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^ What a steal, and a pleasant surprise to see it have the ace flag!



The past week has been exciting for me from an ace angle - a friend that I'm out to told me that she saw someone with a beaded ace flag on their lanyard, and I spotted someone in my classes wearing a black ring with the correct placement! I'll try to compliment the black ring person on it to see their reaction. If confirmed, this brings up the total that I know of in my grade to 4 or 5, including me. My grade has a thousand people, so I'm roughly halfway there towards finding the ~10. A strange (but fun!) scavenger hunt :)

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Cool!! I've never met any (offline) aces before. My friend who I'm out to said she thought she saw someone at her dancing with an ace ring but she can't remember if it was in the right place 😂 I'm waiting on her getting back to me on that one but I have all my fingers crossed. 

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  • 1 month later...

IDK how I got so lucky, but two of my closest friends are also Ace and I don't know HOW that happened since we met way before questioning our sexualities. 

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venus flytrap
On 11/5/2021 at 12:16 PM, BookNerd1220 said:

IDK how I got so lucky, but two of my closest friends are also Ace and I don't know HOW that happened since we met way before questioning our sexualities. 

Same thing happened to me! one of my closest friends (and ex) came out as demiromantic to me recently after i told her im aro and my friend since elementary school discovered he's graysexual! feels very serendipitous

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I wound up with one aro friend and one ace friend.  It is funny how that happens...  


Anyway, this is my last day of being a teen!  So, see you around AVEN I guess.  

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I'm new on here, but I just wanted to say hi I guess.  Usually I would say nothing, but I kind of want to meet other aces cuz I don't know any in real life. I didn't read allll the stuff before this but I was really entertained by the teen coroner at the beginning. Anyway, hi!

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Anxious Young Adult
On 11/12/2021 at 1:14 AM, ace.cyborg said:

Usually I would say nothing, but I kind of want to meet other aces cuz I don't know any in real life.

Wow, that's so relatable. I really want to meet more people, but new social situations usually make me anxious and I don't understand how to meet people or become friends with someone and when I ask others how to do it they just say "go and talk to people", but I don't get how to do something like that. Does anyone here feel the same?

Also I just realized @ace.cyborg was kinda talking about some other thing, so I guess the only part that I find relatable is usually not saying anything.

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@Anxious kid I definitely feel that way too. I have a couple of friends who are really great at meeting people (that's probably how we became friends lol, they adopted me) but one of them always tells me that when I'm talking to someone new I have to remember they're a whole person with lives and interests and I have an opportunity to talk to them and find out those things. I'm not sure it exactly helps because I'm still terrible at making conversation, especially with someone I don't know, however I did kind of try it once and while I couldn't think of much to say, I did try, and I would say I'm friends with that person now. I guess it just takes a lot of practice or something?

But yeah I don't usually talk to people.

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Heyyy :) I just signed up for this forum, how is everyone?


edit cause the other posts didn't load: I also def wanna meet some new people! I have trouble making friends irl so it's nice to meet others on here who I have at least one thing in common with :) 

Edited by Sakura_Fox
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@Sakura_Fox Welcome! I'm pretty good. About to leave for work and I think it's going to my first time managing a shift by myself. I'm pretty  nervous/excited! How are you?

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On 11/13/2021 at 9:53 PM, Anxious kid said:

Wow, that's so relatable. I really want to meet more people, but new social situations usually make me anxious and I don't understand how to meet people or become friends with someone and when I ask others how to do it they just say "go and talk to people", but I don't get how to do something like that. Does anyone here feel the same?

Also I just realized @ace.cyborg was kinda talking about some other thing, so I guess the only part that I find relatable is usually not saying anything.

I feel the exact same way. I started at uni this October and even though I'm almost seven weeks in now I have no friends here. I have done a couple of events to meet people but I never say much because I get too scared and my mind goes blank. I have realised that all the friends I have from home stemmed from one singular friend I made when I was eight

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Anxious Young Adult
On 11/17/2021 at 11:55 PM, VeryScaredButWhoCares said:

I'm almost seven weeks in now I have no friends

I've been in this new school for more than a year (so it's not really new, but that's not the point) and I still don't have any friends there. It wasn't like if I went to a new school, were all my new classmates already knew each other, everyone there were new, because this school starts with 8 grade.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/5/2021 at 12:16 PM, BookNerd1220 said:

IDK how I got so lucky, but two of my closest friends are also Ace and I don't know HOW that happened since we met way before questioning our sexualities. 

Lol somehow almost everyone in my friend group are ace. I came out first then they slowly started coming out 😅

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I don't know many friends who are ace. A lot of them I didn't know were until recently

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I got pretty lucky in this regard; the school I go to has an incredibly high number of queer people in it, which includes almost a dozen Aspec people in my grade alone, including my partner

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I have a few lgbtq friends and ironically they're the most dismissive of my asexually lol *pain*

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On 12/10/2021 at 4:12 PM, thestressediguanna said:

Im a bit new here btw so hi all


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hii, how's everyone 👋

I'm new here, I'm so excited lol. I can't believe how lucky some of you aree. I don't know anyone irl who is asexual.

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@lion.purplish Hi! It's definitely awesome finding people who relate to the experience of being asexual. Welcome to AVEN and teen corner!

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