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What do I call this?

Infinity in a Teacup

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Infinity in a Teacup

I know for sure that I'm asexual. That's a forgone conclusion. After getting out of a relationship I started to question whether I might be aro. I just never really felt anything for my partner. I felt very little loss at the end of the relationship even though it was almost a year long. I felt like I was going through the motions of a relationship without actually feeling the thing, if that makes sense. So I'm leaning towards aro, but I feel like that leaves out the fact that I'm attracted in other ways to all genders. For me it's important to have my identity reflect that part of my queerness but what do I call it? Or do I just need to let go of that and let the aro ace stand on it's own? Up until now I've identified as pan ace, but it doesn't feel right to keep calling myself that if there's not actually any romance to be had. Do I just have one of those identities that's not easily defined and requires further explanation when asked? What do I call this?

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Lucy in the sky

I'm not an expert on this topic, but here is an extensive list of romantic orientations, it might be helpful :):


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Infinity in a Teacup

Thanks, but I think this is more a semantics issue than a terminology one. But that list is really good. 

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I'm not the leading expert on aro identities, but I've seen people use things like bi-aro ace, so you could use pan-aro ace/ pan-aromantic ace. 


I totally relate to your label struggle, because I used to wonder whether to identify as asexual or as a lesbian. I don't want to say asexual and leave out the sapphic side of me, but I didn't want to ID as lesbian and ignore my amoeba side. Now I just call myself an ace lesbian or a lesbian ace, or simply queer, but it used to be an issue for me.

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You could just be greyromantic. It's a generic term for romantic identities that fall somewhere between aromantic and other romantic identities such as hetero-, bi-, and pan-romantic.

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