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People Magazine and Virginity


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Just to pick up on a point, I think one could be a sexual, a virgin and still well adjusted.

*nods vigorously* :)

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Abbey Normal

I agree, even being sexual you don't have to have sex to be healthy. Maybe it's just my A-Pride talking, but if I were sexual and had to choose between being a virgin and getting mocked a little and being experienced and having a string of ex-boyfriends and bad breakups and sexual misadventures behind me, I'll take virginity. But I'm more the kind of person who'd rather have an empty plate than a full one, so maybe it's just me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, can't wait to read it..will it be in People's magazine or something? In my country we don't have this one, so is there any other way..like thru internet or something ? I am really keeping my fingers crossed ...

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I think it is a bad idea. I don't think AVEN or asexuality will be represented well. And I really don't like the concept of that new film and would hate for people to associate any aspect of it with asexuality.

Good luck.

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my sister told me she read an article about something of that nature in people.

Hm... I did not find anything on people's website. (Only ludicrousities re: 40 y/o impostor.) Do you know in which issue it was printed?

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  • 1 month later...
Mb Loves Batman

both positive and negative media promote discussion and opinion among the masses. I suppose the key here would be the direction of the editing and of course the presentation. Regardless of how tasteful and respectful a topic is approach it is always the perspective of the viewer at large. I can be laughed at coming out because I am proud and know it is only the limitation of the person laughing or lack of education. If we use this vehicle as a means of educating and public awareness, it may be a good thing. Regardless, you will always have a hackler in the crowd, a cynic in the audience. The point being, the message and the demographic of the viewing audience. I would think a mature audience would receive the media well and perhaps we can direct them to aven for better understanding and grow our own population.

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