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Demisexual Flag/Black Triangle Nazi Symbol


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Hey guys! I wanted to get some extra opinions here! I was involved in a bit of a debate/talk with people. Someone mentioned that they were demisexual on a picture and somebody else commented, “Great picture, but the demisexuality was unnecessary. The flag is lesbophobic.” Now this is the first time I had ever heard this, so I thought I’d ask why they thought the flag was lesbophobic.
They told me it was because of the use of the black triangle. After a quick google search, I found that the black triangle symbol was used by the Nazis to distinguish certain groups such as homosexuals and nonconformists. When I tried to search why the black triangle was used on the demisexual flag, I actually didn’t get any results at all. Now I know demisexuality has nothing to do with Nazi ideals, but what do you guys think about the black triangle being used when it was a hate symbol? Just looking for some extra thoughts and opinions. Because I’d like to be proud of my demisexuality, I just don’t know how I feel about the flag now

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Back to Avalon

The pink triangle was used by the Nazis to label gay people, and the gay community has taken it back as a symbol of pride. I think demisexuals can do the same with the black triangle. Incidentally, your post is the first I've heard of the black triangle as a Nazi label.

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There are a lot of things that have been used as hate symbols in the past, and I don't think a black triangle is easily identifiable or iconic as a Nazi symbol. When you think "Nazi" you think swastika, not black triangle.

I think the triangle is derived from aven's triangle, as a symbol of the sexual-asexual spectrum. A black triangle in and of itself isn't a hate symbol, so I personally don't see an issue with it. It's a simple and common shape, not something complex or deliberate.

(Side note: I used to identify as Demi but lately have leaned towards asexual)

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I totally agree. I was just so surprised that several people only saw it as a hate symbol whereas I didn’t even know it was!

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Somewhere along the line just about everything has been used as a hate symbol by someone. 

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A lot of the symbolism and words that the lgbtq+ community uses was at some point derogatory or hate speech. Dunno why people are trying to put down other minorities recently, but regardless–


The Demi flag is good.


(also a sideways black triangle was never used by nazis, an upside dow meant they were so called "asocials" and with a z it was gypsies/Roma people)

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To clarify the Nazi concentration camp badges:

Two intersecting yellow triangles were used to identify Jews.

Purple triangles were used to identify religious dissidents such as Jehovah's Witnesses.

Black triangles were used to identify habitual criminals.

Brown triangles were used to identify Roma, Sinti, and Lalleri (Gypsies).

Red triangles were used to identify political dissenters and trade unionists.

Pink triangles were used to identify male homosexuals.

Often the badges would have a letter in the center to identify the prisoner's country of origin: T for Czechs, U for Hungarians, etc.

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On 5/7/2019 at 6:18 PM, Woodworker1968 said:

Back triangles were used to identify habitual criminals.

I was under the understanding that black triangles meant antisocial which the Nazis included more than just habitual criminals but also people with disabilities, pacifists and other groups the Nazis thought were not hard working.



On the topic at hand, I agree with skycaptain. I think it is unavoidable to use symbols that at some time or other  was a hate symbol.


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Sweet Potato

one version of the Lesbian flag. yep, that black triangle sure is lesbophobic here!


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