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What is your PROBLEM!?! (game)


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Drink coffee



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Start praying.


I need to learn everything about North Korea in the next month.

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Write to Kim Jong-un and offer to be his penpal in exchange for information.


I need to do a lot of gardening, but rain is forecast.

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First go to the library and scare the life out of the librarian by asking to get out a book. Then go on the internet and fall into a conspiracy theory hole. When you crawl out of that the month will be gone.


What should I do with my holiday?

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Have it tag along with you to a touristy tropical location :) 


Should I make another pot of coffee?

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Nobody has time for that!!! *drives you to Starbucks*



To tea time or not to tea time?

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Have imaginary tea time with imaginary cups and saucers.


I want to cook a good steak, but the kitchen gets all smokey.

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If you cook the steak in another room of your house, then the kitchen won't get smokey.


How do I read half of the New Testament in less than a week?

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Pick Matthew, Mark, Luke, OR John?



I need new music to listen to, who would you suggest?

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I suggest watching some anime or looking up camp songs on youtube.


How do I get more sleep?

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Try using your bedroom only for sleeping. Also, try turning the blue-light filter on on your phone and turning down the brightness, and not looking at it right before bed. The blue tones trick your brain into thinking it's time to get up.



How do I get my roommate to start doing chores without having to tell her to do them? She always does them when I ask, but never just on her own.

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One way to promote your roomate to do chores (specifically dishwashing right now) is to buy a set of plates that are a different color from theirs (i.e they have white plates, you have red plates) wash your plates only as you would do, and don't touch theirs. Eventually, they will need to use their plates, and if they are smart enough they will decide to wash their items to use them. To make them do other chores (i.e cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc.) create a schedule where one day they will do these set of chores and another other day you would do the set of chores. You and her would probably feel more secure and feel like it is their job at this certain day to do their chores. 

Oh, and everyone likes cute little calendars with stuff written on it. It seems to plain and boring if nothings on there.


How do I walk a cat on a leash? (I have a kitten I want to somehow teach)

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You can simply attach the leash to your kitten's collar, and hopefully the kitten will enjoy it since they are so young. I happen to be a cat expert and I know some cats will enjoy walks on a leash. I also have a friend who walks their kitten. Apart from that, it's a learning process and you'll just have to give it a go.


I think I need help, but I don't know if I have any problems serious enough right now to get help, and I like to think I don't need help too.

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You'll probably need help if you think you need help and drink orange juice at least ten times a day that really helps when you think you need help.
I lost my pencils and I can't seem to find them.

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