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cigarette smoker or non-smoker


Cigarette smoker or non=smoker  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you a smoker?

    • Yes
    • No
    • other
  2. 2. If you answered that you are (or other), have you tried quiting in the last 2 years?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Non-smoker

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i don't smoke, both my parents and my middle brother smoked when i was growing up (my father still smokes) so honestly the smell of the smoke of the cigarettes actually makes me nauseous so i wouldn't be a good smoker if the second hand smoke makes me feel sick.

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I've never touched cigarette in my life and I don't plan too, I cannot stand the smell I always try and avoid being next to people while they're smoking cause the smell bothers me so much

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Non smoker. My mum and stepdad smoke, dad quit 35 years ago, and sister quit 21 years ago. 


In "Roy of the Rovers" around 1980 you got a badge if you said that you would never smoke, and I have stuck to it 

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SithAzathoth WinterDragon

I do not smoke cigarettes and plan on never trying it since I'm learning how to play bagpipes and need all that healthy lung pressure for playing on the bagpipes, however I do smoke weed from time to time and there's never been issues with that.

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I've never smoked cigarettes. I did smoke cigars and shisha a few times some years ago, but I never got addicted. 


My mom started smoking cigarettes when she was a teenager. She stopped when she got pregnant with me, but then started again after she had my sister(go figure :lol:). She finally did quit a few years ago when she was around 42. My dad has asthma so he can't really smoke tobacco, and my sister vapes.

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everywhere and nowhere

I'm not only a non-smoker, I have even never ever tried and, given all the peer pressure which equals smoking with Adulthood, I'm proud of it.

But I just always enjoyed being in minorities.

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Should have an ex-smoker option. I did for a few years. Stress plus everyone I worked with did (and you got more breaks). Moved to vaping and then decided to quit by nothing taking it with me when I went to Japan for 2.5 weeks. I lost the habit and that was that. I did go through a period of smoking for about 2 weeks almost 2 years ago when I was super stressed, and once things sorted themselves out I just stopped again. Just didn't want them anymore.

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Rare Aztec Whstling Chickn

I started smoking around the start of 2005 when I was 15. I think it was one of those "oh fuck it give it a go" moments. I didn't mind it and it ended up sticking. I've never really given much of an attempt to stop, although I know I probably should.

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Never smoked, never tried. No one in my family smokes. I'm really sensitive to smoke (allergies), so it's a good thing no one in my family does lol.

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16 minutes ago, kelico said:

Never smoked, never tried. No one in my family smokes. I'm really sensitive to smoke (allergies), so it's a good thing no one in my family does lol.

I find the cigarette smoke affects my eyes too

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I don’t even know anyone personally that smokes. I’m still shocked at how normal it is in the UK, especially how young they start!

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I think I was lucky because older boys gave me a cigarette to smoke when I was nine... I was too young to be swayed by the idea of looking 'cool' .. so I spat it out because it was gross. Honestly if I had been 13 it might have been a different story.

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My dad was a smoker, but he quit before I was born. He told me about how smoking was so addictive to him that he still got cravings to this day. Needless to say, I’m not too keen on signing myself up for such an addiction. 

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I do not and will not smoke ever and I don't personally know anyone who smokes. I can barely stand the smell of smoke, my nose is really sensitive to smells. If someone is smoking nearby I plug my nose or stop breathing while passing by as quick as possible to avoid coughing (and to avoid punching them in the face if they are just outside a door, seriously I don't want to leave a restaurant and be greeted by a cloud of fumes). Smoking is sadly pervasive in my city which seems to have missed the memo that smoking is bad for you.


I don't care if other people smoke, just don't smoke where I can smell it please.

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I'm a non-smoker. I tried smoking, though, many years ago. It was while I was going through a very stressful, painful time. *don't try this at home!


Thankfully, I didn't get addicted. Which is really lucky, because there are A LOT of smokers in my family. Going to family get-togethers growing up was always a fun adventure into a smoke-filled land. 'Cause what would be better for a bunch of kids than inhaling all of that godawful smoke? 🙄


I eventually found out that I have an allergy to tobacco, so whenever I'm around someone that smokes, I start coughing and sneezing, and my eyes start watering. Bleh... 🤢

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non smoker ,due to asthma from a kid to adult hood but my uncle back in the day  smoked pipes and he use to pack them with a cherry smelling tobacco (that didn't set my asthma off)  to this day i have a fond memory of my uncle when i smell cherry tobacco

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Ms. Carolynne

I'm a non-smoker, and that's something I don't intend to pick up.


I've seen how addictive tobacco / nicotine is, and the effects continuous use has on one's health. I don't think it's worth it.


The smell and how it lingers with tobacco is terrible as well.

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@asshole If you do decide to quit one day, I wish you the best of luck. I know that it's hard for most people and that it usually takes many attempts before one is successfully, but it can be done. I'll be rooting for you. Good luck! ☺️

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Been smoking since I was 9. Have tried, several times to stop, but, no success.

Am 53, and don't expect to see 60. If I do, I will be shocked. Maybe, that will be enough to get me to stop. We'll see...

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I see no point in it...?

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22 minutes ago, Homer said:

I see no point in it...?

True. Is there is a point to any addiction?🤨

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Guest Jetsun Milarepa

My dad died of lung cancer on 13th November 1981. He had smoked for many years -heavily. He managed to live to be 67, but his last 10 years (even thought he stopped 10 years before he died) , were spent in very poor health. He became a cardiac cripple.

He was lucky. He died on the operating table when they were doing the bronchoscopy that subsequently diagnosed him, was resuscitated and sedated , but died again overnight.

He didn't get to suffer on like some people, so I'm grateful for that, but - as a nurse, I saw so many terrible endings, thanks to smoking.

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I am a purely social smoker who only does so around other smokers and when there is alcohol. No alcohol = no cigarettes. I drink rarely, so I smoke for an evening maybe twice a year.

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Non-smoker, my mom has smoked all my life, so I've been overexposed to it, so if I end up with lung cancer, you know why!🙃

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Don't smoke and have never tried it. Fortunately family don't smoke, either.

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No, I most certainly do not smoke, it is disgusting.


I had two relatives who literally smoked themselves to a slow and painful premature death. They damaged their lungs so much that their ability to breathe became less and less until they literally suffocated to death. Not at all nice. They had started smoking during an era before it was known how harmful it is, and when it was even promoted as being good for you, so it wouldn't be fair for me to criticize them for their choice to smoke. It is however completely beyond my understanding why young people in this day and age start smoking when everyone is aware of how harmful it is. 


Now that vaping has in recent years grown immensely in popularity as a credible alternative to cigarette smoking, I can envisage in 100 years time that it will become the standard form of "smoking" and demand for cigarettes will have dropped so much that they will have been phased out. I reckon people will look back and think "what, when people wanted to smoke, they used to put a smelly tar ridden stick in their mouth and light it?  That's disgusting!"

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On 11/3/2018 at 5:00 PM, Homer said:

I see no point in it...?



Plus it's bad for everyone around you, would literally choke my shitty lungs to death, smells awful, makes a mess and costs a fortune.

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I dip or sometimes chew tobacco, and occasionally I will take dry snuff. I tried a few cigars in the past, but other than that I've never smoked anything and don't intend to start. Smokeless tobacco is most likely bad enough for my health as is. Nicotine has a calming effect on me, which is something I can't help but appreciate as someone with an anxiety disorder. I also find that it clears my head a little and improves my ability to focus.

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I’ve never smoked, and never wanted to. In fact, I have a hard time being around people who are smoking. I feel like I can’t breathe and my throat gets itchy at the same time. Eyes water, too. My parent smoked a little until my mom was pregnant with me. My mom refused to be around her while pregnant when she smoked. It was a good way for her to quit, although she wasn’t all that into it. My grandparents (parent’s parents) both smoked and drank like crazy. In fact, it really aged them, and was what most likely killed them. I only met one once when I was 2. She had an odd smoky smell, to me. The other died 2 years before I was born. My parent hated growing up with so much smoke in the air. (I’m surprised she smoked at all.) 

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