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Anyone have a Personality Disorder?



  1. 1. Do you have a personality disorder?

    • Yes
    • No
    • No, but I have something else.

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I'm in a bit of a hard spot, because I've been diagnosed with OCD, social anxiety, and a few phobias but my mom won't count them as valid diagnoses. She won't take me back to a therapist either, so I'll have to wait for 3 more years until I really can go get help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
& I'm a heretic

I suffer depression and anxiety. Self-diagnosed, not sure of technical terms.

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I'm not very comfortable speaking in particulars, but I've been professionally diagnosed with OCD/OCPD, and several phobias (I've been working on, overcame one last month! :cake:). Those are the only things I feel "confident" in attesting to. I've seen many different therapists since I was a kid, I've had a problem with being truthful about my symptoms, I lied a lot - to the point that looking back on it, it's hard for me to tell the truth from fiction myself. Under those conditions though, I was diagnosed with ASPD, and Schizoid PD was mentioned by my last therapist.

I go through cycles of wanting to figure out why I act the way I do, and then not caring that I do.

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Doctors have said I have borderline PD, schizoid PD and paranoid PD

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Dobos Torte

I have an "unspecified personality disorder / personality disorder not otherwise classified"; as it features no more than one feature from each of these, and that one would be sensitivity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This One Is Blue

I have OCD, anxiety disorder, and I was depressed several years ago.

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Anyway, I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 17. But now I think I might be more OCPD than anything else. My therapist is unsure, since I just switched therapists a few weeks ago and he doesn't know me well enough to make a diagnosis. My obsessions are with planning and the future. I just changed my major for school, and not being certain about the future and not being in total control has triggered my psychotic disorder (schizoaffective) because I deal that poorly with unraveled ends.

I also have PTSD from a house fire, which presents with severe dissociation, and like I said before, schizoaffective.

EDIT: Just talked this over with my therapist, and she said it looks like I likely have both OCD and OCPD. Lovely. My therapist, parents, and friends, literally cannot stand my obsession with details and the future. It's really annoying. I just want to plan my relationships in advance, but nobody really seems to care but me. Even little things, like outings with my friends, I become panicked if we stray from the itinerary. I try to be a good Daoist (I have been Daoist since high school) and say that nothing can be known for certain in advance, so planning is useless, but I can't take that to heart. I simply am an obsessive-compulsive planner. And it's starting to really bother *me* because if anything goes wrong, I have a complete mental breakdown. I see my planning skills as a gift, but the outcome of them being not followed to a T is a curse.

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  • 2 months later...

Avoidant Personality Disorder. Undiagnosed of course, but it's often undiagnosed and from what I've heard pretty rare (perhaps because of our unwillingness to get diagnosed, or just be open about it?). We don't seek help lightly.

Trust me, I'd love to be a snow flake but not an avoidant snow flake. It's not the same as Social Anxiety, because you don't have to feel anxiety to have it. You just have to feel utterly, utterly worthless to the point you can't interact with other people because you feel so very, very unworthy and ashamed of yourself and you're so convinced that nobody likes you and never could (For who could ever love...a beast?). Hypersensitivity, fear of negative evaluation, bottomless pessimism, an empty hole where the self esteem should be.

I used to think I had social anxiety and I would trade this for social anxiety if I could. Or I'd rather be a soiciopath. If you're gonna have a personality disorder you might as well have one that means you don't give a damn what anybody thinks and makes you more succesful in life. Sociopaths do well, I've heard. Until they kill somebody.

I really had to stop myself from turning this into an essay but I wasn't too succesful. This is something I really want to be better known, because there seems to be little information on the subject (No support forums!) and much misunderstanding.

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I have a diagnosis of Asperger's from when I was about nine. These days, no psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker I speak to for the first time expects it. I've learned most of the social behaviors that I didn't pick up naturally as a kid. You have to get to know me quite well, and then the diagnosis just explains a few quirks.

I'm also currently taking meds for depression and ADD traits not quite severe enough for a full diagnosis of ADD.

If my mother hadn't raised me so well, I'd easily qualify for antisocial/dissocial personality disorder. I'd also probably be in prison or a mental institution by now.

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I've always thought I was schizoid or avoidant, but I selected "no" because I definitely try not to self-diagnose. But I definitely think it makes sense, and it would explain much of my personality and my problems with anxiety, but I don't think it's necessarily disruptive of my life, so I'm not really interested in doing anything about it. Not yet, at least. I would only be interested in doing something about my anxiety, seeing as it's hindering my ability and willingness to get a job.

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I've never been formally diagnosed with anything, as my family has a history of mental illnesses, personality disorder, drug addiction, and all that other fun stuff. So my mum has never really let me see someone about anything, I think mostly for the fear of my developing an addiction, but could be very well other things. But, if I was a trained professional, and could actually diagnose myself I would have to say Avoidant Personality disorder(For example, if I'm in the care with my own grandma, I won't speak, and if I do, it's rare. Because I feel like when I do, she completely disagrees, dismisses, and thinks I'm an even more failure than I've already proven to be~Which generally leads to me feeling extremely nervous and crappy for hours). When I first discovered it, it was like having a weight lifted, to know that there's a reason for the way I am. (and the same for asexy, and genderqueer. :3) as for other diagnoses, clincal depression, social phobia, EDNOS(Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified~ For me it's bulimia, but it has not been long term enough to fit into the bulimia catagory) That's pretty well it, unless I have some crazy underlying thing that I don't see. . .

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I'd rather be in band.

I think that there should be a "not sure" option for people whom don't want to diagnose themselves, don't have a medical professional available, but seem to have all of the symptoms. I personally fit under that category. I don't want to diagnose myself, but I seem to fit the bill exactly for one of the disorders.

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No, but I have other stuff going on. Diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia. It's not as bad as it initially sounds; I'm doing very well on medication and I only start to get symptoms again if I am really stressed about something. But I do have some trouble understanding many kinds of social interaction and so on, and it appears to have taken a toll on my total cognitive ability and IQ (I'm still brilliant ;) but not like I used to be).

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No, but I have other things goin' on.

I was recently administered the MMPI (I read the info on the Wikipedia page and it is correct, so no dissing the link!) and only scored high on the introversion scale. Everything else was pretty much standard.

I have ADHD issues (though that's sometimes disputed amongst doctors because my attention issues relate to sensory things) and I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum or maybe PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder - not otherwise specified). I'm still trying to get a diagnosis, because the doctor that was supposed to test me (who wasn't an autism specialist) just tested me for cognitive functioning and psychological stuff. -__-

I have some generalized anxiety stuff that only results in procrastination and temporary avoidance. Once I realize I'm procrastinating or avoiding, I take steps to stop. It's not too much of an issue these days.

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I don't think I have a personality disorder but I don't know anything about them. I think I have depression but I can't get diagnosed until I move out because my parents don't believe me as usual. Though I think they just don't want to pay for another medication and I don't blame them for that (one of them is around $300 for 3 months) but I wish they would listen to me and believe what I say rather than make up excuses or tell me I'm wrong. Then we could work through it together until I could see a doctor or someone about it rather that deny it.

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  • 3 months later...

Nope, but some people think I have borderline personality disorder. :P

I'm just an irritable depressed person with a big ego and sociopathic tendencies haha.

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I've seen some very curious answers. What I wonder is where is the line between a serious mental problem and just some's personality? I feel as if that's not talked about enough, but of course, that's just my opinion.

As for myself, yes I do fall under one or more of these. Which ones, I will not say.

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Yes, I have "avoidant personality disorder", which has been present since childhood. I shun a lot of social situations and have always been totally unable to let people get close to me, physically or empathetically. Mind, if you read DSM-V half the book applies to me!!

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This poll is being locked and moved to the read only Census archive for it's respective year. As part of ongoing Census organization, and in an attempt to keep the demographics of the polls current with the active user base at the time, the polls will last for one year from now on. However, members are allowed and even encouraged to re-start new polls similar to the archived ones if they like them.

Lady Girl, Moderator

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