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Agreed. I personally dislike cis- and trans- as labels because I don't see why it is anybody's business what happens before the here and now. However I get why, in trans circles they can be useful to make a needed distinction. But in every day life? To me, not needed.

If you guys want the world to know that there are hundreds of ways to be, then why the hell wouldn't you label "the default"? By labelling the "norm", you'd equal it to the "abnormalities", making it easier to reach your goal. But if you don't label the norm, you're just reaffirming the idea that it is the "norm" or the "default", which to me seems incredibly stupid, considering the things you people have said on here.

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I respectfully disagree. I know a lot of trans people who are stealth. In a lot of circumstances there's no need to disclose and in fact, disclosure reinfoces the idea that the 'abnornality' isn't the norm.

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I respectfully disagree. I know a lot of trans people who are stealth. In a lot of circumstances there's no need to disclose and in fact, disclosure reinfoces the idea that the 'abnornality' isn't the norm.

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. What I was saying was that either you label everything or you label nothing. I mean, if you label cis-, you label trans-, but if you label neither, that's fine, too.

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