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Further Pondering Romantic Orientation


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I just needed the space to write out my thoughts and ponder a few suggestions given to me. 


Lithromantic/akoiromantic/aproromantic: This term is liking the idea of romantic feeings and relationships but it falls kind of flat practice. This might actualy fit because I think this is what happened with my ex. She asked me out and when she did I really liked the thought of dating her. I loved the thought of what was going to happen. So this may work. However, point against it because maybe I just didn’t have feelings for her specifically. Maybe if it had been someone else I would have felt something and the relationship would have worked. 


Greyromantic: This is a rather broad term and I see it as a sort of umbrella term, am I wrong in that thought? But for some reason it doesn’t feel right even though I think it could totally apply to me. Maybe this will be a label placeholder until I find the right one. 


Cupioromantic: I find this one similar to the first one but it’s being aromantic while still wanting a romantic relationship while the first is being able to feel attraction but it not translating well into acts? I’m not sure about this one. I mean, I think, I feel romantic attraction but....which leads me into the next term I found on my own


Quoiromantic: (As a side not I’m not even sure I can pronounce this). It mentions not being able to distinguish between platonic and romantic attraction, cannot define romantic attraction and thereforeare not sure if thy experience it, feel attraction somewhere between platonic and romantic or want to be in a queerplatontic relationship. And now that I type that out I think it fits pretty well. I can’t define romantic attration even to myself (like even in vague feelings and not in words). Since I can’t define it I’m not sure if what I feel is romantic or not. Plus I am currently in a QPR. 


So maybe quoiromantic is it? It matches pretty well I think. But yet aproromantic also kind of fits. So can I combne them? Quoiaproromantic?

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Hi, I think that it's great you are looking deeper into your feelings and attractions. Labels can be really helpful but also a headache sometimes. You can take it slow and change lables whenever you need to. If you feel comfortable using something for a while and then change later that's fine. I hope you feel comfortable with whatever you decide. That is the most important thing. 

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