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Aghhh I'm frustrated and kind of upset


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I'm worried. I'm dating someone who's Demisexual and they love me and I love them and I'm honestly not worried about them pressuring me into anything or that kind of thing and they've said they're 100% fine that sex isn't a part of our relationship I'm just worried and extremely scared it won't be enough like Kay I've had super low self esteem forever and it's been getting a lot better but in the whole asexual regard in just extremely scared I won't be enough and our relationship isn't enough and one day this will all end because I'm fucking stupid and don't like sex.

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Like obviously it's a paranoia but it's probably my biggest fear to be honest I don't know I doubt it I don't know though

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Well they've told me more than once it's super okay I just get paranoid about it once in a while yknow and and I do trust them more then anything I just get worried

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I agree with Teagan on this. The most you can do is know who you are, communicate with your partner and accept/trust what they tell you. It might be easier for them to not desire sex you because they knew early on that you don't want/would like it.

You seem to have a great relationship so far where you both know what the other is comfortable with. If they do desire it one day, just be honest and talk about it. Communication is amazing^-^! As for worrying about the future... I don't really know how to change that. Try to live for now and realize how well things are going for you! Love triumphs all. if you both love each other, it should be easier to overcome issues in the future. Good luck:D

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Honestly? I think most human beings on the planet are worried that in some way or another they arent enough for their partner, asexuals arent a special case necissarily. Sexual people have a whole shit load of other worries haha. If you are meant to be together then I promise, you are enough. To the right person the sun will always shine out your ass no matter what :)

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I'm demi/grey ace, but swing more towards the asexual and repulsed side. You should believe that your partner is okay with not having sex. Most demis and greys are okay with not having sex for the rest of their lives. Really, they can adapt either way, as long as the relationship doesn't hinge on sex. They are extremely unlikely to cheat on you ever, since they need an emotional bond before getting those feelings. Just remember: communication is key, telling your partner about the underlying fears will help your relationship.

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When I made this i felt rly paranoid, even though I knew it was all okay, but to put it all to rest in my head i talked to my partner and we came to a compromise so its guaranteed to never be an issue, and yeah im great now, thank you so much everyone, but one thing I would rly like to delete this topic and I dont know?

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