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Are you ticklish?



1 member has voted

  1. 1. How ticklish are you?

    • Not at all.
    • A little. I can resist it pretty well.
    • A bit. I can resist for a little while but I usually cave in and laugh.
    • Very. It's hard to resist not laughing when someone tickles me.
    • Extremely. Even the slightest touch to ticklish spots will cause me to instantly giggle.
  2. 2. What are your most ticklish spots?

    • Underarms
    • Neck
    • Sides
    • Belly
    • Feet
    • Behind the knees
    • Other
    • Everywhere!
    • Nowhere. I'm not ticklish.
  3. 3. Do you enjoy being tickled?

    • Never! I'm only laughing because I can't help it!
    • Generally no, but occasionally it's okay.
    • Sometimes. It depends on who, where, and how long.
    • I enjoy it usually. It's a nice show of affection.
    • I love getting tickled! It's fun!
    • Dunno. I haven't been tickled enough to have an opinion.

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I've learned that people who are highly sensitive also tend to be very ticklish. I'm horribly ticklish myself. Even when I'm sitting on the couch and my cat steps across my lap, that's enough to send me into a fit of giggles. (This keeps me from enjoying lap cats as much as I'd like to. ): ) Also when I visit the doctor and he puts a stethoscope to my back or chest, I usually give the slightest of flinches, and he asks if it hurts. Nope, just ticklish.

Sometimes this interferes with my boyfriend's and my cuddling, which is annoying. I'd like for him to be able to put his arm around me and rest his hand on my belly, but I'm so darn ticklish there that I either move his hand off or have to put my hand on top of his and consciously resist the non-tickle.

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Horribly ticklish in multiple places. My friends think it's hilarious to come up behind me and grab my sides because I jump out of my skin. I hate being tickled. It doesn't feel good and then I can't help the nervous laughter that springs up.

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Not sure what you mean by sensitive... but I'm extremely sensitive to loud noises and distractions like that (and also emotionally sensitive), but I'm not even a bit ticklish :blink: Maybe there's even something weird about my sense of touch, 'cause I can poke my eye, walk barefoot on gravel and what not without much sensation...

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Not sure what you mean by sensitive... but I'm extremely sensitive to loud noises and distractions like that (and also emotionally sensitive), but I'm not even a bit ticklish :blink: Maybe there's even something weird about my sense of touch, 'cause I can poke my eye, walk barefoot on gravel and what not without much sensation...

Sounds like your sensitivity's just a bit different. Usually high sensitivity affects all five senses, including touch, but yours must just be to hearing, emotions, and whatever else.

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I hate being tickled and will slap anyone who tries it.

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Being tickled is one of the most unpleasant feelings I've ever experienced. When I was a kid, I loved it. Now I will do almost anything to avoid it. I'm extremely ticklish, and my friends are aware of that, so sometimes they think it's funny to just poke or grab or whatever, but I really, really hate it and I can stay angry at them for hours about it if they don't stop the first time I ask them.

My most ticklish places are my neck (it's not even really "ticklish," it's just so sensitive that I tense up to the point of being painful whenever someone touches me there), my sides, and the backs of my knees. But I'm pretty much ticklish everywhere.

I'm not really a "sensitive" person by any means though. At least not emotionally. I'm a rock in that regard. But I am pretty sensitive to sound and light.

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I hate being tickled and will slap anyone who tries it.

My preferred defense is a kick to the face.

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Extremely, everywhere and never. Kissing on the neck and getting pedicures are the worst. I think I'm Hypersensitive so my skin is sensitive to touch as well.

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Janus the Fox
I'm fairly sensitive to ticklish contact everywhere on the body, though I often don't like it and it's often very overwhelming sensory wise, often painful and anxiety provoking without warning. Done right, getting tickled or tickling others can be a sexually stimulating experience in the right circumstance... Yeah me and other people can be weird like that. ;)
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I'm not much of a screamer, but when I'm tickled I scream my lungs out.

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I'm not ticklish at all and it actually irritates people to the point where they're trying so hard to tickle me and it just doesn't work. It's definitely a good thing because I can tickle other people all I want because saying "If you don't stop I'm going to tickle you back" has no effect on me ^_^

I'm so jealous lol. Any slight touch can annoy me.

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I usually try to resist laughing when I'm being tickled, but sometimes I can't help but laugh.

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I ´m abnormally ticklish and according to a neurologist, I have really unusual level of sensitivity to touch.

I hate when someone tickles me but the funny part is, I often kick these people accidentaly because I just can´t control my moves when they tickle me.

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I'm very ticklish and I HATE IT!!! I can't even touch my own feet. :blink: God forbid I should ever need a pedicure or have to go and see a chiropodist.

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I'm not really ticklish at all, nor do I particularly enjoy being tickled. I don't know, never really something I liked.

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i'm so ticklish, i cannot have massages or undergo routine physical check-ups. i had to have a cardiogram a couple years ago, and i'm still wondering how i haven't choked, i laughed so hard.

it sounds funny, but it's actually horrible :(

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I was horribly ticklish as a child but it seems I grew out of it.

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I figured out how to switch it off. I can be a bit ticklish when I want to, or sometimes when I'm surprised, but otherwise not at all. Not even a bit.

Ever noticed how you can't tickle yourself? That's the trick. Perceiving the sensations when someone else tries to tickle you the same way. It may also help to know that being ticklish is technically a fear response.

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I hate getting tickled it's horrible! I'm mostly ticklish around my feet though.

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Captain Darkhorse

There isn't a "I'll beat anyone who attempts to try" option in the last question, so as a very non-ticklish person, I can't vote.

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There isn't a "I'll beat anyone who attempts to try" option in the last question, so as a very non-ticklish person, I can't vote.

That's what the last option is for. It's a question about if you enjoy being tickled, not what your physical reaction is to it!

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I'm reasonably ticklish, although some people seem to have a magic touch which can lead to a more pronounced reaction on my part. I actually don't mind being tickled, by members of the opposite sex, that is. Otherwise, I find it annoying. For me, it is a mix of mildly unbearable and fun, so although my body might initially react by attempting to have it stop, I don't mind letting someone tickle me because I find the helpless laughter kind of fun. But I recognize that most people hate being tickled, so I rarely tickle others.

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I used to be terribly ticklish as a kid and I loved it most of the time. I recently started doing massive amounts of cuddling with a guy who a) loves to tickle and b) isn't ticklish. I showed him how I could be tickled on my palms and then it worked on him to for a while. After a couple weeks, he was no longer ticklish there, so I realized if he could get over it, so could I. I've trained myself and now I'm hardly ticklish on my neck, my sides, under my arms, my palms, my feet, behind my knees, anywhere. He still tries to tickle me but it never works. Pretty awesome. I'm not sure if it's just his hands I'm no longer ticklish with since no one ever really tries to do it to me but him.

I'm nit particularly sensitive to light, heat, or sound, but I've got a pretty good sense of smell and taste. Emotionally, I'd say that I'm a bit sensitive, but I've reigned in my emotional output as well. Still waters run deep.

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I'm extremely ticklish and I have a similar problem as elleba_wolf: my only massage session ended up with a big uncontrollable laughter. That's terrible...I hate being tickled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to be extremely ticklish. My ex thought it was hilarious and tickled me to the point of tears on a regular basis. After a while, I started to develop an immunity. I got to the point where I was completely impervious to tickling. She broke up with me what, four years ago? So since then it's come back a bit, but I can still resist it fairly well.

My friend (aro/ace) likes to cuddle with me and I recently found out she's kind of ticklish on her sides. Sometimes I tickle her a little bit just to tease her, but just for a second.

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Squirrel Combat

I am extremely ticklish in a few places. I really hate it when other people know those places because then they tickle me there all the time.

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Kavan Leif

I'm not really that ticklish but if someone gets me off guard I start contorting until I get away.

But if I know I'll be tickled most of the time I can control it.

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