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I hope everyone’s day was better than mine.

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I kind of hate how nonchalant I can be. A coworker said something through our headset, and another coworker was standing next to me, and he misunderstood what she said, and he told me what he thought she had said. He literally said the N word. He didn’t call me that, but all I could do was laugh. I didn’t fully process what he was saying to me until a couple seconds after. 

This is a white man im talking about here. Like, he really felt that comfortable to say what he thought she said to me. He could’ve left the actual word out or just called it the N word mid sentence but no he had to actually say it. I bet he was glad he was just talking to me because if it was anyone else that appears to be more aggressive, he would’ve gotten cussed out or fired if it was a manager he was speaking to.

I give off such a weak aura (I am a weak and painless person ngl) that people come at me in a very bold way. They know I’m not going to do anything. I kind of hate that about myself tbh. Why can’t non black people just not say it? They be wanting to say it so bad and I don’t understand why. I really don’t. But yeah, that’s what happened today because there’s never a dull moment at my job (most days) 


Also, I’m tired of these rude customers. A lady asked me if we took manufacture coupons and told her 3 times that we didn’t. She also mocked how I said our managers name. I hate my life. I do. If I had a different personality, I would’ve went off. I don’t know where people (especially older people) get off on talking to other people any kind of way. It’s so much hostility. I just don’t understand. 

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I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Some people are simply rude, some feel entitled, or don't think much about what they say, or whatever. Unfortunately, we usually can't do much about people like that.


I am an old person and a white person - I would never say the N word itself. I would use the euphemistic way of saying it, and only to talk about the word, not to actually use it. I'm not the kind of person who would even want to use it. I don't like slurs of any sort.


I can only offer you best wishes for better days. :( 

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That's really awful, I'm sorry you had such a bad day. I'm not Black but I also think the N-word is just not something non Black people should throw around. The word just has a lot of bagage. 


Dealing with customers is also such a difficult and thankless job. Honestly since I started wearing a face mask during the pandemic, I just feel more comfortable in front of strangers. It's like a barrier between me and them which makes me less self conscious. I also don't have to deal with comments about my smile at all as I'm a nervous smiler which causes issues sometimes. 


I really hope tomorrow is a better day for you

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I hope tomorrow is a better day for you too.

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