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Lord Jade Cross

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I'd switch mine off.

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I feel like this has happened in some lab already.


Ironically I was just relistening to Operation Stingray the other day  which is about this except you’re not the one who’s in control.

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Probably some Matrix blue pill kind of thing...

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We can control our emotions but it is not instant and it takes practice. I know one way.

First, let's look of the process from an event leading to behavior. An event occurs, which generates an automatic thought which gives way to emotions and ends with a behaviour. By changing the automatic thought and solidifying it conciously with a new behavior, we can change the emotion.

It's not that easy, but it works.

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To be honest I was kinda hoping that the manipulation part revolved around controlling other people's emotions. Not for nefarious purposes mind you, just to turn one individual's emotions in my life down another path.


Anyway, I already do have a magic trick up my sleeve not unlike what you describe. I certainly can't change emotions on the fly, but I find that in certain situations I can shunt myself into something like a null state where I feel nothing. Anything can transpire in front of me and I'll simply not feel anything for it, nor will I react.


If I actually could change emotions on the fly then obviously I'd make myself a happy lunatic all the time.

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Emotions are also generated/controlled by brain chemicals and other momentary physiological events, including temperature, what we eat and drink, whether we're suffering from an illness, etc., not just electrical impulses.  

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8 hours ago, Homer said:

I'd switch mine off.



Thinking with my heart has always gotten me in trouble, or picking myself back up. 


Its smooth sailing when I think with my brain and gut instincts and don't give in to emotions. 


If I could switch my emotions off, I would pay heavily to do so. 


To me this is true freedom.

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Well I'd certainly have use of it when having an anxiety attack...

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Celyn: The Lutening
12 hours ago, E said:

To be honest I was kinda hoping that the manipulation part revolved around controlling other people's emotions.

Same, I was picturing the Rioters and Soothers from the Mistborn books. That kind of ties in with what people are saying about how it would be good to just lessen emotions - in the second trilogy, Soothers find work as therapists.


However, I wouldn't change my emotions. I've done the damping them down thing with medication and while it kept me functional, it damped down EVERYTHING and I was missing out on experiencing life, it felt like I was just kinda...existing. Emotions are important.


I would get rid of panic/worry/fear though.

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Lord Jade Cross
On 5/6/2019 at 7:58 PM, uhtred said:


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3 hours ago, Jade Cross said:

Considering how effective I become at doing things when emotions are not getting in the way, yes. 

But wouldn't it be the ultimate drug?  If you could simply make yourself happy all the time? 

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I kind of think if I shut off all of my emotions I would end up doing a bunch of risky sociopathic stuff and I would end up dead or in prison. 


Getting rid of of my anxiety would definitely be awesome though, while still keeping a healthy amount of fear so I don’t spin out across the highway while speeding again....

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Everyone has control of their reality to a certain extent. Some have better control than others.  The first step for most people is realizing that we do have control. For myself I try to decide what I want. I like to be needed and loved. I don't find that in humans so much as in animals. It gives me great pleasure to provide warmth, food and comfort to a little wild baby (possum, raccoons, squirrels). So I got my license to rehabilitate. I keep a pack of small dogs, they love when I read poetry to them. I love to be creative and paint. I do get lonely for human interaction but never too lonely.

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Captain Jay

I would be mixed on the idea. On one hand, emotions are meant to show how we're feeling, and being able to obscure them could lead to all kinds of deceit and communication issues.


On the other hand, considering that I tend to have trouble hiding my emotions despite seeing how much they can irritate people, I do wonder what it would be like to be able to at least turn them down. Though when it comes to blending in and acting "natural", they might be the least of my concerns.

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