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Work in STEM? Feel like taking a quick survey?


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Hey everyone,

If you work in STEM ( = "science, technology, engineering, or mathematics") and identify as LGBTQA (where, yes, that "A" does stand for "asexual"!), there's a University of Minnesota survey currently running on LGBTQA science workplace issues: http://www.queerstem.org/p/take-survey.html. Graduate students count, as do people without a STEM degree who are working in a STEM field, but undergraduates do not. I'm mostly ridiculously excited that they included "asexual" as one of the survey options, but it's also important and interesting data. It seems pretty US-centric, but they do have international options, and nowhere on the site/survey does it state that respondents have to be American or work in America.



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Bugger, I'm still studying for my bachelor's in computer engineering. I guess I don't count. :(

The survey looks pretty interesting though. I'm tempted to take it anyway, but I'm afraid it might skew the results if a number of other people have my own same brilliant idea. Nevertheless, very glad of seeing it up and running, and I hope a good number of people will participate!

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It sounds interesting. I am sure that asexuality will appear as an option on many surveys more frequently as the years go by and awareness is raised.

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Lord Happy Toast

This is a belated announcement that this has been approved by AVEN's project team.

--Lord Happy Toast, AVEN Project Team

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