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The Difference between Androgyny and Tomboyishness

Great Thief Yatagarasu

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Great Thief Yatagarasu

I really hope that I don't offend anyone with this topic.

Some of you would remember that, a while back, I began to question whether I was androgynous, or just a tomboy. I eventually settled on being a tomboy, because I know that while my personality and, to a degree, my mentality are androgynous or "boyish", I do feel like I'm more a woman than anything else. But considering that I had to do a lot of soul searching to see if I felt female or not, it was a bit of a close call. Behaviourally, I'm an androgyne, but it's not my sexual identity.

So, my question is this: What's the difference?

According to Wikipedia, an androgyne is someone who "does not fit cleanly into the typical masculine or feminine gender roles." Well, doesn't that go for most tomboys? And as for style and things, my sister has quite the angrogynous appearance, but she's not really an androgyne either, instead identifying as a bisexual girl. So, does she count and an androgyne anyway? Where is the line drawn, exactly? Am I wrong in identifying as a tomboy, because I might be an androgyne instead?

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I always thought a tomboy was a girl with boy features and an androgyne person was someone who didn't really have masculine/feminine features.

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Personally, I think that an androgyne would be someone who has a gender identity that is in between male and female or not particularly male or female. While a tomboy would be someone whose gender identity is female, but presents and acts in a male manner.

Oh, and if I may correct you: "Behaviourally, I'm an androgyne, but it's not my sexual identity." You probably mean "gender identity", because sexual identity would either relate to your biological sex or your sexual orientation -- not your gender.

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I identify as a tomboy because I am female (in both sex and gender), but I act like "one of the guys" as I have grown up around them. My brother, my cousins, my dad, my grandpa... I used to hang out with the guys at school until they started thinking stupidity was hilarious. I could go on. I had one female best friend all throughout Elementary school and I gained another during that time, but I mostly hung out with the guys. I did the things they did: wrestling, video games (I know plenty of other girls who play video games now, but when I was younger I could hardly find one that enjoyed blood shed and monster trucks in video games), spitting contests, and in general just getting my hands dirty.

As for androgynous, I thought it meant what Dorian Air said- gender identity wasn't particularly male or female.

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Tomboys primarily identify as women, girls or demigirls. Androgynes generally don't identify as any of those things. It is also possible to be a femme androgyne.

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Probably fit the category of femme androgyne. I dress mostly as my sex but I have no association with female or feminine. I feel I'm a woman and dress to my body type but can hardly tick female. I fit the category of masculine woman until I find they dress in way more male stuff, almost drag than I do. Demi- woman probably fits except for the fact I happen to like my body and have no dysphoria with it.

Most people call me tomboy because I don't act the stereotypical woman.

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