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Sexual vs Allosexual


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Why would you say "sexual asexual" I mean whatever floats your boat, but hVe you ever heard (and I believe this is quoted on AVEN's front page if I'm not mistaken) that sexual behavior does not equal sexual orientation. That means you can have sex and still be asexual. So why go around saying sexual asexual? You aren't sexual, you're an asexual who does sexual acts. But again, say whatever makes you feel comfortable, just thought I'd add my input :)

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"allosexuel" is already used in french as "non-heterosexual". The generalized use of "allosexual" for "non-asexual" will give the french "allosexuel" two different meanings.

Hehe. The French language does its best to bust our label choices like that, doesn't it? Just like with celibate vs. célibataire. :D

From French célibat, from Latin caelibatus, perfect passive participle of caelibare, from caelebs (unmarried). (wiktionary)

When you stole a label from french only to destroy its meaning, it is not our fault. You already done that to the word "label"… :P

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and there's nothing wrong or grammatically incorrect with non-asexual... it's just a very clumsy way of saying sexual.

It's a double negative. Double negatives are grammatically incorrect, which is why I can't stand it.

anasexual isn't good?

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Anasexual? Is that someone who is sexually attracted to people with the name Ana?

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Anasexual? Is that someone who is sexually attracted to people with the name Ana?

a + sexual = asexual

a + asexual = anasexual

the n being there only because asexual is starting by a vowel and a- become an- before a vowel.

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