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How to transition without bottom growth?


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Im a demi boy and I'm perfectly fine with my lower parts, I want to transition with facial hair, top surgery, deep voice, all the works essentially but without bottom growth. I'm super worried that it'll be forever changed and it will never be the same. I just don't want to mess it up super badly

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Not all transition paths are the same. You can transition without getting any bottom surgery done. If you talk to a healthcare provider about starting the transition process, you can ask them how the other methods (e.g. HRT) will impact your body overall. I'm not an expert and I haven't gone through these myself, but I don't think HRT changes much below the belt on its own. It would impact things like hair growth, but you wouldn't, like, drop a pair and grow the dongiest dong of all ages from taking testosterone. And it's not required that you do so. It's your body. Do what makes you comfortable.

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I also haven't been through it, but that's different from what I've heard. Sounds like T causes some lower growth and discomfort even before things like the voice change kick in, and it's an unpleasant part of the process for a lot of people who feel the same way you do about it. You really should google this and get some answers from a variety of firsthand sources instead of listening to either of us though.

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I've heard that the clitoris enlarges on testosterone, so there are some physical changes that can occur on hormones.


You would have to discuss this with a doctor who knows how hormones could affect you. 


As for the voice. I recommend learning to sing and work on your lower range. Vocal chords developed under estrogen are capable of producing low sounds, so you can train yourself to speak lower. You can even find a speach therapist of sorts who could help you learn to speak in a lower range. 

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Janus the Fox

This is what I did on my MTF HRT journey as an MTF.  I’m on very little hormone but it works to get the level for a normal woman.  I weren’t sure if i wanted breasts, but I was absolutely certain I want the bottom to change, with some doubt that a SRS surgery could ever take place due to a lack of a lot of tissue, being very small there before HRT.  I began HRT knowing I can stop and reverse it at any time.  Over 7 months now… I’m very pleased and I don’t mind breasts at all, I likely have the option for breast removal surgery if I ever change my mind however.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/8/2021 at 9:16 AM, anthony tales said:

Hey. Trans man here. I'm many years deep into my hormonal transition. I used to be frightened of bottom growth, but when it happened, it was an anti-climax. I enjoy what I have and I'm not entirely sure why it ever scared me. The genital dysphoria I used to have has gone away, now that I am masculine and male-passing, and the extra growth is very pleasurable. I never experienced any discomfort or pain with bottom growth.


Some people will tell you that there are guaranteed ways to take Testosterone and prevent bottom growth. Finasteride, for example. The evidence for this is anecdotal at best, and misinformation at worst. Do not rely on this. There's a lot of bullshit medical advice floating about in transmac and FTM spaces, and you need to be careful about who you listen to. 


If you transition hormonally, you cannot predict or entirely control the order that you'll experience changes. You can slow the timeline of changes by being on a low dose, but you can't guarantee no bottom growth if you're taking HRT to the point that you'll experience other obvious changes.


My personal recommendation is to attend therapy and figure out why you're so scared of bottom growth, and whether avoiding a few centimetres of growth is worth not experiencing other changes, which may bring you immense joy. Talk to transgender men, non-binary people, and hormonally-transitioning butches who have all had to weigh up conflicting feelings about starting Testosterone. You'll find that all of us come up against what we do, and do not, want to experience.


Puberty is a mixed bag, and you need to go into it with open eyes. Do not expect that you would be able to prevent bottom growth from happening.


Thank you very much for your advice.

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You can't avoid bottom growth if you go on T. Before I started HRT, I was concerned about bottom growth and unsure if that was something I actually wanted, but the appeal of the rest of the changes (and the pain of dysphoria) meant that I started T anyways. Thankfully, it turns out that I actually just don't care! So far it hasn't caused noticeable discomfort, and just hasn't really been important in the grand scheme of things? I'm too excited about the other changes to care about the bottom growth at all, really. Maybe in the future I'll feel differently, but for now it doesn't matter to me that much. IDK how it'll work for you, but that's how it's been for me.

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Like @shout said, you can't avoid bottom growth if you're taking T. You can't pick and choose what aspects of T you want and don't want, it doesn't work like that. Bottom growth is never gonna give you a full cis sized dick. You don't gotta get bottom surgery. I don't want bottom surgery, but I like my bottom growth. It's enough to look male (just miniscule) and function in a male manner, but small enough that it's pretty out of the way and not inconvenient at all. And everything else down there is unchanged. 

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  • 3 months later...
Janus the Fox
3 hours ago, bottomgrowth said:

what is a bottom growth? 😶

Under HRT, that’s usually when the gender therapies starts to reshape the bottom area and that of the hips.  Bottom growth could mean the increase in size and shape in trans fems and the shrinking and reshaping of the bottom area in trans masc.  Some wish this to happen, others do not and in others may not see bottom growth in HRT therapies without surgery.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/5/2021 at 12:59 AM, Snao Cone said:

Not all transition paths are the same. You can transition without getting any bottom surgery done. If you talk to a healthcare provider about starting the transition process, you can ask them how the other methods (e.g. HRT) will impact your body overall. I'm not an expert and I haven't gone through these myself, but I don't think HRT changes much below the belt on its own. It would impact things like hair growth, but you wouldn't, like, drop a pair and grow the dongiest dong of all ages from taking testosterone. And it's not required that you do so. It's your body. Do what makes you comfortable.

I've had very significant bottom growth, and I think honestly it's valid for all trans people to be dysphoric over changes in that area, it's possible to have significant changes for everyone going on significant doses of any HRT.


Honestly very dysphoric at times over our bottom growth.

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On 12/4/2021 at 9:54 PM, Shapeshifters23 said:

Im a demi boy and I'm perfectly fine with my lower parts, I want to transition with facial hair, top surgery, deep voice, all the works essentially but without bottom growth. I'm super worried that it'll be forever changed and it will never be the same. I just don't want to mess it up super badly

I'm going to be honest I don't think doctors pay much attention at all to our feelings about our bottom parts, we're already in the situation where the mainstream kinds of bottom surgery for trans people came from IGM, going off that path to me would suggest risky areas where the surgeries are more likely practiced on nonconsenting or somewhat conflicted patients. I am not all that happy with our bottom growth(which is pretty significant), we have a different experience in that we usually use a packer anyway but even though we think we'd like bottom surgery, bottom growth was not something we particularly wanted.


Ultimately, no one can know before hand whether they have the genetics/epigenetics or environmental etc stuff to get bottom growth they don't want on T. There is a chance you could ask about ways to go on T where you'd be more able to notice things changing(because in my case it happened pretty quickly) like lower doses if that would slow things down while giving typical effects of T. And it's probably worth asking if you'd at all be able to have surgery if you got effects you really didn't want, though I don't know what healthcare access is like where you are. I'd say if lower doses allowed you to see the effects happen more slowly according to doctors' opinions it would be worth going on T still.

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Sarcastic comment but imagine most of the population was trans and we could just ask our relatives how hrt affected them to predict T/E etc changes 😆

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  • 1 year later...
On 6/13/2022 at 4:56 AM, bottomgrowth said:

what is a bottom growth? 😶

It's growth of the clitoris while taking testosterone as a biological female transitioning to male

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