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Hello from Wales!


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Hi everyone! I'm Rachel *waves* :D

I'm 23, a graduate in Egyptology and Religious Studies and soon-to-be student of Arabic and Middle East Studies. I'm a pretty average sort of Welsh valleys girl...who happens to be asexual.

I spent a long time during my teens wondering if there was something wrong with me as my friends started dating and becoming rather obsessed with sex. I went through all the usual questions, wondering if there was something medically wrong with me, if I was a lesbian, if maybe I'd just not met 'the right person' yet...it was tough. I used to joke about being asexual with one of my friends who was bisexual (having struggled with her own sexuality she provided a wonderfully open ear and support for my troubles) but I didn't realise that I really could be asexual until about two years ago.

Having always labelled myself as 'sort of queer' being outside of the 'norm', and feeling the pressure to conform to societal heterosexual norms, as well as getting the odd dig from people and feeling entirely misunderstood I've always identified with the LGBT community and been a very strong advocate of gay rights etc. (with some of my 'pet' academic topics actually extending to homosexuality in Orthodox Judaism and Islam)I know that not all asexuals feel part of the LGBT or feel that association is desirable, but I certainly do, and it was actually reading an article online in one of the online LGBT publications about asexuality that brought me to AVEN and to understanding my sexuality for the first time. It was such a relief the very first time I read the AVEN pages as I sat there nodding and wanting to jump for joy that there were other people like me! :D

I've not become actively involved before because even though I'm not 'out' with really anybody, most of my close friends and family just accept that I'm 'not interested' and so I've not felt the need to articulate my asexuality before. What's pushed me into the 'open' here, though, is the fact that I'm on the move again - moving from my current home down to Exeter in Devon for my academics and I dearly wish to be a sort of ambassador for the asexual community and to raise public awareness of our existence and who we are, as well as to explain to my (hopefully) many new friends and acquaintances who I am: Ace and damn proud!

So, thanks for reading everyone! Looking forward to joining in! :)



EDITIED: Because I can't SPELL! LOL. (No content removed)

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Hi! I've lived in Wales myself. I studied in Bangor for three years, and it is without doubt one of my favourite countries in the world! I am determined to go back to Bangor one day and live there for real!

Araising awareness is what we want here!

Have :cake:

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The Doctor Who?

Hello! I do have a sympathetic ear as well, because I went though the same process. "Is something medically wrong, and I bi, am I gay, am I straight?' Well, I'm asexual. xD

Oh, and I have always wanted to live in Wales. Hehe ^_^ x

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Welcome! I lived in Wales for a few months in college when I was on an exchange program. It's a beautiful place!

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