okay. i’m so confused and lost. i’ve been looking up gender identity lists, looking up articles and stories, taking quizzes, you name it. i don’t know where to begin when it comes to figuring out my gender.  can anyone offer their advice?

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Looking at your interests is a pretty good start but keep in mind that those things are more gender expression than gender identity. 


Asking yourself what pronouns you like is a good thing. Gender is a hard thing to explore and I think most people find themselves relating to others who have written/expressed similar feelings. 


Do you have any type of dysphoria? (Physical, social, mental?) While dysphoria isn’t necessary to be trans* it can be useful in finding a starting place. For me it kind of started as discontentment at being female. I cut my hair short and then I started noticing other things. So I started with social dysphoria and once I found the word for what I was feeling I realized I also had physical dysphoria.

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Recently coming out, I have found two people at work who consider themselves agender.  Neither one feels any gender label quantifies their existence.

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