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Weight Loss: Eating Better and Feeling Better


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So it's that time of year for me. The last three months of the year. A time when I remember my New Year's Resolution to lose weight and start eating right for real this time, and panic because I kept putting it off with 'oh yeah I'll start that next month' and 'can't start yet, I still need that gym membership' and 'I can't go to the gym looking like this, there'll be people there! I'll loose some weight first and THEN go'.

I'm good at starting something, but not sticking to it, as embarrassing as that is to say. I take a cheat day, and then another, and then I get discouraged and just give up to wallow in my mac'n'cheese and soda and bread and chocolaty dessert confections. (Is anyone else craving chocolate bread knots?) I'm not sure if other people have this problem, but for me it's mostly not having other people to be accountable with.

Another problem I've had is some online health and fitness groups keep pushing for me to 'be skinny' in order to be healthy, or people commenting that I'll look hotter once I start loosing weight, and that kinda makes me uncomfortable. So I have a hard time finding people that I feel comfortable working out/dieting with, because so many of them equate loosing weight with wanting to become more sexually desirable.

I didn't mean for this to turn into a ramble.

The point is, I want to make a group that's ace-focused for people who might want to change their diets to something healthier, or work out, or just go out on walks with the goal of losing weight and becoming a better you. I want to make a group that lets us encourage each other, and where we could post recipes that we like, or something we did that day even if it's something as small as 'I chose celery over chocolate for a snack' or 'I did 5 crunches today' or even 'I walked through the bakery section of the grocery store today and didn't fall upon the fresh baked bread like an animal'.

So I thought I'd post here and see if anyone is interested, or has any ideas about it. ^_^

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*raises hand* :)

I've got some hormonal issues happening right now that are really slowing me down. I'm seeing an endocrinologist at the end of the month. Otherwise I am interested. I might be slow to start until we get these issues figured out.

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Is is a fantastic idea, and your situation sounds a lot like mine. I fixed SOME of my issues by becoming horrified at the treatment of meat animals and egg laying hens in my country, thus cutting myself off from almost all fast food and traditional baked goods, but its still a battle to not just eat prepackaged junk and never get any exercise.

I have a few methods I use for myself, that work well for people who don't want to go somewhere specific to work out, or have trouble making themselves do something they want to, instead of not doing something they don't want to. Here's a few of my favorite tricks:

Every morning, I go down then up then down the stairs, instead of just going down. Its a little extra exercise, and a little less time spent sitting.

Whenever I'm riding the bus, even when I have groceries, I get off a stop early or a stop late.

If I'm baking for myself, I never make a double batch, and I usually try to make freezer friendly recipes...I'll only bake one tray of cookies at a time, and freeze the rest for another week. Portion control is VERY helpful.

I get a cheap year calendar and a bunch of little stickers, and different coloured pens. I make very specific daily goals, like "drink four large glasses of water" or "play five songs of ddr", each different goal in a different colour, and then,for each day I meet my goal, I put a sticker on. I'm accountable to the calendar, AND if I take a bit of a break I can still look back at all the days I DID do good for a confidence boost.

I keep healthy, snackable foods that I REALLY like, in my case grapes, nut mixes, and and carrots that I slice into little disks, so that when the urge to munch I have something easily available that I actually want. I also try not to buy unhealthy snacks in bulk. The individual portions control how much I CAN eat, and the added price of buying the 'individual' size over the bulk makes me not want to buy them at all.

And now, a few awesome simple recipes that make making your own healthier, cheaper versions of a lot of staple goodies much easier.

No Fuss Pizza Crust

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/2 cup water

1 1/2 ish cups of flour, until kneadable and rollable.

Mix the water and oil, then the flour. Use a spoon untill it balls, then knead, coating your hands and surface in more flour. You can replace some of the flour with sugar or cream honey for a sweet dessert dough, or with spices like garlic for a savoury dough. This can be used for pizzas, cinnamon or jammie rolls, garlic buns, calzones of many varieties, or rolled thin and pan fried to make a nan bread type treat. Goodies like onions, or dried fruit bits can be kneaded into the dough before cooking as well. Super easy, incredibly versatile, great recipie.

Corn Hash






Heat a pan to around seven on the stove, and put in enough oil to just cover the bottom. Chop the raw potatoes into small chunks, skin on if you like, and throw the potato in. Chop or shred your other veggies, except the corn, and throw them in. Pour in kernals of corn, about as much corn as all other ingredients combined. Fry this all up, stirring every few minutes, not letting things stick to the pan, until the corn has started to brown. Mix in whatever spices you like, and pour into a mixing bowl. Toss with soy or teriyaki sauce until just coated. This goes great over rice or pasta, in a rice paper wrap, or completely on its own.

Summer Cupcakes

1/2 cup butter/margarine

1/2 cup sugar/cream honey

2 eggs or about 1tbs vegetable oil

1tsp baking powder

1tsp vanilla

1-1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/2 cup fruit purree

Cream your butter and sugar ingredients together, the add egg/oil and mix well. Add baking powder and vanilla, mix well again. Add in flour until batter has reached drop cookie dough consistency, then add your fruit purree. Strawberries seem to work best, but use whatever fruit you like and can blend down to a liquid, with no bumps larger than, say, raspberry seeds. Mix until cake batter consistency and pour into buttered cake pan or lined cupcake tin. Makes about 10 large cupcakes or 1 9x9 inch cake pan.

Delightful Summer Topping

1 small (355ish ml) container of heavy whipping cream

1 can of juice from concentrate, favourite flavour

While both still cold, mix about a third of the can of juice into the cream, then whip to as solid as it will go. Put on berries, cupcakes, and more!

Well this was a huge post...hopefully people will get some benifite from it. Love the idea for this thread, will probably follow it. Best luck and good feelings to all us feel-better health seekers!

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The reason you should do it is because you want improve your overall life, health, and wellbeing. All of those other achievements and aftereffects others are trying to reach are great but that isn’t your motivation. Put your ego, sociality normals, and self conscience thoughts aside. Do this because you want to improve your life, health, and wellbeing. These will always creep in your thoughts and keep you from reaching your goals.

Next: If it isn’t fun, don’t do it! Do what makes you feel comfortable. Change it up. This journey should never be stale. The options are endless of things you can do. Be creative! Boredom sets in you can change it!

Start simple and slow. My suggestions Inside and privately you can start a simple core work out routine by looking online how to work your core. You don’t need ANYTHING to work your core. Afterwards I always felt like a run so I ran. I have learned running is free if I go out outside. To loosen my muscles I got a foam roller and look online how to use it property. There is no magic here this is very low budget, no gym membership, and no social criticism. I simply enjoying my routine.

Same is true for your diet choices. Start simple and slow. Maybe think about cutting one thing back like soda. When and if you eat out don’t get a soda get water. Than start replacing your craving for soda to water instead or brew green tea. After you get in the flow start another positive habit like make a fruit salad once every two weeks. Never get the store bought precut. Make it yours and unique to you in the fruit choices and top it off with granola, chocolate coco powder, cinnamon, shredded coconut, or crystalize ginger.

Also check out the aven workout support.We are always supporting each other in the simplest achievements and keep the encouragement flowing.

You can do this. I support you and your decision. Don’t torture yourself. Your body is already beautiful; however, the harsh reality is your body is already decaying, but your brain is getting smarter. Use you it towards your advantage.

I trained for a half marathon all summer and two weeks before my race my knee buckled. I didn’t run the race, nor would I run to further injury myself more to prove something later regret. It isn’t worth it. There will be another opportunity for me to run a half marathon as long as I am smart now.

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I also recommend training your taste buds into the genre of protein powder drink mixes like this. They will help will stifle cravings; moreover, you can have in a pinch and still give you all the critical nutritional things you body needs without feeling you ate garbage. I know people mistake these protein powder drinks to “bulk” you up. Used correctly instead of snack foods when you have the urge -- drink that. Another thought is trying to portion control and feel hungry afterwards -- drink that.

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I'm going to join in on this. This semester has been horrible for my health. I haven't weighed myself since I got back to my university, but I know there is a LOT more fat here than there was before. My eating habits are horrendous as I usually just get junk food at the campus coffee place since it's convenient. But I go grocery shopping in the morning, so wish me luck! I need to exercise. This extra weigh has been hurting my back and I'm not very happy with that. So I'd love to join in!

I also recommend training your taste buds into the genre of protein powder drink mixes like this. They will help will stifle cravings; moreover, you can have in a pinch and still give you all the critical nutritional things you body needs without feeling you ate garbage. I know people mistake these protein powder drinks to “bulk” you up. Used correctly instead of snack foods when you have the urge -- drink that. Another thought is trying to portion control and feel hungry afterwards -- drink that.

I will definitely try some protein shakes. I used to have them more often (not those specific ones, though), but I haven't been for a while. I could actually use it since there are points in the week where I have little time to eat but I get hungry and that just builds throughout the day.

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A little thing I found works for me, but few other people, is club soda. NOT tonic water, but specifically the "water with carbonation" that most people use to clean their carpets. It has nothing in it but water, but its still got that soda like fizz. Most people are after soda drinks for their sweetness, but for me it was the fizz, and switching to natural fruit juices wasn't doing the trick. The fizz in club soda was what did it for me, and now I only ever drink water, club soda, and the various milks that go into my cereal.

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I am down with this. :)

I recently went to the doctor and found out my cholesterol and triglycerides are WAY too high. Mediterranean diet for me. Plus, I have Celiac, so it's gluten free all the way. Not eating bread has helped me a lot. And cutting out all drinks other than water and coffee (and small glasses of red wine). As far as exercise goes, it's walking and swimming. If I come across any good recipes, I'll share.

I wish you all luck on your healthy lifestyle endeavors!

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I'm in! I had a pretty massive weight gain over a two year period and getting this weight off has been so frustrating and almost feels impossible. I did have a bit of success on an extremely low carb diet, though I'm not a huge meat eater and I can only deal with small amounts of dairy and I didn't plan well enough to figure out enough low carb, low meat/dairy meals. So I gave up on it pretty early. This time, I'm going to plan. I plan to do the low carb thing again and also focus on low calorie.

I also need to do better with sleep. I'm a night owl and I love it. I've had several changes in my life recently that allows me to have a sleep pattern that is ideal and supports my love of going to sleep late and waking up later. But I can't seem to get it in my head that it's ok not to get up early since I don't have to, especially as this has caused me to have all sorts of disrupted sleep which can kill a health plan from the starting gate. At least it does for me. So trying to get myself on a firm sleep schedule and having better habits (no computer in bed!) is also on the agenda.

Related to my sleep patterns, I've noticed that I tend to snack more the later I'm up. I think it's probably due to boredom, and I'm sure it's helped keep these pounds packed on. So eliminating this snacking really needs to be addressed. Then there is exercise. I've left a job that was somewhat physically demanding and am now practically sedentary most of the day so I really need to up my movement.

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I'm happy you guys seem interested! I really liked a lot of your suggestions, especially Scottthespy with the calendar idea. Partly because it is something physical, but also because I LOVE stickers!! :wub: And I am already drooling over the possibilities of that pizza crust. Although I do wonder if I'd be able to swap out flours? I was planning on using gluten free flours (along the lines of almond or coconut maybe), but the recipe looks pretty forgiving, so maybe it wouldn't be a problem? Last time I did 'pizza crust' on the diet the base was spinach. It wasn't bad at all! But it was...thick. And very green.

CreativeUsername, I so get what you mean about sleep patterns. Sometimes exercise helped me with that, so maybe this will help you? And no computer sounds good, but how will you sleep without the comforting sounds of 'nnnnNNNNNnnnnnnwwwwiiiiiirrrrrrrrr*coughcoughstutter*NNNN--NNRRRRRRnnnnwwrrrrrr....*whine*RRRRRRR'? (Unless that's just me. Or you have a Mac.)

I also like the protein shake link that njosnavelin posted, but shopping for them in a store can be interresting, so I'd make sure to read the label closely (I may have once gotten one that had SO much sugar and bad stuff in it). But that also reminds me of another hard lesson I learned last time. Vitamins. When I say carb withdrawal is like a 2-3day hangover for me, I really do mean that. It would have been longer, but a friend clued me in. A good, all-natural multi-vitamin and lots of water went a long way to help me through that. Plus, specifically for the Atkins I was on, taking vitamins is a must.

I figured everyone would be doing their own thing, as far as diet correction and exercise, since we are all different and we probably go at different paces. I reference Atkins a lot because that worked well for me. Something about wheat, it just goes straight into storage for me.

I'm not sure if you guys want to just continue in this thread, or if there's somewhere someone wants to make an actual group. I'm a-ok with either. But I thought we could--if everyone's comfortable with it--agree to post something at least once a week (or more, if you want!) that we did. Maybe something good we ate, or extra exercise we did. I'm a massive food junkie, so I'll definitely be posting a lot of foods and their recipes.

I think CreativeUsername is still with me on this--but we are planning to start our diets on Friday, October 16th. It gives us the week to plan, get ready, and get our last meals in. Who wants to start with us? :D

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Personally I found panic and fear worked well. Like others here I spent all day eating too much of the wrong foods. Failing a works medical, going to the doctors, and being told in no uncertain terms that if I didn't have a rapid change of lifestyle I would have a very short lifestyle worked.

Plain oatcakes help fill you up are low in calories and reduce cholesterol. Little things like no butter on bread help. The hardest choice, but best was no take away or ready meals. In six months I halved my cholesterol, shed two stones and knocked eighty points off my blood pressure.

Simple things like sugar free soda, no sugar in tea or coffee also help.

If you have a freezer just batch cook and freeze food then you have the healthy eating of home cooking with the convenience of a ready meal. Eat brown rice/bread/pasta, as it takes longer to digest.

If you eat salads remember a little lemon juice and ground pepper makes a low calorie dressing.

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Panic and fear ftw (I guess not really.....). Being forced to do something, with the consequences being horrific if you don't, is quite the motivator.

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I would definitely be interested! I have never been super thin, but I had managed a fairly healthy lifestyle until college and grad school. Then it all went downhill between stress, weird class/work schedules, cafeteria food, and multiple papers. I developed a lot of bad habits throughout college and ended up carrying them into my adult life. :/

I'd love to get back into being healthier...I used to really like jogging, but I haven't done it in forever. Ideally, I would like to do something, like Couch-to-5K, to get me back into the habit.

I think the biggest problem for me is that I always "justify" skipping days and making excuses to myself through faulty logic. I think I need some sort accountability system--like a healthy-lifestyle buddy, or even a place where I have to log my daily efforts and I know other people will be looking. I think that would make me more likely to actually keep up with it.

Anyway, I think that is a long-winded way of saying that I am definitely interested in eating better and being more active, and I would love to participate in whatever idea everyone ends up going with!

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Sign me up as well please! :D

I tried doing something like this earlier in the year but I eventually gave up on it. I'm trying again this time with the support of my GP, my therapist, a dietitian and an exercise physiologist. Like last time and the times before, the reason for me wanting to do this was both for my health and for my wellbeing. Clearly that desire wasn't strong enough to outlast my depression or anxiety, but this time around, I'm going to put the only positive aspect of my personality that think I have: determination; to good use. I need this change, with a BMI of 36 and my age of (almost) 23, it certainly isn't doing my health or life expectancy any favours.

Eating differently is going to be difficult after eating bad foods for so long, but I've already made some changes in that regard. I've actually started eating breakfast regularly when in the past I'd graze food all day and then have dinner. I haven't quite introduced a calorie controlled diet, but I have worked towards adjusting my portion sizes and bringing more fish and chicken in to replace the red meats I'd used to eat with nearly every dinner meal. On portion adjustments, if my meal doesn't fit on the small plate I now eat with, I need to make less. Having cooked for up to seven people in the past has made cooking for one person somewhat of an adventure, but now I get to choose exactly what I eat and I don't have to deal with what other people don't like eating.

I'll be heading on over to the workout support thread as well, combining weight loss support with workout support will be a good thing for me.

I get a cheap year calendar and a bunch of little stickers, and different coloured pens. I make very specific daily goals, like "drink four large glasses of water" or "play five songs of ddr", each different goal in a different colour, and then,for each day I meet my goal, I put a sticker on. I'm accountable to the calendar, AND if I take a bit of a break I can still look back at all the days I DID do good for a confidence boost.

This is such a brilliant idea, not only for keeping yourself accountable, but for seeing progress even with basic day to day activities. I'm in therapy and part of my CBT process is to reshape the way I go through my day from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. I've been quite terrible at sticking to times and when I go into therapy to report my progress, the only accurate info I can give is that I've been doing x for a few days, or for the fortnight. I think having something tangible to bring into sessions with me can aid my progress, and not just with the dietary and exercise changes. Thank you so much for posting this, this'll make having a routine fun!

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I'm happy so many people like my calendar idea^^. I was using it for a new years resolution...to start a new self improvement habit every month. Didn't...quite work out. But I still have the calendar, And I might pick it up again for November, since there's this little support group now.

The thread maker mentioned stating at least one thing a week...well, for any vegans or people with egg allergies out there who have longed for the fluffy delight of meringue, I have recently discovered a cure! This was apparently figured out way back in July, but I just learned it. You can make vegan meringue...out of the water from canned chick peas. Seriously!

Just grab a big can of chick peas, strain them out and use them as normal, then pour the garbage can-water into a mixing bowl and beat on high for fifteen minutes, until soft peaks form. Dribble in about a cup of fine sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla while beating on low, then crank it back to high until stiff peaks form.

Its called Aqua Faba, and there's tonnes of vegan recipes using it to make all the goodies that previously required egg whites. Mayo, french macarons, lemon meringue pie...its brilliant^^.

May or may not be healthier that the egg using original, but it is a handy way to get more out of your healthier foods. I know eating better can often mean spending more, so getting a sweet treat out of the garbage product stretches the dollar and makes the prospect of chick peas a lot more exciting. I need to buy the peas and make a dish with them now just so I can try the meringue.

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Hey Valiant. I've never had to cook for many people and I still seem to make too.much as well. Mason jars are amazing for storage. Whatever you don't eat that meal gets put up for next time. :)

I wish you the best of luck on you healthy lifestyle change!

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I'd be interested in getting involved. As soon as I get back to the states next month, I plan on getting back into exercise and eating healthy. I've lived in Japan this last year, and because my kitchen is frustratingly tiny, and my work is really close, I have really become a gelatinous blob. I didn't gain weight this year (but I was already fat, so no change either way), but I lost basically all my muscle-mass.

I already have a gym all picked out, and ready to get serious again. When I was in my last year of school, I had gotten pretty serious about weightloss, and had lost about 20 pounds. But as soon as I graduated, I got really lazy, and then moved to Japan for work and got lazier.

I am really looking forward to getting home and getting serious about my health again.

If you all have my fitness pal accounts, we could add each other. Or, I used to keep a blog on tumblr about my get-healthy journey, that hasn't really been active since I came to Japan, but I plan on picking up again once I'm back in the states. If you all have fitness tumblrs to to keep track of stuff, we could all follow each other :)

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I was living in a place without even a freezer box in my fridge for the last 4 years. I've just got one so I can start eating healthier. Now I will say, as I exercise at least 5 days a week, my healthy eating isn't dieting so much as making all my meals from scratch, cutting out ready made meals or even sauces and just trying to get a handle everything that goes into my mouth. It's also about portion control - not cutting down so much I feel hungry all the time but having sensible amounts on my plate. With the freezer now I can batch cook my dinners for the coming week and know I won't be tempted to pop out & grab a quick alternative (as happened last year with full time work and part time studying).

I have found that turkey is a favourite taste of mine so red meats do often get thrown to the wayside in place of this big bird (shepherd's pie, spaghetti bolognese ( chilli con carne now taste a bit different but tasty).

If you exercise you don't really want to be cutting down your calorie intake so much that you don't have the energy to give it your all.

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Rare Aztec Whstling Chickn

I keep telling myself that I'll start excersising a bit and eating healthier, and then I either forget or just can't be bothered. I don't usually eat anything too bad, but I do tend to binge or graze. Also, doing it by myself never helps motivation, so something like this could help.

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Also, doing it by myself never helps motivation, so something like this could help.

Have you considered finding a local running club or something? Usually cost nothing to join and can be a mix of different fitness levels and with local people that you can meet and get ideas and tips and just chat with or join up to workout with other days etc. It's great motivation when I have to walk past one lady's shop just to go into the high street... reminds me to get my running gear on soon ;)

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Hey Valiant. I've never had to cook for many people and I still seem to make too.much as well. Mason jars are amazing for storage. Whatever you don't eat that meal gets put up for next time. :)

I wish you the best of luck on you healthy lifestyle change!

Thank for the best wishes!

I've been using reusable plastic takeaway containers when the need arises, as it makes saving any excess food relatively easy, similar to mason jars I'd imagine. Having a way to store foods also justifies purchasing the ingredients to a meal that make more than one serving.

Buying food in one serving allotments tends to run more expensive than four servings for example, since pre-packaged meats usually come in lots of two or more. Buying from the deli avoids that for poultry, and buying from the butcher (which is sometimes more expensive) also avoids that for meats. Luckily I found an affordable meats market which is located on the same block as a farmers market, so I can potentially buy all the stuff I need for meals without stepping foot in a supermarket, and spend less! Plus the food seems a lot fresher. :D

If it's not pouring buckets tomorrow, I'll be going on my first morning walk in months. It's extremely soothing to go on walks, nothing but fresh air and space to think.

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Weight loss is a little more difficult for me, because 1. I don't have as much leisure time as I'd like to have for going hiking and swimming, and 2. going on a diet, to a flavor-averse person such as myself, means giving up foods that taste good in favor of foods that taste disgusting.

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I've been eating less junk food. It's not completely cut out of my diet, but I'm working on it. My energy has gone up a little bit, but I feel generally less blegh (the best way I can think to describe it :P ). I wish I had more time to do things like go to the gym, but that's not really possible for the time being. The best I can do is bike to the store once a week.

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Okay, so day 1 started off a little shaky, but day 2 is looking to be better. I got to start my morning with one of my fav breakfasts: frittata and black tea! And now I'm headed out for some fresh air and exercise with CreativeUserName!

It was a close thing, though. I almost crawled back into the sweet arms of my pillows and cool, lovely sheets. *sigh* I love my bed. :wub:

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jesse009 and I went on a very lovely walk this afternoon. Perfect, beautiful fall weather! We plan on doing it again.

It's only day 2, but so far so good. I haven't paid much attention to calories these two days, mostly just eyeballing, though I've kept track of carbs fairly well. I have managed to create a menu and stick to it, which is something I always failed to do. I've been testing out recipes. For breakfasts, I haven't gotten to crazy. Have mostly stuck with veggie omelets. I had a stuffed and baked avocado for lunch yesterday. It tasted pretty good. I stuffed it with cooked broccoli, spinach, chicken, onion and mushrooms and then baked it for a short period of time. It could have gone in longer, maybe 15 minutes.

I've also played around with cauliflower crust/bread. I first saw this recipe for a cauliflower grilled cheese and then searched around for more cauli crust recipes. I've sort of made up my own using just cauliflower and egg with smoked paprika and pepper. It's not too bad, though the key is to make sure to wring out as much water as possible. First, you'll rice the cauli in a blender or processor. Then cook it in the microwave for about 6-8 minutes. The pour it in a towel and wring it out until you can't wring anymore. Then put it in the oven. It's very good.

I found this website called Low Carbe Diem. They have some good recipes, though watch the calories. They also have several downloadables to print out that have lists of low or no carb foods, some grocery lists, some printables include carb and calorie count. It's not the greatest website, but I have pulled useable reference material to help me build recipes and grocery lists.

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I'm starting my actual diet on Monday, but I'm starting my exercise regime tomorrow. I was going to go for a jog by myself, but one of my friends asked me if I would want to go hiking with her tomorrow since this weekend is probably the last good one that we will have before the weather starts deteriorating. I said yes, so I'll be do some pretty intensive hiking in the afternoon, which will hopefully be a great way to kick off this "healthier me" initiative I'm trying to pursue.

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Wellness and health isn’t created from nothing. Wellness and health is maintained.

Everyone can do this. We can do this!

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I've also played around with cauliflower crust/bread. I first saw this recipe for a cauliflower grilled cheese and then searched around for more cauli crust recipes. I've sort of made up my own using just cauliflower and egg with smoked paprika and pepper. It's not too bad, though the key is to make sure to wring out as much water as possible. First, you'll rice the cauli in a blender or processor. Then cook it in the microwave for about 6-8 minutes. The pour it in a towel and wring it out until you can't wring anymore. Then put it in the oven. It's very good.

I found this website called Low Carbe Diem. They have some good recipes, though watch the calories. They also have several downloadables to print out that have lists of low or no carb foods, some grocery lists, some printables include carb and calorie count. It's not the greatest website, but I have pulled useable reference material to help me build recipes and grocery lists.

How was the texture on the cauliflower bread? It sounded so good when you were talking about it, but I have a texture thing. Also, did you just use paper towels or did you use a cloth towel? I liked some of the recipes from Diem, especially that Bacon Salmon and Parsley Vinaigrette kebabs that is officially on my dinner list for next week. Because if there's one thing I love, it's meat on a stick.

I'm thinking of making some oopsie/revolution "bread", since I got the ingredients laying around. It's just eggs and cream cheese at it's most basic. If nothing else, I can use it for "crust" kinda like your cauliflower, only less good for you. :) The broccoli soup didn't turn out too bad, but I forgot how bland it was and so I added red pepper flakes and...well. It's not bland anymore now. :unsure: Lol. I'll never understand you magicians that just do awesome recipes by the seat of your pants.

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My grandmother had to see a diet specialist for her diabetes and they said one key to losing weight is balance in your diet. Eat a vegetable, a protein, a fruit and a carb in every meal. Eat breakfast before 8am and dinner before 7pm. And eat no carbs for snacks, just meat/veggies/cheeses. It's for weight loss and glucose management.

And... she's lost 8lbs in a week so I guess it works. My mom is trying it to see if it works for her.

Recipes.com and a few other sites have some meals that are low-carb, low-cal, low-fat. There are also a few weight watchers FB groups that give out recipes all the time. I find just cutting out the junk food and eating small portions works for me, rather than trying to calorie count.

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