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Hi, there are some really interesting videos done by asexual people about themselves and their asexuality on You Tube. Be warned though, if you've been on there before there are some right idiots who I don't think even want to believe.

Amelia x

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I have watched some of the videos I've found on Youtube.

But then I end up reading the comments.

I know whats going to be there but I can't seem to help myself. Then I get angry, only to turn around and do it again, lol! One day, hopefully, I will be pleasantly shocked to see people accepting asexuality and not leaving negative and insulting comments.

Most likely, it will never happen. But one can dream... ^_^

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I think SwankIvy read out some of the comments she received on her You Tube channel she called "Asexual Bingo".

Responses range from the usual stuff - for example, people thinking they can "fix" her by having sex with her with their "magical penis" or trying to tell her she was molested as a kid. But she also got told some, shall we say, seriously less pleasent things - for example, being told "Man, I want this chick to get raped" on a number of occasions to "Just kill yourself, please seriously, just die Please seriously. In a very painful way."

Personally, I don't know how she copes with such cruel, hurtful things being said. Granted, as she herself said, "Thanks! No, people are not generally narrow-minded . . .there are plenty of people who do very well with being introduced to new concepts and are respectful and willing to listen, which is really encouraging and refreshing". However, It would hurt me and offend me big time if someone had said such cruel and horrible things to me.

Perhaps this is a sign SwankIvy is a bigger, better and stronger person than I am and ever will be.

Edit: This has been my first attempt to include a YouTube video in a post. I shall now be a smug sod for the next three days for it working! :P

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Whenever anyone claims that asexuality doesn't suffer any form of disrcimination or prejudice, it's those comments I point people to.

Meanwhile, this topic has been moved to World Watch.


Asexual Musings and Rantings

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I dont really understand why some people seem to hate asexuals so much. (Or anything other than heterosexualty really).

Is it because they hate the idea that some people cannot be conquered through sex? Can their egos not bear it? Or are they really just that stupid?

I mean you can never win. You enjoy sex and they call you a slut, you dont like sex and they tell you to go get raped.

Well done people! You've officially made it to being the biggest contradictive, close-minded prats in the universe

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It's all about xenophobia. Some people will simply 'other' anyone who shows any characteristics outside of their experience.

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I thought xenophobia was fear of aliens...

But anyway, I don't have any fancy videos, just that I totally admire Swanklvy for putting up with that crap. Honestly, it's inappropriate at any time to say that someone needs to be raped or kill themselves. That's just awful and incredibly offensive.

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