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The good, bad and ugly's of this FB and this ALGBTQ world


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Please don't hate in here, but I'm fine with stating I do have a Facebook and I do call myself gay, for ease and just by habit. So I feel like I don't quite understand all the downers of Facebook and the LGBTQ community which I feel very strongly that we are/or should be part of. Let's look at some good sides. Facebook allows for good branching out and getting the AVEN word out. It's Visibility to this mysterious asexuality thing that some may not understand or even fear. The bad is just that, they don't understand, so they get ugly in their remarks at times and say sex is healthy and it's for everyone and we are sick or weird. Well, I think we just need to have thicker skin. Do you remember when African American people were called names? Maybe we are too young to remember the worst but it still goes on today. My cousins and friends of the African American community bare it with integrity, and raised head and shoulders back because they are strong. Women were said to be weak and not worthy of having opinions really or voting back in the day. They stood up with integrity and showed the world they were wrong. Homosexuals, Bisexuals and now Transgendered are all dealing with fighting for their freedoms. Still trying to have the right to love and marry. Asexuality is a relatively "new" thing even though it's been around forever I believe. I don't think it's fair for the Asexual community to just hate on the LGBTQ community or other websites like Facebook if they are getting made fun of or brought down. We can stand up, with pride, come out, with pride, be strong and with righteous Pride say we are here, we are Asexual, and there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing you can say about it, or argue until your blue in the face, that will bring us down. Thick skin is just knowing that others confusion and their own strong opinions do not make a difference on who we are. I think I have told half of my friends/coworkers already about asexuality and they haven't even heard of it. I'm not saying we all have to "come out". In fact, I think saying I'm "gay grey-a, tall, handsome, slender, funny, chatty..." are just descriptive and not to the core who I am. I'm a person, just like everyone else here...and I'm going to love the minority communities, understanding we all go through hell in the past, present and surely future, and I think we are all the same deep down. And instead of having so many dividing labels and cliques and groups..let's just be human for a bit and introduce ourselves in a loving way. "I'm James! Glad to meet you, whoever you are, whatever you label yourself as, because it's good to make friends of everyone and we all share this world, so we might as well have peace." Thanks for reading my rant.

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Linda! It's a pleasure! Hope I don't ruffle too many feathers, not my intention. I've always been a peacemaker and I hope that's all I do on here.

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You have a pretty good argument when dealing with random trolls on facebook, but what about when the page itself in question is attacking being asexual? What about what happened when FCKH8 posted all their anti asexual statements? Well at the time we called them out on it, and I really don't regret doing so. They are pretty well known page that are supposed to spread LGBTQ awarness, so if they kept posting what they were posting it wouldn't have been very helpful.

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Hi I'm Reena it's a pleasure to meet you

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You have a pretty good argument when dealing with random trolls on facebook, but what about when the page itself in question is attacking being asexual? What about what happened when FCKH8 posted all their anti asexual statements? Well at the time we called them out on it, and I really don't regret doing so. They are pretty well known page that are supposed to spread LGBTQ awarness, so if they kep posting what they were posting it wouldn't have been very helpful.

I am horrified to know that some anti-asexual statements are being posted on Facebook or here or anywhere. I'm sad to know they are getting any popularity or awareness because statements like that need to be burred, deleted, reported and ignored. They are not worth our time.

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Reena! What's going on in Canada? I totally miss visiting there.

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I agree with what you're saying.

There's alwasy an element being thick skinned for anything, especially on the internet where cvomments can stray towards the more extreme end of things.

As for Eched's point; it's very valid. But the LGBTQ community is more than FCKH8. The right response is to stand up and be counted against what they're saying, which is what happened.

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Jolly your alright with me!!!!! Happy New Year buddy!

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I have no issue with anyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, faith, or age. I am more than happy to hit you all equally with big sticks just for being human. :P

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Reena! What's going on in Canada? I totally miss visiting there.

Not to much is going on here, it's just as cold as always :)

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