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Tell Your Scar Stories

Lady Constellation

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Lady Constellation

When I was about five years old, I was at my neighbor's house. I was playing with a girl about my age and she went inside to get us some water, because we were really little and we were running around like Usain Bolt and we were thirsty. So I was alone outside, because for some reason there was no adult out there. I was walking on this wooden board that they had by their backyard shed, pretending I was a gymnast. Suddenly, I trip and fall- and I get a four-inch cut on my arm from a nail sticking up from the board. I run into my house, crying hysterically. My mom takes me to the bathroom and puts five Band-Aids on my arm. We don't even go to the hospital- I don't get stitches, nothing. I still have a scar from it.

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The two I have on my arm right now came from playing with a four month old kitten. Kittens tend to pretend everything's prey while playing, including my arm. Plus she's teething. But I can't be mad at her, she's the sweetest thing ever!

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I've got a few in places. Most of them are just work or accident related.


There's a more major one. On my left wrist there's a set of puncture marks and scratches. Those came from the time I thought I'd take a faster travel path than using my legs to hobo myself around the country so I tried train hopping for the first and last time. The station's nightwatch caught up to me and he just had to be the real hardass. Sent a dog after me and of course I couldn't outrun it so I used my left arm as the latching point for the dog to grab onto while I tried to beat it off me. Didn't work. Mister nightwatch came over and beat the ever loving piss out of me with a baton while the dog used my left arm as a chewtoy before they dumped me out of the trainyard.

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Surprisingly, i dont have any scars from my serious injuries, such as impalement or when all the skin came off one side of my face, but i DO have HUNDREDS of eczema/dermatillomania scars.

I also have one almost completely faded scar on my left hand that i got from compulsively ripping off the skin. Its about the size of a fingernail.

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- two round ones on my right elbow from where pins were to hold it after it was broken.


- two straight lines on my right arm, one from my dog's dewclaw and the other from skin picking.


- a few faded lines on my thighs from SI


- small round ones all over my body from chronic cysts, folliculitis , and skin picking.


- Small white line on the inside of my left index finger from safety scissors.

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  • One on my forehead from getting kicked on the head while walking too close to the swingset in preschool
  • One on the back of my left hand from playing with sticks (it was just a tiny cut, but for some reason it scarred)
  • Three half-inch incision scars from surgery 10 years ago
  • One on my left foot from swimming too close to a rusty oil drum in the brook I used to swim in all the time as a kid (which I didn't know about until one of my friends told me after I'd left and gotten seven stitches in my foot)
  • Various other tiny scars from acne/all the warts I used to have
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Mrs Telecaster-to-be

Chicken pox, accidental burns from things like the oven, heating pad burns on my abdomen (and one on my left boob :ph34r:), a cycling accident, scabs that I wouldn't let heal, a kitchen incident with a very new paring knife, and self harm. That about sums it up.

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That bumpy, flat spot on the lower back of my head. A bone scar? I am an unplanned German pregnancy. Mother carried me long enough for me to hatch and I spent the first six months of my life in an orphanage. I was fed and cleaned but this was all the attention I received. I lay constantly on my back as my skull deformed. Oh well, I was one of the lucky ones. I survived.


America. Hooray! Adopted and a teenager I was out tending to the weeds. I got lazy and the tip of the scythe sank itself into my shin. Have any of you experienced anything so painful you can't even scream? It hurt like hell the next day but both the pain and the scar went away.


Mark of the Chemist : long ago and far away chemistry professors deliberately failed to mention the hazards of trying to jam glass rods into tiny holes in rubber stoppers. I was but enthusiasm got the best of me. I went on to be a professional chemist, The scar remains. Harry Potter?




When summer comes and I inevitably tan I notice small, white patches. The ghosts of former scars. How I got them are lost to memory. Lost souls. 


I have more than my share of emotional scars.


Another thread?



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I've got a small scar on my forehead on my left side, a few inches above my eyebrow, at an angle (like an angle above my eyebrow). This is a fun story:


** Warning, this is a bloody story, so if you're sensitive to blood, READ WITH CAUTION **

Long story short: my head hit a stall metal door at horse stables and I ended up with 55 stitches in my head, mostly internal


So i horse back rode regularly from ages 8-16. I got this scar around when I was 9. It was the day before Christmas. Well, I was at the horse stables. I had a brand new instructor that day (new as in, my other one went on maternity leave, I have no idea how much experience this chick had, though I suspect she was newer just because of how she handled everything). My two friends had come with me, because they had spent the night previously. So I start to tack up the horse in the stall (put on the bridle and saddle). The horse was being particularly stubborn/tempermental with the bit, but I didn't think anything of it (I thought it was just because of the cold weather, which makes the metal bits cold, many horses are less than happy to put cold bits in their mouth).


So I start to lead the horse out of the stall. The instructor is literally not even 10 feet away from me, across the walkaway, having the door open so I can go into the indoor arena and start riding. The horse pulls at the reins, I pull it back. It pulls again more aggressively, I pull it back. And then the thing full blown GALLOPS off in one direction. For whatever reason (remember, I'm 9) I'm still holding onto the reins. My mom happens to be on the opposite side of the hall and shouts "LET GO!" and I let go. At this point my head hit a stall metal door in the chaos, so I'm bleeding profusely (but thankfully had my helmet on, so the helmet took the brunt of the damage). The instructor doesn't even bother to see if I'm ok and runs after the horse. 


I was on my knees, cupping my hands under my face, looking down, the blood quickly filling my hands. My two friends run over to me, to see if I'm ok. My mother is absolutely panicking and runs to the administrative building. My friends help me get to my feet and at this point I'm feeling pretty woozy due to the amount of blood I lost (the reason I lost so much was because the face is super vascular, meaning any size cut is going to bleed quite a bit). My friends have me on their arms (keep in mind, we are all around age 8-10) and help lead me to a small room with a desk and a chair in it. They sit me down and at this point my Mom had walked in the room. I was silent and kind of fading in and out mentally because of the trauma that just happened to my head.


EMTs arrived not long after (I have no idea how long after, my mom says like 5-10 minutes). They remove the dirty and debris that they can from my head and wrap up my head. My Mom is talking with the police officer that showed up (getting directions to the local hospital). The EMT lady who was bandaging my head made sure I was still alert (asking my name, where I was, simple and easy questions like that). She asked if I wanted to go in the ambulance. Me being 9, I was terrified of the ambulance so I said I wanted to ride in the car with my parents. The EMT said that was fine (apparently the amount of blood I lost wasn't "emergency" inducing, like shock, but I still felt cool and clammy).


My Mom calls my Dad and lets him know what happened while she's driving me to the hospital with my two friends in the backseat with me. We wait in the ER waiting room (it felt like a long time, but according to my Mom, it wasn't a long time). Eventually I get called back. The doctor has me lay flat and he begins to clean the wound on my head, removing debris and dirt that the EMT couldn't remove. He then starts to stich up my head. One of my friends remained in the room and held my hand, the other waited outside in the hall with my mom because they both didn't handle the sight of blood well. My dad held my other hand and I just remember staring up at the ceiling during the whole time, remaining basically silent the entire time.


The doctor said basically Thank God I wore my helmet, otherwise I could have been sent to the ICU (intensive care unit) or worse, dead. He also said apparently the bones in my head are slightly thicker than usual ("Thank god you have a hard head" as he put it), which also apparently helped me not get as bad damage. So after he stitched me up, he put a waterproof bandage on it and said I couldn't go swimming or anything for 2-3 weeks if I remember right. 


Now, the scar is a faint discolored line on my head. I am a firm advocate for minors to wear helmets when horse back riding, regardless of what style they ride (English, Western, Bareback, etc.) due to how dangerous accidents like mine were. Once they're adult, they can make their own decision about their safety, but minors NEED to wear helmets. So many young riders have the attitude of "Oh, my horse won't spook" or "Oh, nothing THAT BAD will happen to me" when in reality, you're dealing with a freaking 1,000+ pound animal, bad stuff can and likely will happen at some point when you're riding. 


Looking back, depending on the exact paperwork (if any) was involved with that place I rode, my Mom could have easily sued the daylights out of them and likely won the case. The administration was a total jerk to my mother (according to my mom, they didn't even ask if I was ok, and just said "Well, we can give you a free lesson"). 

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I have a perfectly straight white one on my right had from where I fell over and sliced my hand open on some glass at playtime. It didn't bleed at first and no one believed me, then a minute later my entire hand was red and I thought I was going to bleed to death. It's acceptable to be melodramatic when you're in year 2 or 3.


I have a few chickenpox scars; my dad tried to send me to school with the fucker and they sent me straight back home.


I have loads of dog-related scars, mostly from Sasha where she stabs me with her dew claws, and some from other dogs. Most of them are faint now though.


I suppose I now have a bone scar from where I broke my lower fibula/tibia? Hopefully I'll never see that one directly...


I have a "scar" on my thumb that I have no idea where it came from, but it's in the exact same place my dad has one. Genetic scarring? 😐

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Violence warning, but I'll keep this brief.

I have a 5 inch scar on the left side of my stomach where a 7 inch blade went in when my wife and I were attacked in our home. I have a scar from the middle of my groin to just below my breastbone from when doctors cut me open to save my life.

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there's a permanent tooth mark on the back of my left hand because when i was 2 i decided to feed an apple to a horse with my hand facing down, so the horse got a mouthful of baby hand and i learned a lesson about feeding horses

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I've got one on the middle joint of my left index finger from that time about 5 or 6 years ago when I decided to use a kitchen knife when I couldn't find a screwdriver. That ended rather predictably... :lol:

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Faint one on my chest from being bitten in the brest by a horse.

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I also have a small, circular scar in the center of my forehead because I had chicken pox 3 times as a kid (8, 10, & 12) and the third time really hit me hard.

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I have one on my right hand from a retractable dog lead and a fast moving dog. Super friction burn!

Have some on my stomach from an op.

And have old SI ones on my thighs. 

Did have one on my right knee for many years due to falling over as a kid and did have one on my forehead for many years due to headbutting a step as a kid.

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Elftober Country

I have a nice V-shaped scar on my right thumb - never try and opened a film canister in the dark with a pair of scissors, you'll end up in A&E 🙄

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Small one at the bottom of my thumb came from a girl with very sharp nails grabbing a ball from me. One on my right arm was a result of me being an obnoxious teenager and waking my cat up. One on my right palm is the result of a cycling accident where a little chunk of my palm ended up on a Dutch cycle path. At least it no longer itches.

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Ran up some stone stairs, tripped, knee sliced open, needed stitches.... now my knee cap is indented. :P 


I've also got some acne scars but those aren't as fun to talk about. 

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-A few on my arms from getting scratched by a cat, especially from when I was younger and I would hold my cats way longer than they wanted to be held xD. The most recent one was when I was picking up my cat and he got startled by a loud car outside.

-A faint one on my right arm from when I accidentally burned myself when I was working in a school cafeteria a couple of years ago.

-One on my hip where a mole used to be since I had a biopsy a few years ago.


I used to have way more scars, like one on my knee from falling off my bike and another one on the back of my leg from when I got burned when I was 4, but they've faded by now. Even my recent ones are fading since I've been using coconut oil on them.

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I really feel like I've told this one before, somewhere on this site but I don't remember where or if I actually did, so here goes.


 I have a small scar on my right arm with some keloid-like properties, a result of a minor surgery a year or so ago. I reckon it might always be there.


I also have a long, thin scar that has faded over the years, I hope it continues to from when I was around 8 or 9. I obtained it by jumping from a bed which was probably up to 5 or 6 feet away from a wall to a ledge which was a little less than a foot wide and stuck out from the wall. My goal was to land on the ledge and run along it. Of course, in retrospect this seems entirely thickheaded given that the wall is there, you'd think you'd encounter some resistance if you hit it and bounce off backwards. Thankfully this never happened and somehow, I have no idea how, my bro and I would do this, all the time, without incident. Until one day, he missed the ledge and fell on the ground and his head hit the ledge and cracked open. Not the skull thankfully but there was a lot of blood. Suffice it to say, mom freaked out, dad came home, stitched him up (dad is not a surgeon) and told us to STOP jumping from the bed to the ledge. End of story.


But wait! You thought this was about how I got my scar? Oh...about that... Several months later, after my bro was sufficiently healed, guess what we were doing again? The thing dad told us to STOP doing. And I guess it was my turn or something because what do you know? Bam! Same thing, mom freaks, dad comes home, stitches me up (literally) and this time, we finally stopped doing that. I'll never understand why we were doing it in the first place...


Also, my scar is about an inch above my eyebrow. So for the longest time it was very noticeable because even after it healed it was this large, thick red horizontal line on my face and everyone would ask me about it. It looked like someone had cut me open at some point. Thankfully, it has faded and the above poster mentioned putting coconut oil on scars to fade them so I'm definitely trying that. It's been over 15 years now but it's still kind of there.


Also, my bro's, his was on his eyebrow, same side of the face as me, but over his eyebrow...which means, no one can see it, because hair....😒


Also, we never went to to the hospital because we didn't have healthcare back then. Just like when I fell out of the tree at 9 and suffered serious injury to the right side of my body (no broken bones, thankfully) I also didn't go to the hospital.👍

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* I have a small stripe where my appendix once was. I was mad at the surgeon because:

     - I was in surgeon for the removal of a part of my intestines that was NOT my appendix but they took it out anyway saying 'just to be sure'

       (years later I understood it was because if my appendix was still there and I would get a sudden appendicitis.... 

        because of that particular scar the option of appendicitis would immediately be eliminated)

     - He said he was proud of the tiny scar he made so I could still be okay while wearing a bikini, while I would have liked a bigger and cooler scar and don't care about bikinis.

* I have a large one on my leg because of automutilation 'back in the days'


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Janus the Fox

I have two keyhole surgical marks, for knee surgery as a result of a bad fall down stairs at home, due to poor gait and balance.  Slipped to knock the knee awkwardly on the wall, causing a cut.  After waiting a year the pain gradually come back,I asked for an MRI when given the choice by a doctor.  Two weeks later was urgently called in for emergency surgery to explore what the MRI picked up, there was complex bone fracture, tendon and cartridge injury, most importantly what caused concern the most was a large blood clot that could break away at a moments notice.


What should of been 30 minute explore surgery, became 3 hours to remove the clot and fix the damage.  It took a full 6 months for a fuller recovery.  I've always walked with a pole since, pain is on a return, though that's because a larger amount of joint tissue haven't recovered, typical of an ageing person, I've also had hip problems ever since.  This was some 8 or so years ago now, there was, until more recently, to sensation on the skin around the scar marks.


I also have scars around the finger nails from a lifetime of nail biting which since medication has stopped, I could also consider stretch marks scars from years of weight problems 6 years ago now normal weight.

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I have had several scars that have faded. These often involved stepping on rusty nails, or cat, or just scratched it to hell on something. I have on rather large scar still due to poor misjudgment on my part of listening to my older brother. He decided it would be awesome to hook up a bungee cord from his like 10 speed bicycle to my scooter and go downhill. I lost control, ditched it, and rolled. Hit a rock big time. I looked real sexy with shorts and a bandage around that joint for a while. no stitches though.

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I have scars from ovarian cyst removal surgery and some stretch marks from when I used to be overweight. I made a video on scar treatments. Check it out if that sounds interesting to you.



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I have a scar above my right eye where the eyebrow is. How I got it may actually be my earliest memory, as I was just a wee lad. Basically I fell off a chair and landed on the edge of the coffee table haha, unfortunately that led to the removal of the coffee table and we haven't had one since :(

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J. van Deijck

the very first one is on my forehead. I usually don't even think about it 😂 when I was about one year old, i hit the table with my head. this scar is 27 years old then. :D

I also have a variety of other scars, including surgery scars.

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