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Hi! Homoromantic Asexual


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Hi, I am 53 and only found out about asexuality this year, and it was a great relief to know I wasn't alone.

Around twenty years ago I gave up sex. Despite never being greatly interested in sex, in the previous dozen or so years I had had sex with a bunch of guys and a couple of women. It seemed expected, it was just what people did. I don't recall the sex itself being unpleasant, but I never seemed to get out of it what others did. When I saw how much my partners got out of it I felt different, like there was something wrong with me. It was very isolating. In spite of my partners often seeming quite loving afterwards, the lonliest times I can recall in my life were lying in bed with someone I had just had sex with. That my partners seemed to have had a great time, and were unaware of how I felt, often left me feeling used, even on occassion abused. I couldn't talk about it at the time because it was like sex had opened up such a gulf between us.

I haven't really been able to talk about these feelings over the years because I never really understood them myself, and it seemed so outside the norm. I have been perfectly happy over the years living alone and socialising with friends but so much seems to revolve around sex and relationships I have always feel like an outsider. I often think it would be nice to meet a guy like me. We could do all the stuff that couples do aprt from the sex. It would be nice, but as I said I am perfectly happy as I am.

Anyway it's been great to discover that there is nothing wrong with me and that I am not alone.

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Hi Iggy and welcome to AVEN! Whenever I read a description like yours...it helps me to understand better how my husband might have been feeling all those years he was compromising with me. I suspect it wasn't like that every single time, but enough of the time to make him feel isolated and out of sinc like you. Thanks for sharing your story and I hope you love being a member of this awesome community! :)


Happy almost Halloween!

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Hi and welcome! There's bound to be people here you can find to talk to; you might like to try the Australian meet up mart :)


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