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NaNoWriMo 2013

The Great WTF

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I was planning to plan a few different stories during this year's NaNo actually :lol: cos I hadn't got round to planning something in advance ready for it, and didn't get very far at all last year when I attempted to write without anything more than the vaguest idea before the start of November.

I dunno...I'll see how adventurous I feel in the morn, I guess. I'll do a lil more planning tonight then get some sleep, maybe dream about my story :lol:

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I have a feeling that I'm going to abandon every idea I've been thinking of the minute midnight hits and just pants the thing (which is okay with me).

I've actually got a few interesting ideas about a story that would fit a genre I know barely anything about (which I'm going to count as a good thing because I won't be tempted to rip off of more popular stuff or feel too stuck in that genre to do certain things or feel like I MUST adhere to certain tropes). I'm probably going to use the characters I've been playing with and see how they fit in there which will be interesting because I'm basically transporting them from one completely different idea to another. I tend to suck at character development when I write the way I usually do, but this seems to work well.

I have a bag of candy that should last me through tonight (plus multiple other sources of sugar and caffeine) and a plan to get more candy tomorrow.

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I really liked your God idea you mentioned earlier in this thread, Tea...

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Maybe next year then? Perhaps you'll get ideas for characters that'll make that one work once you've used your current ones up :lol:

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And so it begins... NaNo is upon us. Our pens are in our hands, our keyboards are in our laps (or on our desks). It is time to set forth and begin the 50,000 word journey of novel-writing discovery!

Let us journey forth, fellow writers! And we shall meet up... at the end!

*is far too perky fro 5:40am.*

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The Great WTF

It's only 10:55 here and there's got to be 30 at thos kickoff party. The servers apparently thought this was a prank so they didn't prepare for us and panicked when we got here.

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Great thing about working late shift? I got done at precisely midnight. And, then, of course I went home, wrote out about twenty words and remembered all the stuff that needs to get done before I leave for the weekend (mine starts tonight). But when I'm done, I'll be right back at writing! Plus my work gave us all Halloween candy, so I've got sugar... Hurray for November!

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It's only 7am now and I've already hit my daily target, with 1,700 words. Not a bad start, which means any extra I do today is less I have to do tomorrow. Though I will stick to the daily targets so I don't fall behind on quiet days. :D

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I finished a little over 1667 words which makes me happy because I can spend the rest of the day getting ahead after I go to bed. I'm attempting a 5k day one goal and I should get right back into writing the minute I wake up.

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It's only 7am now and I've already hit my daily target, with 1,700 words.

I finished a little over 1667 words ... I'm attempting a 5k day one goal

:blink: :o ... :unsure::ph34r:

Umm...I have a plan for a starting point and I'm sorting profiles for my first 4 characters...96 words so far that make up the brief description of the first chapter. Dunno how many I can turn that into with detail...

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*laughs* I'm aiming for 15k by midnight and I didn't start writing until 8AM. This needs serious remedying.

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*twitch.* Must... resist... competitive impulse...

*also watches as The Great WTF passes her.* ACK!

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Write! Write! Any impulse to get words on the screen is a good impulse. You've got a good head start for the month, too.

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Well I was content with the daily target but when I saw you stream ahead I had to fight my way through the dust. I am impressed you're getting so much done on just day one.

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830 words. yes i am procrastinating. oh god its only day one. Only day one. I need to do this. I've bragged about it too much. I've told too many people I'm attempting to Nano.

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Grace, I'm getting this much done because I'm trying to finish by the eighth. I need at least a day's head start in the first day, which is 13k, so I might as well go for the full 15k.

Piplup, the only person's word count I'm motivated by is my sister's. Everyone else I'll cheer on whether or not they're ahead or behind me but I will race my sister always. :P

Anime Adventure, it's great that you're loving your story so far! It makes it easier to write it.

Bookworm, bragging is the best way to stay in the NaNo challenge. I always tell as many people as I can my goal so that I can't make it easier.

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O_O You're trying to finish by the 8th!?

I've had to give up for one night. My brain ran out of steam and I was coming out with rubbish. Plus the scene I'm working on needs completely redrafting because the original is pretty lame so I need to bring it up to scratch, so I need to sleep and ponder how I'm going to make it work.

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Decided to join NaNoWriMo this year!

Haven't written anything yet but at least I finally figured out WHAT to write - I decided to finally start writing a story I've been planning in my head for about 5-6 years now. Each time I've tried to write it before I've just never liked anything, so I'm hoping this time will be different :)

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Yup. My personal best is nine days (Camp NaNo 2013) and I decided I was going to beat that. I'm not brave enough for 50kDay yet, though.

Yeah, sleep can bring a good fresh perspective to a writing project. Sleep well and rest those fingers.

Welcome to the madness, apsychogirl! Very best of luck and hopefully you finally get that story on paper (or screen, if you prefer).

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Wow, impressive. I finished Camp about ten days before the end and got up to 60k, so I'm aiming to do the same. Luckily I have two weeks off work so I have plenty of time to boost my word count.

Also, I found this in my FB feed that someone in my region had posted. Thought people might like it too.

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3 minutes before midnight in my time zone, and I just got my words in for the day - 1664. 3 shy of the goal, but it felt done at that point. I know where I want my story to go, but I just let the writing go where it felt like, what I felt like writing at the time. And I like it so far, but I did randomly create a couple of characters who I probably won't end up keeping around for very long.

Oh, hey, can we talk about programs we're using? I'm using Zen Writer, I like it because you can choose to use a dark background and light text, and it keeps a word count at the bottom of the screen, when you move the mouse (everything but the story goes away after a few seconds). It helps me focus a lot, highly recommend.

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I just use Microsoft Word. I have my document set to a book-size page to help me keep track of the lengths of my paragraphs, since I used to have a habit of doing REALLY LONG paragraphs just because one or two lines on an A4 page just looked too small. I also like Word because it has a comments option so I can leave notes for myself in the margins, which I can easily track back to and refer to if anything needs altering.

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That's something I can never do, write beyond 50k. For some reason all my novels wrap up neatly just before or just after the 50 mark. I wouldn't mind them being longer but they never are.

I write using Scrivener. I got hooked on it some years back and use it for everything now, from my novels to my transcript. It's great for organizing more complicated projects because you just click and drag the scenes around. And it has a nice pop out window that keeps track of how far I've gotten on my daily and my monthly goal.

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I struggle to write anything within that limit. Most of my novels are well over 100k. it's why I'm rubbish at short stories. how can you fit anything in???? @__@

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I'm rubbish at anything lower than 30k and I struggle even with that. 50k seems to be my sweet spot.

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I'm actually using google docs. It autosaves and I can push a few buttons to figure out the word count. I also have a few comments that I'm able to add for later (such as when chapters end or stuff like that).

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