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Do you identify as queer?

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Sort of kind of not really.

Not a label I use myself.

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absolutely! although i don't really identify as lgbtq+. for me, the queer label applies to anyone who has a non-normative sexual, romantic, or gender identity. because i'm not straight, i'm queer.

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No. Mostly out of fear of being thinking I'm different. While in my head I know I'm different, I'd rather not box myself into a category, ya know? Being a heteroromantic asexual, I feel like if I identify as 'queer', it will only further alienate myself from my friends and family.

I know that's probably terrible to say, but that's just how I feel on the matter.

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Queer means different, and I most definitely am that.

But, in relation to the LGBTQ+ Community it is meant as a catch all for all the other sexualities, genders, gender based expressions frowned upon by cis-heteronormative society. To which I think asexuality most definitely belongs. Besides, it saves us from having to type out the alphabet soup of LGBTTQQ2SIAAAPPP.

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Yep - I used to refer to myself as queer before I came across the asexual label, and I still think it applies.

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Not personally, the only label I feel like I need for myself is asexual and beyond that I'm pretty indifferent towards the rest. I wouldn't care if someone did or did not consider me queer as long as they acknowledge my sexuality.

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Yeah, when referring to my gender and romantic attractions. Though, as I'm demisexual, and I could be seen as 'normal' because I become sexually interested in a partner. I wouldn't think of that aspect of myself could be considered queer, even if I don't want to have sex after becoming attracted.

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No, not at all. I'm not really feel comfortable with it, and I feel like it's begging for misunderstandings. I'm just me. I also don't see the practicalities of it, like, in what scenario would I use it to decsribe myself? I pretty much never talk about sexuality with people, cause it's not something I care a lot about when meeting new people.

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Yes? No? I don't know... I don't really think about if I would consider myself queer or not. I don't really care... Simply because I personally don't want to go overboard with the labels I identify myself with. So I just go with triple A battery and call it a day.

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weird yes, not normal yes

queer was used too much specifically to hurt me (i was in school in the 60s and 70s) that i hate the term for myself

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New Strawberry 8

In heteronormative communities people think of me as queer, but LGBT+ communities they think of me as straight. I've pretty much given up trying to say I'm one way or the other. I'm ace, that's it.

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No, because it's a very vague term and of the stigma against it during the 1980s AIDs pandemic in the states, where it was used as a derogatory term against the gay and lesbian community.

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That asexual guy

I did for a while, but with all the backlash from a lot of LGBT people I stopped. I've decided I really have nothing in common with close-minded people. I don't think I fit in either the straight community or the queer community. I guess I'm neutral.

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It's not a label I use but it's one I guess I fall under *shrugs*

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Agent Rainbow

Yeah! I like using the label, as I don't fully fit into the most commonly known ones. However, I do know that it used to be derogatory, so I also am okay with other labels.

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I personally don't and I wouldn't really be comfortable with being queer either. Its probably because I never heard it used in a positive way and only as an insult.

If didn't have such negativity and ignorance associated with the word, I would probably would use it.

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For lack of a better term, I guess so.

As asexual, it doesn't seem to use any other kind of -sexual to describe my attraction situation. Even though I'm open to relationships with anyone I wouldn't call myself pan or bi, because my reasoning is that gender doesn't matter. So queer it is, until there's another term for it.

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I think queer represents someone who is not 100% straight. Which I'm definitely not. So yeah queer :D

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Because: 1 I dont feel like i am or represent myself as a queer.

2: I dont need another label to feel like a special snowflake.

3: Its tiring to keep up with all these labels like for example: this year im queer the next year im that and so on and so on.

No thank you :P

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Genderqueer, yes.

In terms of orientation... nah, not really. I guess people could make a consistent point in considering me queer due to it, but I myself don't feel like the word applies to me in that regard.

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Definitely in my mind.

As for the sexual orientation part, I believe queer as anything other than 'straight' since 'queer' means different or unusual. And since I'm asexual, yes.

As for the gender, I believe anything other than 'cis-gender' as queer as well. And since I'm agender, yes.

But I don't go around to people saying I'm queer as I'm not really too sure on if people find the term offensive since there is some controversy over the use, or if queer creates a poor impression on myself and such.

I don't consider myself LGBT, because it doesn't include asexuals (As it simply means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender), but then I don't really think of non-binary being included in that as well since non-binaries are fairly invisible in this day and age.

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In my mind I do, yeah. Never called myself queer out loud though because I know a lot of people still have negative feelings about the term. I 100% understand that and I'm not trying to offended anybody. The term doesn't bother me personally, though. I definitely don't mind thinking of myself as/being called queer.

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i do when im talking to people who dont know my identity in detail and when i dont want to go into it. its suitable for me when im talking in general terms and because im still learning about myself.

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