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Different personalities


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This may sound crazy but I'll ask it anyway. It may be easier to understand for people that feel a mixture of male and female or for people that just lose a sense of identity.


I don't know if this is a coping mechanism but I seem to create personalities for animals, insects and stuffed toys. They all have names, different voices and preferences. Actually, as I right that it does seem incredibly mad really. I think I may do it because my sense of identity fluctuates and on days that I'm struggling the most perhaps I need to escape from myself by imagining other personalities. Dysphoria does seem to make me become quite detached. 


Does that sound familiar to anyone? :blush:

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I do similar things. I used to give my stuffed animals all names and personalities. And I make elaborate imaginary worlds with imaginary characters, all with their own names and personalities. Or I'll look at a group of, say, ten different shapes, and make each one into a different person with a different personality. Things like that. It doesn't relate to my gender, though, as I'm cis.

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Janus the Fox

Regardless with or without gender, it's one part of the sum of the personality anyway.


Onto the other side with actually having separated personalities, voices, personalities, mind spirits or to further describe such the like of Tulpa's that there are 3 of, usually have like a buzzword connecting their personalities, words like, Anxiety, Depression and Mania, Gwydion, Rhoslyn and Janus respectively.  


All have their own personalities, genders, likes, dislikes, species, ages, occupations, colours, shape forms, voices, temperaments, memories, diets, energies, political and religious beliefs.

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We do that still too :D Our "racoon republic" even does politics with parties etc ;) somewhat weird ... (it started with me having a faction of space racoons back 2002 in a multiuserstrategy game...)


Did any of you try out Roleplaying games? Like D&D or RuneQuest? This is fun and I do it since my early teens ;)

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Thanks for the replies. It's helpful to know I'm not alone with this. :)


I used to play roleplaying games like Elder Scrolls and Fallout. I play less computer games now though.

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I used to, sometimes, during the moments when I was alone as a kid and my friends couldn't come over to play. Also, in his latest book of diaries, openly gay and cis author David Sedaris mentioned that, during the time when he was living alone while his partner was away on a business trip, he spent that time naming and feeding spiders that had come into his house, as though they were his pets; he described them as though each of them had different personalities, like humans.


I wonder whether it might have to do with people who are alone trying to entertain themselves.

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Lord Jade Cross

Its perfectly normal. I like to make up stories whenever I play a videogame just to take it out of it original context.

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1 minute ago, InquisitivePhilosopher said:

I used to, sometimes, during the moments when I was alone as a kid and my friends couldn't come over to play. Also, in his latest book of diaries, author David Sedaris mentioned that, during the time when he was living alone while his partner was away on a business trip, he decided to name and feed the spiders that were in the house, as though they were his pets.


I wonder whether it might have to do with people who are alone trying to entertain themselves by inventing stories.

In my case, I'm very much isolated currently. I live with family but have no local friends and don't get out much. What you say makes a lot of sense. I could never fit in so gave up entirely! My aim now is to talk to people I can at least relate to.

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I give my dog a voice with Julia Child's vowel and the enthusiastic expressiveness of Unikitty from the Lego movie.


I imagine spiders are like little spes trying to escape my neuroic arachnophobic mother's line of sight.


I give my guinea pig Nerds a voice like he's an anxious gamer whose console disconnected seconds before winning because he always seems desperate to go back to his pigloo.


I give my other guinea pig Snickers a voice like the baby from Dinosaurs. Cause he gets what he wants when he wants cause he's cute.


It's a quirky thing to do when I'm bored.

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