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Not fitting in


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Do you sometimes feel as though you do not fit in anyhere in the world?

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I fit into my lair :P

But oftenly I get out for social activities or to do something monstrous; and once again - to confess that people want to live their own life and disregard mine :)

I love to say to people (and silently to myself): if the world stinks - wash yourself :P

i. e. that's probably our problem, but that's our way :)

All we'd like to change something without changing ourselves, but this is impossible yet.

And our life turns into searching of nonexistent reflection of us we could look at as if into the mirror and dive into the depth of mutual resonance.

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I never fit in. I never have anywhere...

RealLife: A big dislike for most of the children I meet

Forums: Sort of lurking

Friends: Find it difficult to uphold conversations for more than 3 lines of text.

Here: Well, I'm not even truely asexual...yet.

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Yes, sometimes. But most of the time I don't think about it and so it doesn't bother me. When I do, I just like I'm observing the world and walking through it but not actually taking part of it, there's no reason for me to be here or anywhere.

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The Evil Cashew

it was worse when i was younger. like in grade school i had no friends my age really and no one really liked the same things i did. its kinda still like it.. but its better. but i find it hard to fit in. i have just learned to... ignore it... i dun mind sitting at home anymore doing my own thing. then i know i am not making anyone unhappy and i don;t feel awkward. but somehow. i always fell welcome with my net friends! nice to have you all here!


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All the time! Welcome to the club :)

Do you think it's possible to "fit in" to a club whose sole characteristic is that nobody in the club fits in? Is that too contradictory? Ha.

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I don't want to fit in. That's boring. Imitation is suicide. Why "kill" your essence by trying to fit into society, when you can be unique and make your own limitations. Be everything someone else is not. It's easier to remember things that are different than it is to remember a bunch of similar things. I love my differences. You should too. It might get lonely, but we come into this world by ourselves (unless we have a twin) and we leave by ourselves. You should be able to be inside your own mind and have a friend there for ever. You can paint the world whatever color you want, you just have to learn to use your own colors, instead of everyone elses. Might be easier said than done, I know, but I wouldn't change my isolation for all the money in the world.

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Yep, veritydivine, that's it. Difference is such a rare thing to admit and cultivate in this wretched world of ours that it is worth taking the risk.

People try to fit standards with the hope that it will bring them closer to others. One dislike to be alone, that's human nature. However, what most have not realized yet (and maybe never) is that you may still be close to people even when you're different, those few real friends you'll have will be these people who'll not care for your differences and like you for what you are.

For those lucky enough to find a sister mind, so close to themselves, so much better for them.

But difference should not bring you solitude, unless you wish so.

For instance, look at aven, there's plenty of differences between all of us, yet we have some things to share, some things in common. :wink:

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For one reason or another, I've always felt as if I do not fit into a certain group. It doesn't matter to me though, I often don't contemplate it. On the other hand, when I look at others, many of them seem the same to me, which is quite boring.

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I fit in perfectly to anywhere where there isn't anyone else.

If there's nobody to fit in with, fitting in is so much easier.

As an example, when I'm walking in the mountains, I've no problem being myself and fitting in perfectly with nature, landscape and solitude.

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