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I came to this site in the most tortuous method possible - I was reading a music review on the Independent website, noticed an article called "No sex please: An asexual life" was their most read article, found out about the BBC3 documentary, watched it and found that a lot of it made a lot of sense... Googled 'asexuality', found this site, read the FAQ... and here I am.

I'm Jason, and for much of my 39 years asexuality was something that happened to single-cell organisms, but my own sex life has always been something of a non-starter - through my teens and twenties I dated, sometimes even more than once (!), but all these 'relationships' fizzled out. I just never had the urge to pursue anyone, for whatever reason. At 29 I resigned myself to being alone forever and decided to just get on with life, then three months after my 30th birthday managed to fall in love with an American lady I met on a penpal site. She came over here, we got married... but the fact that I lost my virginity at 30 (to her) and was therefore inexperienced drove a wedge between us and we divorced a few years later. We're still very good friends, which is probably what we should have been all along if I'm totally honest. I've had one relationship since then, which was pretty much totally sexual but again that fizzled out (there's a theme here...) and I haven't had sex since June the 22nd 2007 (my username should tell you why the date sticks in my mind!). Sometimes that bothers me, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm really bothered or because society tells me I should be bothered, most of the time I don't think about it. I think I crave companionship more than intimacy, and the notion of never having someone close to me bothers me more than the notion of never penetrating someone again.

So, I've either gone into too much detail or not enough, I'll end here as I have to be up for work at stupid o'clock tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to exploring the site more and reading everyone else's stories and perspectives.


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We have a first!

The people featured in said article and show are members here, so we knew it was all happening.


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Hopefully you will be the first of many to make their way here due to the bravery of the 3 featured AVENites - welcome aboard :cake:

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Welcome! Enjoy the forums!

:cake: :cake:

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