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How much have you accepted your asexuality

Stained Glass

How much do you accept yourself?  

  1. 1. when did you gain most confidance in your asexuality?

    • middle school or younger
    • high school
    • college (or typical age for college)
    • after college
    • I still would much rather be sexual
  2. 2. how comfortable are you with your sexuality

    • Completely!
    • mostly
    • i'm halfway there
    • a little bit
    • I hate it
  3. 3. How many people know about your sexuality?

    • Everyone
    • family
    • less close friends
    • close friends
    • a handfull of people
    • only me
    • Heck, I don't even know

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I thought maybe something was up with me when I was in high school because everyone was wanting sex and I...really...was not, and then I think in college I definitely realised that there had to be a reason. It took awhile but I came to terms with being asexual but perhaps not comfortable with it? It's only recently that I embraced that, hey, it's just who I am. Of course I think my life would probably be a little bit easier if I wasn't (and if I was maybe prettier?? It seems only violent skeez-os want anything to do with me??), but wahey.

As to people knowing about my asexuality, I used to only tell like CLOSE friends because I was a bit ashamed and didn't feel normal, but now I'll make posts on my tumblr ranting about asexual rights in regards to myself and I'll tweet about asexuality and I've got hundreds of followers I don't even know :lol:. I guess I have a sort of double-life, though, because none of my family or co-workers know that I'm asexual. I certainly wouldn't tell the people I work with because almost all of them use religion as a tool, and I don't know if I can tell my family. My mom is pretty accepting of stuff, and my dad is trying to be accepting (he's told me a number of times he wouldn't mind if I was gay, but for some reason it would bother him if I was a son and gay??), but I know if I told them I was asexual they'd ask what it was, I'd explain, and they'd wave me off, saying I would at least need to try sex before dismissing it, or I'm too young, or both...ah well.

Maybe there will be a point in my life where I can have a partner and be like "See? Here's a person that loves me and I still don't want sex. Asexual, right here.", but we haven't reached that point yet. ^_^

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  • 4 months later...

Sometimes I'm completely sure that I'm ace and then I read a stupid article written by someone who doesn't understand what asexuality is and doubt myself. I know that what they're saying is rubbish, but sometimes they still get inside my head. I really wish there could some kind of fail-safe definition of sexual attraction xD

But, having said that, I wouldn't change my sexuality if I could. Looking back, it has defined my life and my relationships with others in a significant way and I don't think the influence was negative.

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Grumpy Alien

I resent it. My close friends and my mom know. And a few other people that would know from my blog. But I would change it in a heartbeat if that were possible.

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I'm happy with it. Seems like much less bother all around, really. It means there's one whole other subset of feelings that most humans have that I don't understand, but that's cool with me; I don't really mind not understanding most people. Not being interested in sex or romance leaves me more time for the things I am interested in, and I wouldn't want it any other way (although, presumably, if that weren't the case, I'd also be happy that way).

I didn't come to conclusion that I wasn't just maturing late (as people tended to say) until I was around 22, at which point it seemed pretty unlikely. My close family definitely knows, my friends may or may not -- I tend to share all information about me on the "if it's relevant, I will say so" method, and it usually isn't relevant.

I realise now that the "Heck, I don't even know" option was probably not actually to imply that one doesn't know how many people know, which was why I picked that one, but rather to imply that the person voting doesn't even know (which is certainly not the case with me). Ah well. I don't really know which of my friends know, since I tend not to come right out and say anything about myself, but I make no secret of it, and so I expect many of them do know or guess.

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I didn't even realize that I was asexual until last November, at age 26. I just thought I was weird. I researched everything about it I could find and mulled it all over for a month or so and can now confidently say that, yes, I'm asexual.

I'm much more comfortable with this than I was trying to cram myself into a box I didn't fit in.

Aside from you fine folks, the only person who knows is my husband. Not even my family knows and I have no intention of telling them.

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I was asexual long before I discovered there was a term for it. Now that I've found an actual word to define it and that it exists as an orientation, not just something peculiar to me, I'm more relaxed about it.

I'm very at ease being who I am: asexual, aromantic, agender/androgynous.

I've told my friends and family. I will tell anyone who comments on my pride ring. But I don't go around announcing to strangers details about my life. Ick.

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Asexual. I loved when I found out about it, as it described me. Totally accepting of it. I just wish I'd found out sooner, I'd have had far fewer problems over the years. My friends all know about this, but I haven't yet told my family. They aren't quite as accepting.

Agender/neutrois. Wanted the damn bits gone for my entire life. Also a relief to find out about this, as it fits me so much better than the only term I'd known up until a few months ago, 'nullo'. Totally accepting of that too. Most of my friends know about some of this, my family knows about some of it.

Aromantic. This is the one that I'm having tons of problems with. The one I'd really change if I could. The one that really breaks me up. Nobody knows about this.

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I said "after collage" as I assume 26 is after collage age?? (I didn't do any school after I finished HS at 17, so I really have no idea!) Anyway I was 26 when I learned it was a thing, I've been completely comfortable with it since then. I am not "in the closet" so to speak, but I have never told anyone specifically that I am ACE and likely never will. I don't hide it and have no issue coming straight out and saying "I'm not interested and don't understand it" when people try to ask me about that sorta thing but bringing these things up in general isn't "me" and it would probably seriously confuse people if I brought up my sexuality out if the blue lol.

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I embrace it. I don't see what choice I have, there is little point to being miserable about it and wishing it would change. It isn't going to. Most everyone that knows me on a decent level knows about it, except my close family, because I don't care to talk about it with them. I first found the word at 18, but probably within the last couple years is when I've really accepted it.

If I felt like it were getting in the way of a romantic relationship, I might resent it it a bit more. But I can't even get a date to begin with, so thus far, it hasn't been a problem. I do worry about it, but I'll deal with that if it actually comes...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually feel much more confident knowing I am Asexual than before I discovered I was. All my life I thought I was just a freak. Someone who didn't like people for their physical appearance or for sex. :B The whole idea of it just didn't click with me, and then I discovered I wasn't alone! XD I'm more than thrilled to not be the freak everyone thought I was.

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In as much as my feelings towards others? I've never really...cared over much. I mean, when pressed I said I was straight, but not interested in worrying about a relationship as I was young at the time. So the whole 'Asexual' thing is a matter of 'right, that's a good explanation' for it all.

Truth be told, I'm more uncomfortable about my aesthetic and sensual preferences than my general 'meh' attitude when it comes to sexuality. Sure it's great for other people, but...not interested.

Although strictly speaking, whilst I wasn't aware of my orientation properly until the last 6 months or so, give or take, I was comfortable with how I am since it ever came up. It's a matter of shrugging.

Preference, preference is the one I feel awkward about for a number of reasons, but that's beyond the point of this query. Apologies for bringing it up.

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this year in high school

I'm confident when it comes to who i am.

my family knows and so do random people. i told these random people and they think it's a joke same as being an atheist lol

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Ok, so my response is a little weird. I'm completely accepting of my asexuality, but I'm pretty much still in the closet bar a handful of real life people. I'm not just going to bring it up out of the blue. My parents know I'm not interested in girls but they don't know about asexuality or AVEN. My Mum likes to research and dig really far into my interests and I would find it awkward if she was browsing through AVEN. Long story short, asexuality and AVEN is my special little quality about me that only I know about :D

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Elluna Hellen

Realised I was asexual when I was 23, a few months back. Well, I think I'd heard of it before then and eventually just decided that this is probably what I am. I accept it completely, even though I still can't quite shake the feeling that it might show up, so I went with 'mostly'. I'm not necessarily 'out' to a lot of people, but I'm not secretive about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm fine with it, sometimes I wish I was sexual. I've been fine with it ever since I found out about it. My father, sister and two friends know and they seem indifferent about it.

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  • 6 months later...

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