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asexual cat owners?????


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nah, i woke up w/ the urge to cough one up because tammy likes to sleep in the bed w/ me, & some of the hair gets in my mouth.

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do you have a cat?


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Yes, I think now we can say that we can start that scientific study.

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  • 1 year later...

I love my cats. -^^- I have a calico named Artemis (the "midget cat," really small and EXTREMELY shy, but fuzzy), a tabby named Mr. Tabio (He's an old cat, pretty dirty because he likes to live outside, but very huggable when he's not trying to eat your hair), and a furball of a Maine Coon/tabby mix named Matilda (Really sweet, loves cuddles, purrs constantly, but HATES other cats). I don't know what I'm going to do when I go to college and can't take my cats with me.

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I have two cats, Brunhilde and Spitfire. Brunhilde is 12 yrs old and she is a tortoise shell cat. Her son Spitfire is 10 and is a black cat.

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I have 2 kitties, a Bombay named Halle Berry and a fat black burmese named Queen Latifah (Queenie for short). I truly see a trend here. Next they'll be saying cats cause asexuality in a recent study blah blah blah.... in ancient times, cats were actually considered to be a symbol of sexuality...go figure lol.

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The Evil Cashew

Well i haev one cat thats my own. her name is Flower. She is black and white She is almost 5 months old and is ADORABLE! i love her very much. i woudl scan a picture... but i don't have a scanner.. maybe i will get the one i asked for for xmas and then i can show u a pic! i was told she has very weird markings so maybe none of you have seen anything quite like her.

my mom also owns Snickers. He's an all white male with Green/yellow eyes and he is Definately king of the house!

i love them both.. though snickers doesn't really love Flower lol


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I don't have a cat, but we consider our one of our neighbours to be ours. She spends most of her time at ours. She's strange but we love her.

But I am a cat person.

I think cats signify a high level independance and freedom, as I think others have said. Cats can't be controlled, they do want they want. That's why I respect them, and why they are kinda like asexuals.

Once I heard that if a young woman gets a cat before getting married, she'll stay single for the rest of her life. It's like the ultimate jinx.

I've never thought of it as a jinx, but I've always said I don't want to get a cat (and be single) because I don't want to end up being one of those women who live alone with fourteen cats (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not for me)

I'm going to look at all the pics now.

P.S. all for the scientific study - very curious trend

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If I had a pet, I'd have a cat. But I'm too unsettled to have any kind of pet just now. Growing up on a farm, we always had loads of kitties about; damned adorable creatures, stole my heart away from me every time! Then I had a rather special cat, a loveable, cuddleable long-haired black and white one - when I moved away to go to uni, she died of a broken heart :cry: and I swore I'd never get a cat again until I actually settled down, something that doesn't look like is going to be happening any time very soon!

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Two cats, but only because my sister is allergic to them. If I wasn't a) at home half the year, and B) in a college dorm the other half, I'd have as many as I could take care of and keep happy. (So...probably 4 or so.)

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I've got two cats. One is an 18 year old calico named Puffy and the other is a 2 year old freak named Roxy who growls if you try to pick her up but she'll jump on your lap two seconds later and start purring like crazy. She also has a bad habit of chasing Puffy around the house until she either gets swatted or growled at. :P

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I have 3 cats. If I had the space I'd have a couple of dogs too and a few more cats. I *love* animals and taking care of them. They give *so* much back... I wish I could help more with the problem of unwanted and abandoned pets.

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I wish I could help more with the problem of unwanted and abandoned pets.

Volunteer at your local animal shelter. I know it's not the same as adopting them all, but at my local place, you can sign up as a volunteer just to go and play with the cats and dogs for a few hours. It's great fun, and you get community service hours as well.

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At first I thought the title meant, like..do you own an asexual cat?

I don't have a pet myself; but if I did it would be a cat. I think they're intriguing creatures, often with a dark and mysterious side, rooted in mythology and Egyptian culture. I love the way cats are so sort of territorial, they sit on a vantage point and survey 'their' territory; even if it is only a back yard or a few square yards of carpet. I like their grandiose stance over that issue though, and it would grace my place here entirely to think that a cat ruled the roost. Maybe it would even do a bit of cleaning. Or it would instruct me to do a bit of housework, and make it fun.

I'd call it a catalyst, in that respect.

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I don't have a cat, but I would want one when I get my own place (probably not for another year or so). My family has two dogs, but in my extended family, we're the only ones that have dogs. All the others have cats, so my grandmother has two granddogs and six grandcats. I'd also like a dog, so one of each.

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