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Sex dreams and romance dreams?

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Yes, but its rare. Most of the occurrences its other people having sex and i just seem to happen upon them like i've stepped into a scene in a tv show. Awkward lol. Romance is rare too. I kissed someone passionately in a dream. I remember waking up and being more anxious over that than when i have nightmares. Its disorientating and... weird hah.

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Rare Aztec Whstling Chickn

I do have them, but I don't take them all that seriously. If anything they're just more or less to entertain my libido, which a lot of the time is mostly just done out of habit or boredom.

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I've never had a sex dream (or at least one that I can remember). I have had romantic dreams though. My clearest memory of one of those dreams is simply walking down a road hand-in-hand with the guy I had a crush on at the time.

P.S. I'm also really glad to find out that I'm not the only one who has never had sex dreams.

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Yeah, they happened to me although rarely - bout sex dreams but I'm not sure about the romance dreams though because I don't remember 70% of my dreams after I wake up. I remember them only because they were out of order. For example, I once dreamed that I was superhuman antihero with cool abilities like shape-shifting and shit, and I was fighting with bunch of military soldiers.

I don't call them lucid dreams because I definitely cannot control them.

Warning: TMI

The last sex dream I had was few months ago and it was really weird. It was in 1st person and I was a guy having sex with a woman in a camper. It wasn't pleasurable to say the least, not for me, nor for "Male Me" in the dream. I can't say the same for the woman though - she was enjoying it a lot. I never saw her face because of the position we were. When I woke up, I was like "Huh?? What the f*ck was that??" and was questioning the meaning of the dream.

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No sex dreams, but I've had plenty of romantic ones.

Jealous :(

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I've never had dreams of sex, but I've had quite a few dreams of me kissing and just being lovey-dovey around my crush. Perfectly fine with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a handful of romantic / sex dreams. I find they often happen when my libido hasn't been satisfied, so I guess my subconscious feels the need to do something about it.

It's also usually with my partner of the time (I'm even faithful in my dreams it seems...) or a celebrity crush (extremely rare.) I find the celebrity sex dreams amusing when they happen.

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Sometimes finding myself in a sexual situation is so jarring and out of character for me that it even makes me realize that I am dreaming! then i get to ditch the beefcake and go on an adventure :P

Cool! Lucid dreams are awesome! 8)
I agree totally with that...lucid dreams truly are awesome :)


Not very often, but I have had sex dreams (and also dreams where certain sexual acts are being done, but not something I'd call 'having sex', though others might disagree.)

It really depends on the dream, what happens, and in particular 'who' is in it, as to how I feel about it afterwards.


I've also had dreams where I may get to kiss or cuddle or simply be close with someone...unfortunately those are uncommon as well. I really like such dreams :)


The worst dreams of all are wet dreams, I hate those, luckily they're rare.

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I occasionally have sex related dreams. Well, sort of. They involve sort of sex-like acts but no actual sex, and it seems to be more of a libido thing. As for romance dreams, the closest I have had is a dream where I asked a girl out and she said yes.

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I've had romantic dreams and ones I'd describe as erotic, although none in recent years. But no actual "sex" dreams.

The closest was a dream where I knew I was having sex but it was just the knowledge; I was in bed with a woman but I remember nothing about her or the act. The dream wasn't about the "sex" either, it actually didn't even erotic at all. It was just an extreme version of the (real life) fact that my mother thinks that if she says "Pretend I'm not here" then everyone magically won't be bothered by her presence.

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I've never had sex dreams, that I'm aware of, but I do frequently have dreams about meeting people and relationships. I guess it's just a further direction for my emotional and romantic needs that are otherwise not being met in reality.

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I occasionally dream about masturbation, but never about sex. I also once in a while dream about cuddling someone, but it's always in a sibling/caregiver sort of way rather than a romantic way.

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The only sex dreams I can remember took place in green bathrooms, and also third person. One time it was a room with a giant marble tub, a pedestal sink, no toilet, and I'm not 100% sure sex actually happened. I described to someone as a sex dream so I guess it happened.

I guess I haven't had any romantic dreams weird enough to remember.

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I rarely ever have dreams involving intimacy or sexuality. I did have one sex dream a couple months back, though, and it was pretty uncomfortable to both experience and remember. It took place in the back of a moving truck with some unfamiliar guy, and I felt pretty uncertain about the whole thing as it happened. I didn't really want to do it, but I did it anyways. And I woke up feeling pretty violated. Guess that's a pretty bold indicator of my sex-repulsed orientation, in any case. :P

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I've had a handful of sex dreams. I've never had a dream where either party got naked, but I've had some where dry-humping was involved. In one dream we actually put on more clothes before doing it. Those dreams are relatively rare though.

I've also had some anxiety dreams where I got unwanted sexual attention(including a very bizarre dream where no one but me seemed to mind swimming in a lake with human-sized rapist fish)

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I used to think I liked sex because I had sex dreams that "felt good" but then I realized I just really had to pee in my sleep and I was just thinking about the sensation of peeing. So then I'd wake up and run to the bathroom and I was fine. xD

I used to think I liked sex because I had sex dreams that "felt good" but then I realized I just really had to pee in my sleep and I was just thinking about the sensation of peeing. So then I'd wake up and run to the bathroom and I was fine. xD

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I have sex dreams and even nocturnal emissions-as has been mentioned I do have a libido I just don't want to have sex. I have also had romantic dreams.

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Last night I had what was clearly supposed to be a sex dream, but I was just too ace for it. My subconscious tried it's hardest to seduce me but nothing worked at all until eventually I guess it gave up because I just had an orgasm for no reason before waking up. I laughed so hard after this, because I am now so ace that even my own subconscious mind cannot seduce me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over the last 15 years or so I've maybe had around 5-6 sexual dreams (if that many), but no romantic dreams that I can think of.

I don't remember the dreams much now, but from what I recall they were in third person (but I had -what I think was- the sensation of sex),

or I did not engage in the sex,

or other people were naked, sexualised or otherwise.

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I used to have sex dreams and stuff but lately I think my brain has given up on trying to trick me into being sexual. Now it just straight up gives me nightmares about me dying. Brain's just like, "If you won't accept another person's warm embrace, then face the cold abyss of death! :icon_twisted:" Stare at boobs or face down a swarm of hideous insect monsters, your choice Laplace. At least I manage some pretty cool **** before I die.

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I think my brain attempted one once... using a friend of mine that I felt bad for flirting too much with when I drank too much despite never, even drunk, having any intention of going past what I felt was friendly banter.... but even in the dream I was still 'no nope definitely ace really sorry for bringing you here oops I'm gonna go now kbye' and then I woke up. 


Lately I've been treated to repeating dreams where I have to explain being ace to people and they are always super shocked and confused. Last night's involved a coworker who would literally never ask the questions that lead to my explaining because I am lucky enough to work with some very respectful and professional people. 

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I have the strangest dream of anyone I know. But none ever have sex in them. Or romance. Guess my subconscious is never thinking of those things. 

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Dreams do not reflect orientation, but I've only once had a sex dream. I've had a few romantic/sensual dreams, but i also dont actually desire anything that happened in them. Not to say i felt dysphoric during or after the dream (well, after the sex dream, yes).

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