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Demi Romance

Nomad in Stasis

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Nomad in Stasis

Now I have seen a few people talk about how demi romance makes no sense or sounds like it can't be real, so i figured I would post this here to get a few thoughts together.

I will start off with the fact that I identify as demi-romantic. To me, it means that I do not experience romantic attraction all of the time but just some or most of the time, for me, most. Sometimes I find that I just feel kind of aromantic and I do not want any romance. For most people and for myself, it takes knowing someone for a short or long while before they can experience a romantic attraction. I am the same way. At this time, I don't have much else to add.

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My identifying as demiromantic is rather tentative because I (as far as I can tell) haven't fallen in love with anyone but I can imagine that I could if I got to know the person first. I don't really see myself as being able to fall in love with someone without getting to know them first. I have experienced platonic friendship sort of love a few times which is what leads me to being able to imagine that that love could lead to something a bit more although honestly I don't know if I'll recognize it as such when I do.

I sometimes wonder if I'm aromantic (although I do hope that I'm not because I would like to be able to experience romantic love) but several things have prevented me from identifying as such. I form very strong attachments with friends, bordering on onesided romantic attachment. I am a very sensual person in that I love and crave cuddling and even though I know that aros can experience that it's hard for me to separate cuddling from loving feelings just as a sexual might have trouble separating love and sex. My final reason for refusing to identify as aro is that I have a mental block against it. So for now I identify as demiromantic and hope to continue to do so.

That's my take on my demiromanticism, anyway...

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I am also not sure if the demiromantic label fits me. "Love at first sight" just confuses me, and getting to know someone before falling in love makes sense. Acebook freaked me out a little because you put your "interested in" right on your profile; I have mine as "just pals," because the idea of someone contacting me in hopes of romantic commitment freaks me out.

Then again, there was the time I fell in love with a girl the moment she said the words "Diana Wynne Jones," and I'd known her for less than an hour. So maybe it isn't so much that I experience little romantic attraction as that I'm attracted to certain things!

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I've never experienced a romantic attraction. I would be fine if I didn't. But I can see myself forming one and wouldn't be opposed to one. I think for me I would have to take it reeeeeeeeally slow in any sort of beyond-platonic relationship. If someone was attracted to me, depending on the person I would take them out on a few dates before I could determine if I reciprocate. They would have to be patient, but if it's meant to be, they will. I don't really see myself making the first move except in very select circumstances either. I understand the demi prefix to mean that you need to know someone before you experience attraction, but I could be wrong. There are varying degrees of it, and it's hard to find just the right label sometimes. So really, if you think demi is closest to your orientation, go for it.

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